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Selling some MiniFtops action


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Re: Selling some MiniFtops action Built up stack to 18k then moved table made a little move with king high flush thought the guy was at it given it was folded to him and he was on button so I shoved got there against his set yeeeee 38k at this break

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Re: Selling some MiniFtops action gay got upto 60kish then lost two pots like back to back to go down to 30ish then i get kkxx utg raise big stack calls small stack shove I re shove small stack has aqqx and hits a ace down to like 18k zzzzzzzzzzzzz

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Re: Selling some MiniFtops action

Built up stack to 18k then moved table made a little move with king high flush thought the guy was at it given it was folded to him and he was on button so I shoved got there against his set yeeeee 38k at this break
Have seen that you lucky git. Good start mate :ok.
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Re: Selling some MiniFtops action Cant win a hand got down to this :( left with 5k Full Tilt Poker Game #26314525790: MiniFTOPS Event #8 (190730934), Table 42 - 400/800 - Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 16:17:29 ET - 2010/12/11 Seat 1: _SCS_88_204 (67,030) Seat 2: uuupppsssshipit (15,843) Seat 3: bird42042 (16,668) Seat 4: SKHtoao (9,641) Seat 5: guugaaaaa (9,620) Seat 6: JooFury2 (14,069) JooFury2 posts the small blind of 400 _SCS_88_204 posts the big blind of 800 The button is in seat #5 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to uuupppsssshipit [9s 8s Qs Ah] uuupppsssshipit raises to 1,800 bird42042 folds SKHtoao calls 1,800 guugaaaaa folds JooFury2 calls 1,400 _SCS_88_204 folds *** FLOP *** [8d 7h Ac] JooFury2 checks uuupppsssshipit bets 4,000 SKHtoao raises to 7,841, and is all in JooFury2 folds uuupppsssshipit calls 3,841 SKHtoao shows [Js Ad Ks 8c] uuupppsssshipit shows [9s 8s Qs Ah] *** TURN *** [8d 7h Ac] [Td] *** RIVER *** [8d 7h Ac Td] [Kc] SKHtoao shows two pair, Aces and Kings uuupppsssshipit shows two pair, Aces and Eights SKHtoao wins the pot (21,882) with two pair, Aces and Kings *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 21,882 | Rake 0 Board: [8d 7h Ac Td Kc] Seat 1: _SCS_88_204 (big blind) folded before the Flop Seat 2: uuupppsssshipit showed [9s 8s Qs Ah] and lost with two pair, Aces and Eights Seat 3: bird42042 didn't bet (folded) Seat 4: SKHtoao showed [Js Ad Ks 8c] and won (21,882) with two pair, Aces and Kings Seat 5: guugaaaaa (button) didn't bet (folded) Seat 6: JooFury2 (small blind) folded on the Flop

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Re: Selling some MiniFtops action Out in 394th :( like 80 of the money zzzzzz Full Tilt Poker Game #26314919682: MiniFTOPS Event #8 (190730934), Table 42 - 500/1000 - Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 16:30:59 ET - 2010/12/11 Seat 1: _SCS_88_204 (70,251) Seat 2: uuupppsssshipit (6,802) Seat 3: bird42042 (56,174), is sitting out Seat 4: SKHtoao (47,164) Seat 5: guugaaaaa (4,520) Seat 6: PiSi2010 (16,738) _SCS_88_204 posts the small blind of 500 uuupppsssshipit posts the big blind of 1,000 The button is in seat #6 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to uuupppsssshipit [Tc 9h Qc 8h] bird42042 has returned bird42042 folds SKHtoao has 15 seconds left to act SKHtoao folds guugaaaaa folds PiSi2010 folds _SCS_88_204 raises to 3,000 uuupppsssshipit raises to 6,802, and is all in _SCS_88_204 calls 3,802 uuupppsssshipit shows [Tc 9h Qc 8h] _SCS_88_204 shows [6s Qd 7c 8s] *** FLOP *** [Js Ah 7s] *** TURN *** [Js Ah 7s] [9c] *** RIVER *** [Js Ah 7s 9c] [As] uuupppsssshipit shows a straight, Jack high _SCS_88_204 shows a flush, Ace high _SCS_88_204 wins the pot (13,604) with a flush, Ace high *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 13,604 | Rake 0 Board: [Js Ah 7s 9c As] Seat 1: _SCS_88_204 (small blind) showed [6s Qd 7c 8s] and won (13,604) with a flush, Ace high Seat 2: uuupppsssshipit (big blind) showed [Tc 9h Qc 8h] and lost with a straight, Jack high Seat 3: bird42042 didn't bet (folded) Seat 4: SKHtoao didn't bet (folded) Seat 5: guugaaaaa didn't bet (folded) Seat 6: PiSi2010 (button) didn't bet (folded)

