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Software / System Builder

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Hi, I am very interested in setting up some sort of software or excel program that will help me generate weekly picks based on my own formulas, etc... Can anyone suggest any good software or templates... Even physical books anything would be good. Things I want the system to do is be fully automatically updated, i.e. no requirement for me to enter weekly results. (if such a thing exists) Anyway help a new gambler become a pro with bad choices lol. Cheers Luke

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Re: Software / System Builder What sport, events, markets ? What are your automating skills, programming languages/experience... What are you user skills, excel macro's, MySQL database user... What's your budget ? a) amount of cash for development b) amount of cash on-going, such as paid data feed c) amount of time available to create someting, total hours next 3 months d) amount of time for on-going maintenance, both software/data entry, hours per week.

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Re: Software / System Builder I've been a lurker for a while but thought I might provide some input. You have 2 options: 1. know how to code and code something up yourself. 2. Get a freeelancer to code up a specific thing. The first option takes a lot of time The second option takes a bit of money. Personally I code my own solutions becasue I can code. I suggest using free resources if you can not code to find a system that works and then pay a freelancer to code something up for you (or try and find some automated software that is out there). [...]

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Re: Software / System Builder If you're looking for full automation, I'd suggest PHP and MySQL. PHP to do things like read in results, and MySQL to store these in a database. If you're not familiar with computer programming though, the learning curve for this will be very steep. You'll also need some sort of web hosting (might have to pay for this), or the ability to set up your computer as a web server. The big advantage is that you can set up "cron jobs" to automatically read in results and keep your database up to date, so once up and running, you can just leave it to do all the work. You can also use odds feeds to get details of up and coming fixtures and put code in there to find out which fixtures fit with your systems. You can even set up cron jobs so that they send you an email every time when a new fixture shows up that fits in with your system, so all you have to do is check your e-mails and place bets. Not easy at all any of this, but there are lots of tutorials on PHP and MySQL on the web, and if you can get it working, it's the best solution for this kind of thing that I've come across.

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Re: Software / System Builder I personally use Python for every part of my betting automation. I have it using the Betfair API 24/7 to find and place bets. The automation is top to bottom and requires no interaction on my part - it tweets me when a bet is placed with the details. Basically my point is you can do it all with Python, and it's an easy language to pick up...

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Re: Software / System Builder

If you're looking for full automation, I'd suggest PHP and MySQL. PHP to do things like read in results, and MySQL to store these in a database. If you're not familiar with computer programming though, the learning curve for this will be very steep. You'll also need some sort of web hosting (might have to pay for this), or the ability to set up your computer as a web server. The big advantage is that you can set up "cron jobs" to automatically read in results and keep your database up to date, so once up and running, you can just leave it to do all the work. You can also use odds feeds to get details of up and coming fixtures and put code in there to find out which fixtures fit with your systems. You can even set up cron jobs so that they send you an email every time when a new fixture shows up that fits in with your system, so all you have to do is check your e-mails and place bets. Not easy at all any of this, but there are lots of tutorials on PHP and MySQL on the web, and if you can get it working, it's the best solution for this kind of thing that I've come across.
what exactly would you use to "read in" results? I am familiar with PHP and MySQL, but this concept i'm not familiar with. Specifically, what website would you read (are you scraping for data?), I thought PHP could only access files on your own server?
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Re: Software / System Builder A topic very close to my heart. Anyone know the best hosting company for this type of automation between local and the web? I'm primarily concerned about mirroring a local DB on to the web automatically, or having scripts running on the webserver to do the job and negate the local->web manual transfer part.

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Re: Software / System Builder

what exactly would you use to "read in" results? I am familiar with PHP and MySQL' date=' but this concept i'm not familiar with. Specifically, what website would you read (are you scraping for data?), I thought PHP could only access files on your own server?[/quote'] PHP can read web-pages. If you google "file_get_contents", it's fairly easy to read in the contents of a web page, and then "scrape" this to get the info you need. If you are doing this though, I wouldn't recommend running this job too often as the site might realise you are doing this and block your server's IP address. Other than scraping, there are some feeds that contain results, though a lot of these you have to pay for.
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Re: Software / System Builder

Get data from football-data.co.uk and use If statements in excel to develop a system. At least that's what I've done. :D
From a beginners aspect this seams the most suitable. Could you send me your excel template, my email is removed cos i had some explicit emails from some back door burgalar sites... Currently running a 3 no of doubles per week and split winnings by 3 to use as future stakes. After 3 weeks, i started at 2.50 a double now up to 13.00 a double. Picks for this weeks.. Dundee and Charlton - £13.00 Stake - £35.00 Return Burnley and Leicester - £13.00 Stake - £50.00 Return 3rd Double to be choosen...
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