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888 Poker Exclusive League with $1500 added value! - Sunday 28/11/10 LEG 4/4


888 Poker Exclusive League with $1500 added value! - Sunday 28/11/10 LEG 4/4  

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Re: 888 Poker Exclusive League with $1500 added value! - Sunday 21/11/10 LEG 3/4

Good game. Surprised I made 2nd after my trip J's lost to slapdash's lucky straight.
Sorry about that. :D You had been raising a lot from late position, so I thought there was a good chance you were just stealing.
Anybody know what happend to the $88 add on which was not in the prize fund.
In previous weeks it has been added manually a day or so after the tournament.
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Re: 888 Poker Exclusive League with $1500 added value! - Sunday 28/11/10 LEG 4/4 Well, I made a right old stone's of that :spank Decided to try a min raise from the SB with JJ, hoping to induce a shove fom Zockgott, and ignored the warning signs when he flat-called my C-Bet of 3/4 the pot on a flop of 667. I shoved on a blank turn and he turned over K6 :puke Of course, I THEN decided to look at the table and realised that I've messed up my chance of the final - good luck to all left in.

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Re: 888 Poker Exclusive League with $1500 added value! - Sunday 28/11/10 LEG 4/4 Must admit my tale is similar to McG. Tangled early with McG in a stupidly badly played hand. Then I kept calling minimum raises from the BB with shite, just hoping to hit. Insane. I qualified last week so it's not all doom and gloom...just disappointed that I didn't play a good game. Got to make sure I don't repeat the mistakes in the final. :hope

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Re: 888 Poker Exclusive League with $1500 added value! - Sunday 28/11/10 LEG 4/4 gg I just read zock won second time so looks like i bubbled again eh lol Doesnt say if double winner means one less in final, goes to second in the leg or 6th in league. 3 options, and I'll count myself out anyway. So give the seat to 6th imo ;) gla in the final

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Re: 888 Poker Exclusive League with $1500 added value! - Sunday 28/11/10 LEG 4/4 thx all for the gratulations, it was fun again today like always and gl to all who made it to the final on wensday, ul those who didnt. maybe i better should have waited to win a 2nd game till wendsday, but i heard that all good things come in 3 lol ...i hate Jacks aswell :cheers

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Re: 888 Poker Exclusive League with $1500 added value! - Sunday 28/11/10 LEG 4/4 The final table is up in post 2. Congrats to zockgott for winning his 2nd game of this month! :clap As in previous promos, the seat goes to the next highest in the league who has not already qualified and on this occasion that person is McG. So the final line up is as follows: zockgott dodger morlspin andybell666 kingkebab100 peter72 slapdash warbirds McG. Well played guys! :clap

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