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Dash to Supernova


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Okay so now it's the holidays for me giving me more time for poker. Had 60+k VPPs before the start of December, and with a session or two I now have around 72k VPPs. Somehow I can now cope with many more tables than I previously could (10-14), so it popped into my head to give supernova a shot and grab the bonuses along the way. With my current schedule I estimate I have around 18 days left for the month, and with my current balance of 71993.10 VPPs, I need 28006.90 more VPPs, which means an average of ~1556VPPs per day:eek Okay so this might not be too interesting to you guys, but I thought I would just post in here to give myself that little bit of extra motivation to reach supernova. I do have other commitments so will just be playing as much poker as I can off it. So here goes! Current VPP Balance: 71993.10 VPPs Days remaining: 18 Required VPPs/day (average): 1556

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Re: Dash to Supernova Thanks for all the well wishes, greatly appreciate it!:clap Sadly I've got to put in way longer than six hours on certain days as I won't have much free time on some days. Found my near limit to be 12 tables. That's the point where I do get sat out at a couple of tables when I encounter a tough decision so that is probably my limit till I can cope better with more pressure. Put in a short session just now. Updated stats: Current VPP Balance: 73041.49 VPPs Days remaining: 17 Required VPPs/day (average): 1586 Might put in another session later during the UCL matches. On a side note, have been running at 2.02BB/100 over 16k hands and am still 5 buy-ins under EV, so hopefully this is a good sign of things to come:hope

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Re: Dash to Supernova Another one... makes me have some respect for those grinders (fpppro or not) who have been doing this week in, week out for the past few years. Will put in another session after lunch. Current VPP Balance: 75465.79VPPs Days remaining: 16 Required VPPs/day (average): 1533

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Re: Dash to Supernova Thanks morls. This was the hand I was talking about: Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em $0.20 Ante - 9 players - View hand 1068264

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

SB: $100.00

Hero (BB): $269.30

UTG: $99.35

UTG+1: $415.10

UTG+2: $216.05

MP1: $99.95

MP2: $250.00

CO: $122.85

BTN: $128.45

MP2 posts a big blind ($1)

Pre Flop: ($4.30) Hero is BB with 6 of clubs 3 of clubs

4 folds, MP2 checks, 3 folds, Hero checks

Flop: ($4.30) 5 of clubs 7 of hearts A of spades(2 players)

Hero bets $3, MP2 calls $3

Turn: ($10.30) T of hearts(2 players)

Hero checks, MP2 checks

River: ($10.30) 4 of spades(2 players)

Hero checks, MP2 bets $6.75, Hero raises to $26, MP2 raises to $219.80 all in

This opponent is not a reg and we had no previous dynamics. What would you put him on? Would you have played it any differently?

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Re: Dash to Supernova He was in the BB so in theory could have any hand He calls your small bet on the flop. possibly waiting for his strait draw? He hits the river harder than you and maybe has the 68o? Or he could have hit the river softer than you and has 23o and only called the flop with a gutshot strait draw? Id have called and he would have had 68o:wall

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Re: Dash to Supernova possibly 2 pair, as Morlspin says,he could have anything. my initial thoughts are A/5 but possibly has a low pair and hits trips on the flop and is waiting on you to do all the betting. or another scenario he has nothing and is trying to scare you off the pot. either way i call and what will be will be.

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Re: Dash to Supernova Unless i'm seeing things... we only lose to 68 here? If he can have 68, he can have 23. I'd call and not even think about it, before or after. If even Tea is saying "either way i call and what will be will be." then that's all you need to know. I've never heard him so mellow over a hand ;). I need to say if this is even right to contemplate folding the stone second nuts vs a random donks river shove who's posted BB OOP then full ring is even worse than i ever knew. At 6max random donks turn up with literally the most random combination of cards, i've seen the most crazy stuff in these spots. but if at full ring this is only ever the nuts from a fish. then lol at fullring. sorry.

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Re: Dash to Supernova Thanks guys. I actually reversed the hands this time round; this is the original hand: Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em $0.20 Ante - 9 players - View hand 1068264

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

SB: $100.00

Hero (BB): $269.30

UTG: $99.35

UTG+1: $415.10

UTG+2: $216.05

MP1: $99.95

MP2: $250.00

CO: $122.85

BTN: $128.45

MP2 posts a big blind ($1)

Pre Flop: ($4.30) Hero is BB with 6 of clubs 8 of clubs

4 folds, MP2 checks, 3 folds, Hero checks

Flop: ($4.30) 5 of clubs 7 of hearts A of spades(2 players)

Hero bets $3, MP2 calls $3

Turn: ($10.30) T of hearts(2 players)

