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Hooloovoo's $50 to $1,000 challenge: Bankroll $55


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Re: Hooloovoo's $50 to $1,000 challenge Gl with this. I agree with the rest that starting out with a small sum of money is much more effective time wise than starting out with $0 and hoping to build it up through freerolls, when you look back midway through your challenge you will feel that it has saved you alot of time.

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Re: Hooloovoo's $50 to $1,000 challenge You could set yourself a side challenge to make $50 from freerolls, to recover your $50 deposit. Say play 1 freeroll min per day until you recover your $50. Then you could say it was a $0 - $10,000 challenge

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Re: Hooloovoo's $50 to $1,000 challenge

You could set yourself a side challenge to make $50 from freerolls, to recover your $50 deposit. Say play 1 freeroll min per day until you recover your $50. Then you could say it was a $0 - $10,000 challenge
I like it :clap
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Re: Hooloovoo's $50 to $1,000 challenge

Agreed. The v-roll tournies offer great value and are easy to qualify for.
You can win V-points in these? What is the best way to spend V-points, according to the site you can exchange these for cash (1 V-point gives you 1p) But is that poor value compared to other uses of the points?
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Re: Hooloovoo's $50 to $1,000 challenge

I always converted them to cash. Could always save them up and go to Vegas!! :ok I assume you have played in the Vroll games before? http://www.virgingames.com/poker/tournaments.aspx?tourney=VRolls 25 raked hands required which you can easily achieve on the lowest cash buy-ins.
No i have not played v-rolls before, created my Virgin account yesterday 25 raked hands sounds easy enough, will probably be fixed limit :ok
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Re: Hooloovoo's $50 to $1,000 challenge

No i have not played v-rolls before, created my Virgin account yesterday 25 raked hands sounds easy enough, will probably be fixed limit :ok
Good luck :ok I haven't played any of them recently but there were about 150 runners when I was playing.
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Re: Hooloovoo's $50 to $1,000 challenge Have played some at Virgin. A short dabble with 0.10/0.20 fixed limit shorthanded (lowest level in order to collect some raked hands for the V-roll. Then a 5-seater €1.10 which i won for €3.50 (This euro currency is sure to give me headache) WillHill still haven't settled my $25 deposit from Neteller :( So this is what it looks like: Betfair: $0 Diamondbet: $0 Virgin: $26.35 WillHill: $25 (pending) So wer'e off the ground with a grand total of $51.35 :tongue2

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Re: Hooloovoo's $50 to $1,000 challenge: Bankroll $55.10 These euro to dollar conversions are doing my head in I will only state in dollar from now on. €1.10 buy-in equals $1.35. Six played so far, 2 wins and 1 second place buy-in: $8.10 winnings: $13.39 profit: $6.64 roi: 82% :ok

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