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PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 10 on 7th November - €3k added


PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 10 on 7th November - €3k added  

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    • Maybe, im not sure if i qualify

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Re: PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 8 on 24th October - €3k added It's raining outside so the best place to view fireworks tonight is on Unibet's virtual green baise. There's absolutely feck all on the telly. You've more chance of your aces holding up tonight than being on a promise and she'll/he'll still be warm when you get to bed. With a double pointer still to come, literally anyone can still win. It's a long walk to the pub and a pint will cost more than the tournament. What better reason to play this fun event and pick up some cash? 44 voted to play this series, lets be having you (oh dear.. delia has a lot to answer for) :\

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Re: PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 8 on 24th October - €3k added

Cheers for posting screenshot Al just spent 15 mins trying to find a decent resizer site as picbite seems to have ceased and imageshack have gone a bit shit :ok
np mate and well played tonight, try picoodle :ok
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Re: PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 10 on 7th November - €3k added can we get an update on the table please :ok and as i said in earlier post, it would be great if everyone could turn out for the last game and show some support for PL and Unibet for a great league prize and maybe we will get another one

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Re: PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 10 on 7th November - €3k added Table updated in post 1 and andy bell takes a big lead going into the final double pointer next week. It looks to be a 2-horse race with andy bell and SteveO fighting it out but maybe a shock is in store next week....can anyone catch andy bell - we shall see!

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Re: PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 10 on 7th November - €3k added Just 6 registered for this tonight so far which im disappointed at to be honest. Regardless of wether you can win the league, we need your support:hope Unibet have given us an amazing package here and for the sake of £4 im hoping we can at least reach 10 players, please, if you can, join in the last game.:sad

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