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I know a lot of you will not be aware of this as you do not frequent Blonde but I feel as I am aware I should warn people as I know a lot of people on here know Neil and may have contact with him. He has basically scammed a lot of people for a hell of a lot of money. The story is a very long one and there is a thread which is currently 60 pages long. My basic concern was for people on here that know him and people that go to DTD that the guy obv has a gambling problem and needs a lot of help and parting with any money to stake him etc etc would be foolish.

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Re: Blatch Ive just read the thread in full which is 57 pages long on Blonde and counting: Cliff Notes to make it easier:

  • Looks like a scam of around £120k ish
  • Lied to members about losing bets when he made them up
  • Asked for more money when original stakes were lost/stolen
  • Set up WSOP stake request to try recoup loses which has gone too
  • Police called and Betfair informed


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Re: Blatch Just read the whole thread, after only scanning when Brian PM'd me. Unbelievable, but he clearly has a huge problem. My first concern, rightly or wrongly would be that he's watched, because he'll probably try and top himself and nobody should want that. Gutted for the people who lost money, especially their Vegas trips destroyed. I'm not going to come out with any hindsight comments, it's just really sad. If he did mean to defraud people, then of course he has to answer for that. If that means jail, then that's what it means.

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Re: Blatch

Just read the whole thread, after only scanning when Brian PM'd me. Unbelievable, but he clearly has a huge problem. My first concern, rightly or wrongly would be that he's watched, because he'll probably try and top himself and nobody should want that. Gutted for the people who lost money, especially their Vegas trips destroyed. I'm not going to come out with any hindsight comments, it's just really sad. If he did mean to defraud people, then of course he has to answer for that. If that means jail, then that's what it means.
It is sad, its even sadder that he betrayed the trust of his most loyal friends as well including his best bud george. Why people do this just for money is beyond my thinking but it just goes to show you cannot trust any fcuker in the gambling world.
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Re: Blatch

Ive just read the thread in full which is 57 pages long on Blonde and counting: Cliff Notes to make it easier:
  • Looks like a scam of around £120k ish
  • Lied to members about losing bets when he made them up
  • Asked for more money when original stakes were lost/stolen
  • Set up WSOP stake request to try recoup loses which has gone too
  • Police called and Betfair informed


I thought he was a 'winning poker player', is this not true?:unsure Has he lost all this money through 'spread betting' or was he just using the stake money to live on?:unsure Ah well, you're never sure!:loon Shame for the stakers.:cry:cry:cry TQM
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Re: Blatch I might be wrong there, but shouldn't Blatch given the chance to say something about it, before the big judgement starts?? I only had a short look at the other thread, and due to my english is bit hard to follow for me. But still it looks like suddenly people find lots nasty things. Even if all of this is true where it seems people are pretty convinced it is, I think he should be given the possibility to tell his side of the story before we "judge"

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Re: Blatch

I might be wrong there, but shouldn't Blatch given the chance to say something about it, before the big judgement starts?? I only had a short look at the other thread, and due to my english is bit hard to follow for me. But still it looks like suddenly people find lots nasty things. Even if all of this is true where it seems people are pretty convinced it is, I think he should be given the possibility to tell his side of the story before we "judge"
I think Blatch has opened another thread basically admitting guilty to >90% of all accusations so it's not looking good!:\ TQM
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Re: Blatch Kin hell that's an epic thread on Blonde and if I was Neil I'd be seriously worried about my health. Only met Neil once and it came across to me that the guy was minted and he told me at the time that he was going to pay cash for a new flat in Leciester over £100k.:unsure

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Re: Blatch

It is sad, its even sadder that he betrayed the trust of his most loyal friends as well including his best bud george. Why people do this just for money is beyond my thinking but it just goes to show you cannot trust any fcuker in the gambling world.
Sad but true WASP. i dont know the man and dont know if he ment to always cheat these people but this is what happens when some people have a gamblng problem, i may be cynical i dont know but when somone offers you a deal for easy money in gambling i dont want anything to do with it, if its that easy why do they want to let strangers never mind friends in on it. read a bit of thread and cant help feeling sick for both sides,i cant see how BLATCH will ever afford to repay these people,if he genuinely wants to repay what he owes it will take decades to wipe off his debts, sick.
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Re: Blatch