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Re: Selling some MiniFtops action Double up already with this beuty Full Tilt Poker Game #26338383672: MiniFTOPS Event #11 (190735390), Table 1800 - 15/30 - No Limit Hold'em - 13:20:45 ET - 2010/12/12 Seat 1: Spimpolo (10,130) Seat 2: Pleiah (3,920) Seat 3: fragab1 (4,940) Seat 4: z1zekester (4,905) Seat 5: uuupppsssshipit (6,235) Seat 6: claretluke (5,675) Seat 7: chulai31 (9,875) Seat 8: Westi11 (4,790) Seat 9: nickouttabeer (4,530) fragab1 posts the small blind of 15 z1zekester posts the big blind of 30 The button is in seat #2 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to uuupppsssshipit [8s 8h] uuupppsssshipit raises to 90 claretluke folds chulai31 folds Westi11 calls 90 nickouttabeer folds Spimpolo calls 90 Pleiah folds fragab1 folds z1zekester folds *** FLOP *** [5d 2d 8c] uuupppsssshipit bets 90 Westi11 folds Spimpolo calls 90 *** TURN *** [5d 2d 8c] [6c] uuupppsssshipit bets 240 Spimpolo calls 240 *** RIVER *** [5d 2d 8c 6c] [6s] uuupppsssshipit has 15 seconds left to act uuupppsssshipit bets 1,080 nickouttabeer is feeling angry Spimpolo raises to 9,710, and is all in uuupppsssshipit calls 4,735, and is all in Uncalled bet of 3,895 returned to Spimpolo *** SHOW DOWN *** Spimpolo shows [6d 9d] three of a kind, Sixes uuupppsssshipit shows [8s 8h] a full house, Eights full of Sixes uuupppsssshipit wins the pot (12,605) with a full house, Eights full of Sixes *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 12,605 | Rake 0 Board: [5d 2d 8c 6c 6s] Seat 1: Spimpolo showed [6d 9d] and lost with three of a kind, Sixes Seat 2: Pleiah (button) didn't bet (folded) Seat 3: fragab1 (small blind) folded before the Flop Seat 4: z1zekester (big blind) folded before the Flop Seat 5: uuupppsssshipit showed [8s 8h] and won (12,605) with a full house, Eights full of Sixes Seat 6: claretluke didn't bet (folded) Seat 7: chulai31 didn't bet (folded) Seat 8: Westi11 folded on the Flop Seat 9: nickouttabeer didn't bet (folded)

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Re: Selling some MiniFtops action Out in 4035th tonight 28k runners!! never really got anything going tonight after an early double up I was prettu much card dead and was just surviving all night. Exit hand, thought we were going to get an epic quadruple up!! Full Tilt Poker Game #26345204700: MiniFTOPS Event #11 (190735390), Table 1 - 600/1200 Ante 150 - No Limit Hold'em - 16:44:00 ET - 2010/12/12 Seat 1: fiera89 (84,895) Seat 2: maslers1 (25,235) Seat 3: Nico2212 (55,007) Seat 4: dsurgent (85,530) Seat 5: uuupppsssshipit (10,910) Seat 7: vtmss (16,195) Seat 8: ARV009 (26,552) Seat 9: Pensch42 (15,307) fiera89 antes 150 maslers1 antes 150 Nico2212 antes 150 dsurgent antes 150 uuupppsssshipit antes 150 vtmss antes 150 ARV009 antes 150 Pensch42 antes 150 Pensch42 posts the small blind of 600 fiera89 posts the big blind of 1,200 The button is in seat #8 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to uuupppsssshipit [6s 5s] maslers1 folds DuarteFrieza sits down Nico2212 folds dsurgent has 15 seconds left to act dsurgent folds uuupppsssshipit raises to 10,760, and is all in vtmss has 15 seconds left to act vtmss folds ARV009 has 15 seconds left to act ARV009 calls 10,760 Pensch42 raises to 15,157, and is all in fiera89 has 15 seconds left to act fiera89 raises to 84,745, and is all in ARV009 calls 15,642, and is all in fiera89 shows [8d 8s] uuupppsssshipit shows [6s 5s] ARV009 shows [Kd Ks] Pensch42 shows [Ac Ad] Uncalled bet of 58,343 returned to fiera89 *** FLOP *** [9h 7h 4s] *** TURN *** [9h 7h 4s] [8c] *** RIVER *** [9h 7h 4s 8c] [9d] fiera89 shows a full house, Eights full of Nines ARV009 shows two pair, Kings and Nines fiera89 wins side pot #2 (22,490) with a full house, Eights full of Nines Pensch42 shows two pair, Aces and Nines fiera89 wins side pot #1 (13,191) with a full house, Eights full of Nines uuupppsssshipit shows a straight, Nine high fiera89 wins the main pot (44,240) with a full house, Eights full of Nines *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 79,921 Main pot 44,240. Side pot 1 13,191. Side pot 2 22,490. | Rake 0 Board: [9h 7h 4s 8c 9d] Seat 1: fiera89 (big blind) showed [8d 8s] and won (79,921) with a full house, Eights full of Nines Seat 2: maslers1 folded before the Flop Seat 3: Nico2212 folded before the Flop Seat 4: dsurgent folded before the Flop Seat 5: uuupppsssshipit showed [6s 5s] and lost with a straight, Nine high Seat 7: vtmss folded before the Flop Seat 8: ARV009 (button) showed [Kd Ks] and lost with two pair, Kings and Nines Seat 9: Pensch42 (small blind) showed [Ac Ad] and lost with two pair, Aces and Nines

