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monkeys HOME football ratings


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Re: monkeys HOME football ratings

At least you are succeeding in not finding value ;)
TA DA Value man raises his head. Great thread of yours Lardy in the invisible section Excellent tutorial on how you find value mixed with a great staking plan. And all those value winners sheeesh. You would be my hero if you wern't such a nob ;)
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Re: monkeys HOME football ratings Taking Lardy's point a stage further, have you ever considered using your ratings to pinpoint value? I produce ratings - and only use them when they suggest there is value available. For instance Rochdale today - my ratings run on a scale of 60, to -60, and Rochdale are a 32, but I'd only consider backing them at odds greater than 1.94, and i'd happily lay them at odds of 1.6 or less.

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Re: monkeys HOME football ratings Thanks for the input YFF The odds on Rochdale were 2.15 so therefore "value" according to your ratings. I dont really want to go down the linear regression of rating systems to find "value" discussion again as I find it tedious repeating the same things over again that has been discussed in several other threads because it simply does not work. (been there done it with ELO ratings,RPI rankings,non linear using solver in excel,AHP etc etc). If it was so easy I would have been rich over 15yrs ago. My hobby is trying to write programmes (not very good ones but I keep trying) and I find writing rating programmes helps sharpen my programming skills and by having a few quid on the output keeps me interested.(win or lose is irrelevant really). I then compare the output to the other rating systems I have done ELO etc to find out which is faring the best of a bad bunch. It doesn't take long to realise that all rating systems generally spew out the same stuff because they all input more or less the same variables. Fleet Lardy doesnt bother me, infact I find his attempt at sarcasm amusing in a sad sort of way ;)

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