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Selling some MiniFtops action


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Re: Selling some MiniFtops action Nothings happend in first hour. Hovering around starting stack have had aa three times already twice no action and this just now Full Tilt Poker Game #26505563094: MiniFTOPS Event #29 (2-Day) (190773189), Table 197 - 15/30 Ante 4 - No Limit Hold'em - 13:51:58 ET - 2010/12/18 Seat 1: Garry Rautio (5,209) Seat 2: gypsyblack (12,946) Seat 3: Bianconero12 (6,443) Seat 4: uuupppsssshipit (6,275) Seat 5: 2_0ezx (6,070) Seat 6: Paskamodo (5,013) Seat 7: Wild4Holdem (4,635) Seat 8: Haseuh (7,137) Seat 9: mcandrews3rd (6,265) Garry Rautio antes 4 gypsyblack antes 4 Bianconero12 antes 4 uuupppsssshipit antes 4 2_0ezx antes 4 Paskamodo antes 4 Wild4Holdem antes 4 Haseuh antes 4 mcandrews3rd antes 4 Wild4Holdem posts the small blind of 15 Haseuh posts the big blind of 30 The button is in seat #6 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to uuupppsssshipit [Ad As] mcandrews3rd folds Garry Rautio folds gypsyblack folds Bianconero12 folds uuupppsssshipit raises to 90 2_0ezx folds Paskamodo folds Wild4Holdem calls 75 Haseuh folds *** FLOP *** [3c Jh Kc] Wild4Holdem checks uuupppsssshipit bets 150 Wild4Holdem calls 150 *** TURN *** [3c Jh Kc] [9c] Wild4Holdem checks uuupppsssshipit has 15 seconds left to act uuupppsssshipit checks *** RIVER *** [3c Jh Kc 9c] [Jc] Wild4Holdem has 15 seconds left to act Wild4Holdem bets 765 uuupppsssshipit folds Uncalled bet of 765 returned to Wild4Holdem Wild4Holdem mucks Wild4Holdem wins the pot (546) *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 546 | Rake 0 Board: [3c Jh Kc 9c Jc] Seat 1: Garry Rautio folded before the Flop Seat 2: gypsyblack folded before the Flop Seat 3: Bianconero12 folded before the Flop Seat 4: uuupppsssshipit folded on the River Seat 5: 2_0ezx folded before the Flop Seat 6: Paskamodo (button) folded before the Flop Seat 7: Wild4Holdem (small blind) collected (546), mucked Seat 8: Haseuh (big blind) folded before the Flop Seat 9: mcandrews3rd folded before the Flop

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Re: Selling some MiniFtops action Watch out :) Full Tilt Poker Game #26506135973: MiniFTOPS Event #29 (2-Day) (190773189), Table 197 - 20/40 Ante 5 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:15:20 ET - 2010/12/18 Seat 1: Garry Rautio (4,968) Seat 2: gypsyblack (12,725) Seat 3: Bianconero12 (6,205) Seat 4: uuupppsssshipit (5,956) Seat 5: 2_0ezx (6,132) Seat 6: Paskamodo (5,606) Seat 7: Wild4Holdem (4,883) Seat 8: Haseuh (7,152) Seat 9: mcandrews3rd (6,366) Garry Rautio antes 5 gypsyblack antes 5 Bianconero12 antes 5 uuupppsssshipit antes 5 2_0ezx antes 5 Paskamodo antes 5 Wild4Holdem antes 5 Haseuh antes 5 mcandrews3rd antes 5 gypsyblack posts the small blind of 20 Bianconero12 posts the big blind of 40 The button is in seat #1 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to uuupppsssshipit [5s 4s] uuupppsssshipit raises to 120 2_0ezx folds Paskamodo folds Wild4Holdem folds Haseuh folds mcandrews3rd folds Garry Rautio folds gypsyblack folds Bianconero12 calls 80 *** FLOP *** [Qs 9d 7s] Bianconero12 checks uuupppsssshipit bets 240 Bianconero12 raises to 640 uuupppsssshipit calls 400 *** TURN *** [Qs 9d 7s] [Kh] Bianconero12 checks uuupppsssshipit has 15 seconds left to act uuupppsssshipit bets 760 Bianconero12 has 15 seconds left to act Bianconero12 calls 760 *** RIVER *** [Qs 9d 7s Kh] [Qc] Bianconero12 checks uuupppsssshipit has 15 seconds left to act uuupppsssshipit bets 1,660 Bianconero12 has 15 seconds left to act Bianconero12: mbn to be lucky Bianconero12 folds Uncalled bet of 1,660 returned to uuupppsssshipit uuupppsssshipit mucks uuupppsssshipit wins the pot (3,105) *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 3,105 | Rake 0 Board: [Qs 9d 7s Kh Qc] Seat 1: Garry Rautio (button) folded before the Flop Seat 2: gypsyblack (small blind) folded before the Flop Seat 3: Bianconero12 (big blind) folded on the River Seat 4: uuupppsssshipit collected (3,105), mucked Seat 5: 2_0ezx folded before the Flop Seat 6: Paskamodo folded before the Flop Seat 7: Wild4Holdem folded before the Flop Seat 8: Haseuh folded before the Flop Seat 9: mcandrews3rd folded before the Flop

