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PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 10 on 7th November - €3k added


PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 10 on 7th November - €3k added  

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    • YES
    • NO
    • Maybe, im not sure if i qualify

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Re: PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 1 on 5th Sept - €3k added

cant see the game for the 5th sept only one i see on unibet at the mo is ther sept 9th game ? is this then the first one instead of a game on the 5th sept ?
I've fired off an email now to see if we can get it changed, if not, we can start a week later and make it 9 weeks league instead.
What happend if i buy you 2 Drinks morlspin? ;)
you'd be £10 lighter, and still have to post up 17 more times before playing:p
Graeme, a reminder that Unibet have this down as the 9th as mentioned previously. any chance we can get this changed in time for tomorrow,dont really want to be playing on a Friday night. cheers :ok
Email sent:ok
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Re: PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 1 on 5th Sept - €3k added

I have min 25 posts can i have pass please now?
You were told not to spam, yet running around and posting anything. I have just deleted 5 posts and will do so if you wont stop. I can asure you you wont get to tonights game, so come down, post something decent over week and you will join next week.
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Re: PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 1 on 5th Sept - €3k added Lucky111 I've gone through your posts and deleted a few more, please listen and follow what you have been told as of this moment on. If you dont, we will have no option but to ban you from the forum. If you want to stick around, join in and play our games, then by all means do so, post up, help out and dont be shy.

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Re: PL Exclusive - Unibet Open Package Promotion - Leg 1 on 5th Sept - €3k added Was fairly sure that I wouldn't get back from work until after 8pm tonight, so I missed the first one with the password being sent out today :\ Good Luck to all and see you next week :ok

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