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A.I. horses


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Re: A.I. horses Just a few stats if anyones interested Since changing back to progamme ver 1 in post 92 (explained in post #100, new version 1.1 was crap :$ ). Starting with the 76.04 I had left the stats are: Bank 76.04 Bets 42 won 16 SR 38.09 % staked 463.62 profit 182.18 ROI 239.58 % Yield 39.29 % Ave winning odds 3.99 expected odds to break even 1/SR = 2.62 edge (3.99/2.62)-1 = .5229 or 52.29 % Granted Only a small sample on the scale of things,but I'm quite happy how its going all the same. :) Will do another update at the end of the month (if the bubble hasn't burst) and re-evaluate what changes if any need implementing. This is an ongoing project for me and if I can make a few bob on the way so be it. :) The eventual aim is to write a standalone BF bot around the prog and let it chug away merrily on BF. :dude Anyway better not get too far beyond myself yet and see what today brings. :hope

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