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Re: Selling some MiniFtops action Horrible hand I guess I should just fold pre to avoid getting into these spots. but too massive on flop to fold surely?? Full Tilt Poker Game #26508581895: MiniFTOPS Event #29 (2-Day) (190773189), Table 197 - 30/60 Ante 7 - No Limit Hold'em - 15:47:00 ET - 2010/12/18 Seat 1: Garry Rautio (3,820) Seat 2: gypsyblack (16,416) Seat 3: Muckemagain (6,416) Seat 4: uuupppsssshipit (9,508) Seat 5: 2_0ezx (8,109) Seat 6: Paskamodo (4,460) Seat 7: UWOkid87 (5,832) Seat 8: Haseuh (16,399) Seat 9: mcandrews3rd (5,125) Garry Rautio antes 7 gypsyblack antes 7 Muckemagain antes 7 uuupppsssshipit antes 7 2_0ezx antes 7 Paskamodo antes 7 UWOkid87 antes 7 Haseuh antes 7 mcandrews3rd antes 7 Muckemagain posts the small blind of 30 uuupppsssshipit posts the big blind of 60 The button is in seat #2 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to uuupppsssshipit [Kd 6d] 2_0ezx raises to 180 Paskamodo folds UWOkid87 folds Haseuh folds mcandrews3rd has 15 seconds left to act mcandrews3rd calls 180 Garry Rautio folds gypsyblack calls 180 Muckemagain calls 150 uuupppsssshipit calls 120 *** FLOP *** [7h 5d 4d] Muckemagain checks uuupppsssshipit checks 2_0ezx bets 450 mcandrews3rd folds gypsyblack raises to 1,450 Muckemagain folds uuupppsssshipit has 15 seconds left to act uuupppsssshipit raises to 2,940 2_0ezx raises to 7,922, and is all in gypsyblack raises to 16,229, and is all in uuupppsssshipit has 15 seconds left to act uuupppsssshipit has requested TIME uuupppsssshipit calls 6,381, and is all in gypsyblack shows [6s 3s] uuupppsssshipit shows [Kd 6d] 2_0ezx shows [Jc Jd] Uncalled bet of 6,908 returned to gypsyblack *** TURN *** [7h 5d 4d] [3h] *** RIVER *** [7h 5d 4d 3h] [As] gypsyblack shows a straight, Seven high uuupppsssshipit shows a straight, Seven high uuupppsssshipit ties for the side pot (1,399) with a straight, Seven high gypsyblack ties for the side pot (1,399) with a straight, Seven high 2_0ezx shows a pair of Jacks uuupppsssshipit ties for the main pot (12,365) with a straight, Seven high gypsyblack ties for the main pot (12,364) with a straight, Seven high *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 27,527 Main pot 24,729. Side pot 2,798. | Rake 0 Board: [7h 5d 4d 3h As] Seat 1: Garry Rautio folded before the Flop Seat 2: gypsyblack (button) showed [6s 3s] and won (13,763) with a straight, Seven high Seat 3: Muckemagain (small blind) folded on the Flop Seat 4: uuupppsssshipit (big blind) showed [Kd 6d] and won (13,764) with a straight, Seven high Seat 5: 2_0ezx showed [Jc Jd] and lost with a pair of Jacks Seat 6: Paskamodo folded before the Flop Seat 7: UWOkid87 folded before the Flop Seat 8: Haseuh folded before the Flop Seat 9: mcandrews3rd folded on the Flop

