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Hendon Mob League #7 WSOP/WSOPE Packages added Starts 7 Sept


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Re: Hendon Mob League #7 WSOP/WSOPE Packages added Starts 7 Sept Played solid all night even laid down qq when two raises before me when down to two tables, but then I just get far to agrro when 6 handed and decide to 4 bet shove aj over two others and walk into kings. Good luck Morls take it down

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Re: Hendon Mob League #7 WSOP/WSOPE Packages added Starts 7 Sept Could be worse Al.........:@:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall Full Tilt Poker Game #25414158010: Hendon Mob Forum League (183217870), Table 8 - 120/240 Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 16:45:05 ET - 2010/11/09 Seat 1: Getaria (6,495) Seat 2: geomac75 (3,062) Seat 3: Ironworks1 (5,240) Seat 4: hebburnlad (2,548) Seat 5: DJSMITH1 (4,839) Seat 6: x8o8x (3,018) Getaria antes 25 geomac75 antes 25 Ironworks1 antes 25 hebburnlad antes 25 DJSMITH1 antes 25 x8o8x antes 25 geomac75 posts the small blind of 120 Ironworks1 posts the big blind of 240 The button is in seat #1 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to hebburnlad [Qc Ac] hebburnlad raises to 2,523, and is all in DJSMITH1: Missed the chat, was taking a dump! DJSMITH1 folds x8o8x folds Getaria folds geomac75 folds Ironworks1 calls 2,283 hebburnlad shows [Qc Ac] Ironworks1 shows [As Qd] *** FLOP *** [2s 5s 6d] geomac75: nice!! *** TURN *** [2s 5s 6d] [Ts] *** RIVER *** [2s 5s 6d Ts] [3s] hebburnlad shows Ace Queen high Ironworks1 shows a flush, Ace high Ironworks1 wins the pot (5,316) with a flush, Ace high *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 5,316 | Rake 0 Board: [2s 5s 6d Ts 3s] Seat 1: Getaria (button) folded before the Flop Seat 2: geomac75 (small blind) folded before the Flop Seat 3: Ironworks1 (big blind) showed [As Qd] and won (5,316) with a flush, Ace high Seat 4: hebburnlad showed [Qc Ac] and lost with Ace Queen high Seat 5: DJSMITH1 folded before the Flop Seat 6: x8o8x folded before the Flop

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Re: Hendon Mob League #7 WSOP/WSOPE Packages added Starts 7 Sept

Still is some points :ok, you did well as far I could see, specially when you had go at my blinds, both small and big :lol
Ty, I wasn't picking on you. I just had a run of cards every time your blinds were up... guess you bring me good luck :ok
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