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2012 progress


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Re: not a great start to 2012 We've gone from measuring 32 MTTs and saying "Don't worry about it - its a small sample" - to looking at 1 hand??? Come on Al!! :spank:spank:spank:spank:spank I've just checked my database and I've lost, on cash tables, with Aces 23 times this year! The total cost of those 23 hands to me is a loss of $1,267.22!! Does that make you feel any better? But its ok because the rest of the time I've had Aces, I've made $3,119.48. :nana :nana And I GUARANTEE that its the same pattern for you (unless you're playing them absurdly passively or something) We all have our aces turned over. It's not a problem. It's not running bad. It's poker!

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Re: not a great start to 2012 :lol:lol i know mate,it was a frustrating night again,its not so much the aces being cracked yet again,its the way it was played,i still cant get a handle on the way some players play the hands they do especially that one,i mean come on,calling a pre flop raise with 7/2 suited??? and then call the all in? still i suppose i have answered my own question there havent i, i am tooooo nitty :unsure

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