I might be wrong there, but shouldn't Blatch given the chance to say something about it, before the big judgement starts?? I only had a short look at the other thread, and due to my english is bit hard to follow for me. But still it looks like suddenly people find lots nasty things. Even if all of this is true where it seems people are pretty convinced it is, I think he should be given the possibility to tell his side of the story before we "judge"
Sorry starshine but I'm still in the position that I dont want to judge him as I know the guy quite well. I did deliberate about starting this thread and PM'd a couple of people first but as I was aware of the situation I would of felt guilty if someone on PL got ripped off and I could of stopped it, Saying that the evidence doesn't look good and he has half admitted doing the money but we are unsure as to how at the moment.
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Re: Blatch I just seen a thread on the betfair forum with more cliffnotes if anyone is interested and doesn't want to read the 70 odd pages on that blonde forum. "http://blondepoker.com/forum/index.php?topic=48399.0 Neil Blatchley http://pokerdb.thehendonmob.com/player.ph... Cliffnotes: 1) Neil Blatchly a.k.a Blatch is a popular and well known UK Poker Player and very popular on the Blonde forum and is known as a high limit sports trader on Betfair 2) He somehow manages to amass a trading bankroll of £60-70,000 from over 40 investors, 3 of which are high roller UK Poker Players and invest 10k each. He has everyones implicit trust. 3) He does well from August to January and is upto £85,000. 4) He keeps on doing well for the rest of the seasom making small profits and some small losses start creeping in but the investors are still delighted, hey its better than money in the bank. 5) He says he will keep this going into the World Cup if people wish but some people object and request their shares. He delays these people several times so suspicions at last start to arise. 6) A poster calls Arbboy registers on the Blonde forum and wonders why everyone trusts this guy so much and launches an attack on him calling him out to prove all his wins and account balance by posting screenshots etc. 7) Blatch comes out and claims he lost the full bankroll on the Liverpool v Stoke game in January by falling asleep pre match. All the trades hes made since then are make believe. He claims the reason for continuing to lie for months and months is because he was trying to make the money back so no one would know about it. But the worst bit is that in April he made a staking thread for staking for the World Series of Poker and managed to get £14,000 from various people. It is assumed he used this money to try and win back the £80,000.. Cool In April/May he took his family ona trip of a lifetime to Florida and Miami where they stayed in a 5* hotel and he kept posting on his facebook about how brilliant and posh his trip was. 9) Now everyone knows the money is long gone and its come out that he didnt lose it on Liverpool v Stoke at all, he lost it being a degenerate gambler, betting on roullette and horse racing and the likes. 10) He claims he is moving back in with his parents (hes 35) and selling his fiesta and getting a job and plans to pay everyone back eventually. 11) People are devastated. They want to get the police involved, some have lost their savings, some cant go on holiday this summer because of it."

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Re: Blatch

I just seen a thread on the betfair forum with more cliffnotes if anyone is interested and doesn't want to read the 70 odd pages on that blonde forum. "http://blondepoker.com/forum/index.php?topic=48399.0 Neil Blatchley http://pokerdb.thehendonmob.com/player.ph... Cliffnotes: 1) Neil Blatchly a.k.a Blatch is a popular and well known UK Poker Player and very popular on the Blonde forum and is known as a high limit sports trader on Betfair 2) He somehow manages to amass a trading bankroll of £60-70,000 from over 40 investors, 3 of which are high roller UK Poker Players and invest 10k each. He has everyones implicit trust. 3) He does well from August to January and is upto £85,000. 4) He keeps on doing well for the rest of the seasom making small profits and some small losses start creeping in but the investors are still delighted, hey its better than money in the bank. 5) He says he will keep this going into the World Cup if people wish but some people object and request their shares. He delays these people several times so suspicions at last start to arise. 6) A poster calls Arbboy registers on the Blonde forum and wonders why everyone trusts this guy so much and launches an attack on him calling him out to prove all his wins and account balance by posting screenshots etc. 7) Blatch comes out and claims he lost the full bankroll on the Liverpool v Stoke game in January by falling asleep pre match. All the trades hes made since then are make believe. He claims the reason for continuing to lie for months and months is because he was trying to make the money back so no one would know about it. But the worst bit is that in April he made a staking thread for staking for the World Series of Poker and managed to get £14,000 from various people. It is assumed he used this money to try and win back the £80,000.. Cool In April/May he took his family ona trip of a lifetime to Florida and Miami where they stayed in a 5* hotel and he kept posting on his facebook about how brilliant and posh his trip was. 9) Now everyone knows the money is long gone and its come out that he didnt lose it on Liverpool v Stoke at all, he lost it being a degenerate gambler, betting on roullette and horse racing and the likes. 10) He claims he is moving back in with his parents (hes 35) and selling his fiesta and getting a job and plans to pay everyone back eventually. 11) People are devastated. They want to get the police involved, some have lost their savings, some cant go on holiday this summer because of it."
That was my post on BF. ALso posted on here to warn others but didnt realise morlspin had done it already
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Re: Blatch Have no sympathy for the guy but i do think things have got out of hand, this seems to be all over the net ,he may be starting to think the whole world thinks he is scum and may start to think he has no way out and do something very SILLY? A lot of threats and personal stuff have been posted,i just hope someone is helping him to be positive and face up to this mess, as its getting a bit much for anyone to take right now,lets hope he can come to some arrangement to at least pay part of the cash back,if not the police will have to sort it out, I know its easy for me to say but i still wouldn't want the guilt of sending anyone over the top especially without finding out how he is taking this, if hes not bothered,about losing these peoples cash then ive not much sympathy, if he is devastated and wants to sort this out, let him know it will be looked at with more understanding and its not the end of the world.

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