Hero checks, MP2 checks

River: ($10.30) 4 of spades(2 players)

Hero bets $6.75, MP2 raises to $26, Hero raises to $265.10 all in, MP2 calls $219.80 all in

Main reason being I wanted to see what most people would do here when deep without introducing any bias. I definitely would not have posted this if we were only 100 big blinds deep. I would have to say that, I would still call too, and whatever will be will be:tongue2 Current VPP Balance: 77704.73VPPs Days remaining: 14 Required VPPs/day (average): 1592.51

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Re: Dash to Supernova Another hand guys. This time I made a move on the river and got called by top pair good kicker after some tanking. Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - View hand 1070593

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UTG+1: $108.65

UTG+2: $111.90

MP1: $102.50

MP2: $133.60

Hero (CO): $189.75

BTN: $104.00

SB: $123.90

BB: $107.00

UTG: $181.55

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is CO with 8 of clubs 8 of hearts

5 folds, Hero raises to $3, BTN raises to $10, 2 folds, Hero calls $7

Flop: ($21.50) 5 of spades 9 of spades Q of clubs(2 players)

Hero checks, BTN bets $17, Hero calls $17

Turn: ($55.50) 7 of hearts(2 players)

Hero checks, BTN checks

River: ($55.50) 7 of spades(2 players)

Hero checks, BTN bets $20, Hero raises to $162.75 all in, BTN calls $57 all in

Final Pot: $209.50

Hero shows 8 of clubs 8 of hearts (two pair, Eights and Sevens)

BTN shows K of hearts Q of spades (two pair, Queens and Sevens)

BTN wins $206.50

(Rake: $3.00)

Villain was playing 16/13 with a 3bet% of 9.5. Only 200 hands though so I feel the other stats were not too useful. Preflop 4betting is an option too but I decide to flat this time. He was pretty aggressive so I decided to peel one off. He barrels the turn and I probably fold, but it goes check-check and I check the river again trying to get to showdown. He bets just under half the pot and at this point he rarely turns up with a flush or boat here. Trips is a possibility but his bet timings and stuff didn't really fit in with hitting trips on the river. So I put him on either an overpair or a AQ KQ type hand, and decided to shove on him as he wasn't a donk and might be able to make a fold. As mentioned above he calls with KQo after thinking for about 30 seconds. Some comments please? Hopefully I'm not being results-oriented but is this a bad line to take? I rarely ever bluff check-raise shove the river but I felt this was one of those occasions where shoving>folding>calling. Was the main issue here my lack of aggression on all 3 streets?

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Re: Dash to Supernova I'm glad you reversed the hands with the 68 as i was really confused why you'd post such a standard spot. I just made a really long post on the 88 hand, but there's so many levels going on, and some i created, that i just blew my mind into a million pieces and nobody wants to read a long post full of waffle. Basically the conclusion i came to is: This is really ******* complicated. But bluffing someone who knows they're value betting - indicated by their bet check bet line - is generally not great. I've saved my previous deleted post if anyone wants to read a bunch of brain mush then request it but i need to get back to this hand later...

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Re: Dash to Supernova Alright here goes: This next hand is really interesting and goes a few levels deep. Seeing this hand makes us realise that knowing our opponents range isn't enough. We also have to think whether they realise what they're representing. In this case villain knew he was value betting a vulnerable hand because he felt you were weak this hand (3 checks). It's worth thinking about whether villain is a good hand reader or not, it looks like he is on this evidence. To have his KQ beat you'd have had to check either a set or flush/draw 3streets into a player who looks unlikely to value bet/bluff this river. By this i mean if you had a flush you're not often going to play it like this as you don't expect them to value bet or bluff in this way which is what i think villain is thinking. The interesting thing is: if he barrelled 2 streets most of us fold right? Well if he's going to bluff or value bet/for protection it's going to be barrelling 2streets. So that leads to check-raising turn all in better than river. OK villains are near always 2barrelling AA+ as well, but the point is generally thinking about it: as a bluff check-raising the turn all in seems to be better than river as a bet check bet line is 99% a value line and we'd have to think villain was a bad hand reader to fold river. So that's an aside, but back to what actually happens - they check back turn on a total brick. Thinking about it this is actually crucial. It's a totally safe blank card - no likely draws are completed or created so villain feels comfortable pot controlling top pair. I don't like his play, i think 2barrelling KQ here is best as it maintains control of the pot enabling us to check back river if needed. It also balances our range as we can still have AA, sets, flush draws etc all in there too. Unlike bet check bet which makes our hand face up - a fact that villain recognises and then uses to his advantage - although the fact he timebank called the river leads me to think his bet is bad - if he really knew what he was doing it would have been a much quicker call. Sorry about this waffle i'm thinking aloud and trying to understand thought processes better to improve. I think it is a good bluff spot as their hand is face up and people will fold KQ and AQ here. Actually i'm going to revise my earlier point. I don't like check-raising this turn all in as - this is a point well worth noting -villains WILL put us on flush draws so much more often than they should - bluffing 2 tone flops or 3 tone boards is advised against. Does this mean check-raise bluffing turns all in is better on a dry board? yes, but it all depends on circumstance. -------- What i'm trying to work out is why people make the plays they do - what their thoughts are - how to work it out before they do it - and so how to counter and exploit them. I'm actually going to make this my work over the next 2weeks cus this hand has really annoyed me i want to be able to work out these people and situations quickly. Thanks for posting this hand :ok