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Re: Selling some MiniFtops action Ah right original post said this dec 16 #23 plo heads up $33 dec 14 # 26 $22 6 max dec 18 #29 $216 2 day dec 19 #32 $24+2 6 max knockout it's actually dec 16 #23 plo heads up $33 dec 17 # 26 $22 6 max dec 18 #29 $216 2 day dec 19 #32 $24+2 6 max knockout

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Re: Selling some MiniFtops action Well that was a shambles, didn't hit one flop and I got a aggro russian potting every pot exit hand sorry didn't do any good tonight. Full Tilt Poker Game #26453591301: MiniFTOPS Event #23 (190749708), Table 29 - 20/40 - Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 15:42:12 ET - 2010/12/16 Seat 1: uuupppsssshipit (1,025) Seat 2: khruschev (4,975) khruschev posts the small blind of 20 uuupppsssshipit posts the big blind of 40 The button is in seat #2 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to uuupppsssshipit [6h Jc 8h 4c] khruschev raises to 120 uuupppsssshipit calls 80 *** FLOP *** [2h 9h 7c] uuupppsssshipit checks khruschev bets 240 uuupppsssshipit raises to 905, and is all in khruschev calls 665 uuupppsssshipit shows [6h Jc 8h 4c] khruschev shows [Kh Jh Ad 9s] *** TURN *** [2h 9h 7c] [7s] *** RIVER *** [2h 9h 7c 7s] [3h] uuupppsssshipit shows a flush, Nine high khruschev shows a flush, King high khruschev wins the pot (2,050) with a flush, King high *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 2,050 | Rake 0 Board: [2h 9h 7c 7s 3h] Seat 1: uuupppsssshipit (big blind) showed [6h Jc 8h 4c] and lost with a flush, Nine high Seat 2: khruschev (small blind) showed [Kh Jh Ad 9s] and won (2,050) with a flush, King high

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Re: Selling some MiniFtops action Out in tonight sorry guys. Called flop cause I was planning on making a move on the turn check raise didn't think he hit that flop or had anything he been quite active. Maybe I just played really bad tonight. Full Tilt Poker Game #26478532970: MiniFTOPS Event #26 (190750433), Table 1246 - 60/120 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:22:15 ET - 2010/12/17 Seat 1: uuupppsssshipit (2,987) Seat 2: Tribal16 (11,500) Seat 3: Mrs Brokas (5,000) Seat 4: mikeGRRRINDER (9,630) Seat 5: we_killed_kenny (4,515) Seat 6: buck208 (14,530) mikeGRRRINDER posts the small blind of 60 we_killed_kenny posts the big blind of 120 The button is in seat #2 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to uuupppsssshipit [Ac Qc] buck208 folds Mrs Brokas is feeling happy uuupppsssshipit raises to 300 Tribal16 calls 300 mikeGRRRINDER folds we_killed_kenny folds *** FLOP *** [Td 7s 4c] uuupppsssshipit checks Tribal16 bets 480 uuupppsssshipit calls 480 *** TURN *** [Td 7s 4c] [Qh] uuupppsssshipit checks Tribal16 checks *** RIVER *** [Td 7s 4c Qh] [5h] uuupppsssshipit bets 480 Tribal16 has 15 seconds left to act Tribal16 raises to 2,520 uuupppsssshipit calls 1,727, and is all in Uncalled bet of 313 returned to Tribal16 *** SHOW DOWN *** Tribal16 shows [5s 5d] three of a kind, Fives uuupppsssshipit mucks Tribal16 wins the pot (6,154) with three of a kind, Fives *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 6,154 | Rake 0 Board: [Td 7s 4c Qh 5h] Seat 1: uuupppsssshipit mucked [Ac Qc] - a pair of Queens Seat 2: Tribal16 (button) showed [5s 5d] and won (6,154) with three of a kind, Fives Seat 3: Mrs Brokas is sitting out Seat 4: mikeGRRRINDER (small blind) folded before the Flop Seat 5: we_killed_kenny (big blind) folded before the Flop Seat 6: buck208 didn't bet (folded)

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