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Re: Selling some MiniFtops action Does everyone fold here? Full Tilt Poker Game #26510216498: MiniFTOPS Event #29 (2-Day) (190773189), Table 197 - 50/100 Ante 10 - No Limit Hold'em - 16:49:16 ET - 2010/12/18 Seat 1: Garry Rautio (9,328) Seat 2: gypsyblack (6,541) Seat 3: Muckemagain (4,190) Seat 4: uuupppsssshipit (18,975) Seat 5: KingKJT (29,071) Seat 6: Paskamodo (2,434) Seat 7: UWOkid87 (8,886) Seat 8: Haseuh (10,312) Garry Rautio antes 10 gypsyblack antes 10 Muckemagain antes 10 uuupppsssshipit antes 10 KingKJT antes 10 Paskamodo antes 10 UWOkid87 antes 10 Haseuh antes 10 KingKJT posts the small blind of 50 Paskamodo posts the big blind of 100 The button is in seat #4 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to uuupppsssshipit [As Js] UWOkid87 folds Haseuh folds Garry Rautio raises to 250 gypsyblack folds Muckemagain folds alex-230981 sits down uuupppsssshipit raises to 800 KingKJT folds Paskamodo folds Garry Rautio has 15 seconds left to act Garry Rautio calls 550 *** FLOP *** [Jd 2h 9c] Garry Rautio has 15 seconds left to act Garry Rautio checks uuupppsssshipit bets 1,100 Garry Rautio has 15 seconds left to act Garry Rautio raises to 8,518, and is all in uuupppsssshipit has 15 seconds left to act uuupppsssshipit has requested TIME uuupppsssshipit folds Uncalled bet of 7,418 returned to Garry Rautio Garry Rautio mucks Garry Rautio wins the pot (4,030) *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 4,030 | Rake 0 Board: [Jd 2h 9c] Seat 1: Garry Rautio collected (4,030), mucked Seat 2: gypsyblack folded before the Flop Seat 3: Muckemagain folded before the Flop Seat 4: uuupppsssshipit (button) folded on the Flop Seat 5: KingKJT (small blind) folded before the Flop Seat 6: Paskamodo (big blind) folded before the Flop Seat 7: UWOkid87 folded before the Flop Seat 8: Haseuh folded before the Flop

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Re: Selling some MiniFtops action Given we just played a hand against each other I checked raised him on flop. I was thinking he might of just flatted there with bigger pair 99 maybe, I guess ok fold given he over shoves seemed like he got a little excited about his hand and just shoved with a good hand.