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Re: Dash to Supernova No worries Nade, thanks for the comments. I probably underestimated his hand reading and was probably out-leveled by him. On a more positive note, I have passed the 80k mark:clap Current VPP Balance: 80454.22VPPs Days remaining: 13 Required VPPs/day (average): 1503.52

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Re: Dash to Supernova

Very impressive! :clap I hope you are making a few quid along the way as well.
Thanks aldric! Thankfully I am making some money along the way as well, including a sick session yesterday that saw me place second on PTR's top winners for nl100 at pokerstars:loon Okay I hope I didn't jinx myself again... Current VPP Balance: 82782.11VPPs Days remaining: 12 Required VPPs/day (average): 1439.32 Some extra stats: Hands(December): 47031 bb/100: 5.66 ptBB/100: 2.84
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Re: Dash to Supernova

Thanks aldric! Thankfully I am making some money along the way as well, including a sick session yesterday that saw me place second on PTR's top winners for nl100 at pokerstars:loon Okay I hope I didn't jinx myself again...
AWESOME!! :gimme I see you didn't play today so that you didn't jinx yourself! Nice one! ;)
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Re: Dash to Supernova Alright so back from a short trip, and lots of poker to catch up on! Had my first losing session yesterday after starting very well, but nothing serious and the rakeback probably made up for all of it. Current position: Current VPP Balance: 84939.40VPPs Days remaining: 10 Required VPPs/day (average): 1506.06 Getting nearer now...:hope

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Re: Dash to Supernova OK two more hands.

Villain is 20/16/6.9 (VPIP/PFR/3bet) over 4200 hands with a 10% 3bet from the big blind. Against him I might 4bet more often 100bb deep but I didn't know how I might respond to a 5bet here so I flatted. He pretty much insta-shoved the river. Thoughts? I don't think he sees me calling the turn with 88 or 99 here.

Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em $0.20 Ante - 8 players - View hand 1085170

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

BB: $250.20

UTG: $245.90

UTG+1: $120.25

MP1: $100.00

MP2: $154.35

Hero (CO): $279.65

BTN: $248.25

SB: $100.00

Pre Flop: ($3.10) Hero is CO with Q of hearts Q of spades

4 folds, Hero raises to $4, 2 folds, BB raises to $13.50, Hero calls $9.50

Flop: ($29.10) 6 of spades J of clubs 3 of diamonds(2 players)

BB bets $16, Hero calls $16

Turn: ($61.10) 5 of spades(2 players)

BB bets $38, Hero calls $38

River: ($137.10) T of diamonds(2 players)

BB bets $182.50 all in, Hero has probably played this hand real bad

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Re: Dash to Supernova Villain is 19/14/5.4 over 800+ hands and insta shoved river too. Most plausible hands in his range are stuff like 67, some Kings, higher sets and some :Kh: Xh hands. If he has a K he probably doesn't insta shove with anything other than KJ so his range is awfully polarized here. Thing is his value range outweighs his bluffing range by quite abit here.. Thoughts please!

Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - View hand 1085174

DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

UTG: $156.30

Hero (UTG+1): $120.25

UTG+2: $104.50

MP1: $104.20

MP2: $57.55

CO: $113.20

BTN: $102.70

SB: $183.20

BB: $100.00

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is UTG+1 with 4 of hearts 4 of spades

1 fold, Hero raises to $4, 1 fold, MP1 calls $4, 5 folds

Flop: ($9.50) 4 of diamonds 5 of hearts K of clubs(2 players)

Hero bets $7, MP1 calls $7

Turn: ($23.50) J of hearts(2 players)

Hero bets $16.25, MP1 calls $16.25

River: ($56.00) 3 of hearts(2 players)

Hero checks, MP1 bets $76.95 all in, Hero is very confused!

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