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Becoming a pro poker player


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Hi I have been playing on and off for years. I have recently built up a decent bank role playing mixed tournes and cash, live and on line but only part time. I am so bored of my full time job and find it gets in the way of playing so i have decided to play for a living. Are there any full time players on here?? If so can you give me any starting tips etc.... Thanks Rich.

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Re: Becoming a pro poker player Dont think there's many if any on here making 2k a month. I make £3-£400 a month of a very skinny bankroll only playing money added tournies and low stakes cash. But thats not what you want.(believe me) There are some higher buyin tournies with a fair bit of overlay and weak fields due to the sites giving away tickets to them, but not enough to make a living I think All this means you are going to have to be better than the average bear. From what I've seen live cash looks crushable if you have the bankroll. I suggested to Nade on here that if you live anywere near any live tournies or festivals the side cash games are worth tracking down, in fact dont the likes of Phil Ivey do that on a bigger scale.

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Re: Becoming a pro poker player Thanks for your advice. i do play a local reg cash game and i play mostly live?? dont really play much on line so i am after some advice on the best sites to play on etc.... Do u use card runners on anything like that? I have never used them but i am told they are good. Thanks again Rich.

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Re: Becoming a pro poker player Kind of depends how old you are, if you have wife and kids then giving up a sound career would be a bad thing to do but if you're free to do what you like then go for it. I play for a living, haven't had too good a year partly as games are tougher but much my own fault. You really have to study and learn much more away from the felt these days. It's all relative though, to be a pro you just need to be able to pay all over-heads, have a BR and disposable income. If you can do all these then going Pro will work.

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Re: Becoming a pro poker player Got some really sound advise about career changes recently. In short its never too late to change and follow a dream, you may not earn the same as a regular job but your home life/family life will improve ( Im sure morlspin will echo those comments with his job changes over the last few years). slightly different with poker with the ups and downs. Work hard and bank roll managment is key, Good luck and keep us updated.

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Re: Becoming a pro poker player 10k? nowhere near enough. if you're earning 2k a month, well done but it could be very easy for you to lose 2k a week 1 month into your opening spell as a pro. If you lose now you have your salary covering you, if you lose when you're a pro you lose...end of. Things to remember, professional poker player won't go down well on a mortgage application, credit card application or even getting a mobile phone. If you look at the vast majority of "pros" have a big score to their name AND a sponsorship deal. My advice is to keep playing how you're playing, build a bank roll of 50k then think about it. Good luck whatever you decide though.

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Re: Becoming a pro poker player Thanks all for your honest replys. i have done alot of thinking over xmas and i have decided to drop to 2 1/2 days a week at work, starting January and play poker part time also, with a view to giving up work within the next 6 months and playing poker full time. Most of my time will be taken by playing the cash game at my local casino in birmingham and i intend on competing in one of the UK Poker tours. The weakest part of my game is internet poker. I think this is because i get bored playing on the internet and like the banter of a live game. I also find it very hard to pick up "tells" on line. This is def something i will work at. Changing the subject slightly, has anyone read Devil fishes new book??? I am half way through and it is fantastic. He has definately had an interesting life!!!!

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Re: Becoming a pro poker player

The weakest part of my game is internet poker. I think this is because i get bored playing on the internet and like the banter of a live game. I also find it very hard to pick up "tells" on line.
That's interesting. The new generation of players often say the reverse, that Live is too slow and boring and online is fast and exciting. Either way I think Internet poker is something you should consider working on. In terms of pure money you can see 5 times more hands per hour multi tabling then live. And it keeps your brain sharp with constant decisions. Of course that also means you can lose more at a faster rate lol What limits do you play live?
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