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Hendon Mob League #7 WSOP/WSOPE Packages added Starts 7 Sept


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Re: Hendon Mob League #7 WSOP/WSOPE Packages added Starts 7 Sept

*going to stalk Gina tonight :ok I just signed up but tonights game... what is HA? :$
don't get :$ I actually googled it to find out, just to see that it would had it all explained to me would i had looked tourney structure :lol and lol it gives me something to think about if the thread of being :spank:spank:spank makes you stalk someone :rollin
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Re: Hendon Mob League #7 WSOP/WSOPE Packages added Starts 7 Sept

Should have read it before you played :tongue2:moon
i didnt need to ,,but got pushed off JJ when Joe Beevers raised and then another player Space sumthin went all in ,so had to fold.. Joe had 10/10 and Space was chasing a flush,so would have won that but hey thats poker
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Hendon Mob League #7 WSOP/WSOPE Packages added Starts 7 Sept aaarrrghhh what a way to exit Full Tilt Poker Game #27187126399: Hendon Mob Forum League (195988331), Table 4 - 200/400 Ante 30 - Limit Razz - 16:34:11 ET - 2011/01/11 Seat 1: AKhater (4,498) Seat 2: Robbiebox (4,472) Seat 3: Skinnydookie (5,035) Seat 4: dcotgrave (4,379) Seat 5: PLTeaulc (472) Seat 6: linziwan (2,738) Seat 7: Ch1gurh (3,071) Seat 8: Fishshed (4,095) AKhater antes 30 Robbiebox antes 30 Skinnydookie antes 30 dcotgrave antes 30 PLTeaulc antes 30 linziwan antes 30 Ch1gurh antes 30 Fishshed antes 30 *** 3RD STREET *** Dealt to AKhater [As] Dealt to Robbiebox [6d] Dealt to Skinnydookie [3s] Dealt to dcotgrave [4d] Dealt to PLTeaulc [2d Ac] [5c] Dealt to linziwan [Jh] Dealt to Ch1gurh [Kh] Dealt to Fishshed [2s] Ch1gurh is high with [Kh] Ch1gurh brings in for 50 Fishshed calls 50 AKhater calls 50 Robbiebox folds Skinnydookie folds dcotgrave folds PLTeaulc completes it to 200 linziwan folds Ch1gurh calls 150 Fishshed calls 150 AKhater calls 150 *** 4TH STREET *** Dealt to AKhater [As] [Td] Dealt to PLTeaulc [2d Ac 5c] [3h] Dealt to Ch1gurh [Kh] [Th] Dealt to Fishshed [2s] [3d] Fishshed bets 200 AKhater folds PLTeaulc raises to 242, and is all in Ch1gurh folds Fishshed calls 42 PLTeaulc shows [2d Ac 5c 3h] Fishshed shows [9s 4c 2s 3d] *** 5TH STREET *** Dealt to PLTeaulc [2d Ac 5c 3h] [2c] Dealt to Fishshed [9s 4c 2s 3d] [Jc] *** 6TH STREET *** Dealt to PLTeaulc [2d Ac 5c 3h 2c] [5h] Dealt to Fishshed [9s 4c 2s 3d Jc] [Tc] *** 7TH STREET *** Dealt to PLTeaulc [2d Ac 5c 3h 2c 5h] [Ks] Dealt to Fishshed [9s 4c 2s 3d Jc Tc] [Jd] PLTeaulc shows [2d Ac 5c 3h 2c 5h Ks] K,5,3,2,A Fishshed shows [9s 4c 2s 3d Jc Tc Jd] T,9,4,3,2 Fishshed wins the pot (1,524) with T,9,4,3,2 *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 1,524 | Rake 0 Seat 1: AKhater folded on 4th St. Seat 2: Robbiebox folded on 3rd St. Seat 3: Skinnydookie folded on 3rd St. Seat 4: dcotgrave folded on 3rd St. Seat 5: PLTeaulc showed [2d Ac 5c 3h 2c 5h Ks] and lost with K,5,3,2,A Seat 6: linziwan folded on 3rd St. Seat 7: Ch1gurh folded on 4th St. Seat 8: Fishshed showed [9s 4c 2s 3d Jc Tc Jd] and won (1,524) with T,9,4,3,2

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Hendon Mob League #7 WSOP/WSOPE Packages added Starts 7 Sept Despite what it says, this tourney does seems to be restricted as it won't let me register. I guess you have to have played a certain number of the league games, but I can't find any information on that.

Hendon Mob Exclusive $5k Added January Registration Open

A reminder to all our players that the $5000 ADDED tournament for January runs this Sunday and is open for registration. This month, there is NO QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENT and just $1+10c buy-in:

Tournament ID: 203700122 15:00 ET January 23rd (Sunday, 8pm UK Time)

If you don't have a Full Tilt Poker account, you can still play in this tournament,

open one now using referral code MOB. Next month's exclusive Hendon Mob tournament is a $24+2 event, and you need to earn just 250 Full Tilt points in January to qualify

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