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Re: Selling some MiniFtops action Sorry guys out in 1694th. Only reason I didn't fold because he's been aggrro and already 3 bet me pre flop with 54 and didn't fold to 2 streets of betting and got lucky on river like 30 mins ago. Full Tilt Poker Game #26511812184: MiniFTOPS Event #29 (2-Day) (190773189), Table 119 - 80/160 Ante 20 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:48:55 ET - 2010/12/18 Seat 1: Vutek (30,885) Seat 2: Jointicus (15,955) Seat 3: luckydog1912 (6,735) Seat 4: dimask (5,930) Seat 5: leadingkorea (14,160) Seat 6: chickensalad (6,861), is sitting out Seat 7: uuupppsssshipit (13,638) Seat 8: Malthe2009 (17,864) Seat 9: fabioBRA (5,833) Vutek antes 20 Jointicus antes 20 luckydog1912 antes 20 dimask antes 20 leadingkorea antes 20 chickensalad antes 20 uuupppsssshipit antes 20 Malthe2009 antes 20 fabioBRA antes 20 uuupppsssshipit posts the small blind of 80 Malthe2009 posts the big blind of 160 The button is in seat #6 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to uuupppsssshipit [Qd Kd] Jointicus: u got yr screens mixed up fabioBRA folds Jointicus: this isnt the free roll Vutek raises to 480 Jointicus folds luckydog1912 folds dimask folds leadingkorea folds chickensalad folds uuupppsssshipit calls 400 Malthe2009 folds *** FLOP *** [5d 2s Qh] uuupppsssshipit checks Vutek bets 1,300 uuupppsssshipit calls 1,300 *** TURN *** [5d 2s Qh] [8s] uuupppsssshipit checks Vutek bets 2,400 uuupppsssshipit has 15 seconds left to act uuupppsssshipit raises to 5,280 Vutek raises to 29,085, and is all in uuupppsssshipit calls 6,558, and is all in Vutek shows [Qs Ah] uuupppsssshipit shows [Qd Kd] Uncalled bet of 17,247 returned to Vutek *** RIVER *** [5d 2s Qh 8s] [Jh] Vutek shows a pair of Queens uuupppsssshipit shows a pair of Queens Vutek wins the pot (27,576) with a pair of Queens *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 27,576 | Rake 0 Board: [5d 2s Qh 8s Jh] Seat 1: Vutek showed [Qs Ah] and won (27,576) with a pair of Queens Seat 2: Jointicus folded before the Flop Seat 3: luckydog1912 folded before the Flop Seat 4: dimask folded before the Flop Seat 5: leadingkorea folded before the Flop Seat 6: chickensalad (button) folded before the Flop Seat 7: uuupppsssshipit (small blind) showed [Qd Kd] and lost with a pair of Queens Seat 8: Malthe2009 (big blind) folded before the Flop Seat 9: fabioBRA folded before the Flop

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Re: Selling some MiniFtops action ffs could never get going tonight prob should of just checked folded flop Full Tilt Poker Game #26535535584: MiniFTOPS Event #32 (190775209), Table 356 - 100/200 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:45:58 ET - 2010/12/19 Seat 1: RuslanPrimak (8,345) Seat 2: Kammi119 (5,364) Seat 3: nyquilholic (9,600) Seat 4: FuMGri (6,420) Seat 5: uuupppsssshipit (3,862) Seat 6: chipnamouse68 (6,409) uuupppsssshipit posts the small blind of 100 chipnamouse68 posts the big blind of 200 The button is in seat #4 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to uuupppsssshipit [Ac As] RuslanPrimak folds Kammi119 raises to 600 nyquilholic folds FuMGri calls 600 uuupppsssshipit raises to 1,600 chipnamouse68 folds Kammi119 calls 1,000 FuMGri calls 1,000 *** FLOP *** [Qh Qd Js] uuupppsssshipit bets 2,262, and is all in Kammi119 raises to 3,764, and is all in FuMGri calls 3,764 Kammi119 shows [Ks Jd] FuMGri shows [Kh Qs] uuupppsssshipit shows [Ac As] *** TURN *** [Qh Qd Js] [3d] *** RIVER *** [Qh Qd Js 3d] [9c] Kammi119 shows two pair, Queens and Jacks FuMGri shows three of a kind, Queens FuMGri wins the side pot (3,004) with three of a kind, Queens uuupppsssshipit shows two pair, Aces and Queens FuMGri wins the main pot (11,786) with three of a kind, Queens *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 14,790 Main pot 11,786. Side pot 3,004. | Rake 0 Board: [Qh Qd Js 3d 9c] Seat 1: RuslanPrimak didn't bet (folded) Seat 2: Kammi119 showed [Ks Jd] and lost with two pair, Queens and Jacks Seat 3: nyquilholic didn't bet (folded) Seat 4: FuMGri (button) showed [Kh Qs] and won (14,790) with three of a kind, Queens Seat 5: uuupppsssshipit (small blind) showed [Ac As] and lost with two pair, Aces and Queens Seat 6: chipnamouse68 (big blind) folded before the Flop

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