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Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS


Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS  

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Re: Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS

Pie and Real Ale???!?! We want beer and totty! :loon
In that case you want the one further down the road past KCL. I shall mention the Eastern European girls on the bar staff who the last time I was in there were definitely within acceptable parameters. Especially in the skirt one of them was wearing. Most of the blokes in there at the time wanted to get a bottle of budweiser or cider just to make her bend down!.And I can't bloody remember what the place is called:wall And whats wrong with Pie and Real Ale?. Better than an unidentified meat substitute kebab and a pint of piss, sorry Fosters....:puke:puke
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Re: Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS I'll look forward to joining you lot on the Thursday for the poker:ok A two hour tourney is just up my street:tongue2 I had to make the decision whether to stay and watch England or get back early Friday to have some root canal treatment on a troublesome tooth. I chose the dentist:ok

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Re: Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS So that means we've only got 2 England tickets left, not including Andy's interest but as yet not confirmed. England v Bulgaria Euro Qualifier Definites Me Morlspin Nade Spurman Spurman's Dad Appy Ammer Roy The Boy (friend of mine) Roy (888Sport) Andybell We also need confirmations on people that have been PM'd and anyone else wanting to play in the next 24 hours so we can hand names and numbers over to the organisers. :ok

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Re: Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS If you want to play in our tourney, then please register by clicking the link within the image above. If you don't register, you will be in a long queue rather than the priority queue. We should all be there for 7pm, so we've got plenty of time to get through the queues and find where we're playing. :ok If you have trouble clicking the image, then just register here http://www.pokerinthepark.com/registration/ Your priority voucher will be sent by email next Tuesday I've been told. You will need to print this out and bring it with you. :ok

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Re: Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS As for a meeting place, how about here http://www.fancyapint.com/pubs/pub620.php from say 5pm? or earlier if you're up for a session! :loon It's got the best rating for that area and seems decent enough. Never been in there even though it's just around the corner. :loon

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Re: Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS

Registered. Paul - can we register for other tournaments or do we need to be invited?
No mate, need to be invited but only says 1 per email address......could always use a 2nd email add........although im not advocating it lol
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Re: Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS

Guys As I live in London it would be rude not to come to the footy. I am not English so I dont really want to take up someones place that really wants to go. So if you have 10 then fine if not I will be happy to come. Let me know....
Andy, we all hate England at the moment, we're only going there to throw things at them and cheer on the Bulgarians, so the ticket is yours but please just confirm you're definitely coming. :ok
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Re: Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS

same as ColU, regged and will be there about 5-6pm. be good to see the old faces and new.. i am assuming by Graeme`s previous post i am a Bounty. what are the prizes etc???
We're working on the prizes, will let you know shortly. :ok
I can confirm I will be attending the footy. See you on Thursday night at the poker anyway...
Nice one Andy. :ok
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