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Hooloovoo's $50 to $1,000 challenge: Bankroll $55


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Gonna try to build a bankroll from $50. Playing freerolls on Diamondbet and Betfair. Deposit $25 on WillHill and Virgin each. The Chris Ferguson challenge, where he went from $0 to $10,000 is very inspiring. I need a lesson in bankroll management, and this is it. This is the premise:

  • Never buy into a SNG for more than 5% of my bankroll. (Exception for lower limits, where i can buy into any SNG for $2.50 or less)
  • Never buy into a MTT for more than 2% of my bankroll. (Exception for lower limits, where i can buy into any MTT that costs $1)

These are the exact rules Mr Ferguson set up for himself and in my opinion they make alot of sense. (He also had a rule for cash games, but i skipped that since i am no cash game player) EDIT: I have revised the challenge due to a good discussion, see below. My original intent was to go from $0 to $10,000 but several good points were made against this. It made much more sense to skip the initial $50, and i also trimmed down the target to $1,000

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Re: Hooloovoo's $0 to $10,000 challenge I say it every time some one starts this kind of challenge do yourself a favour and start of with $50 rather than waste 3 months of you life trying to win the initial $50. As for a site the gcasino freerolls are giving money away at the moment so that looks as good a place as any to start. All the best:ok

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Re: Hooloovoo's $0 to $10,000 challenge

I say it every time some one starts this kind of challenge do yourself a favour and start of with $50 rather than waste 3 months of you life trying to win the initial $50.
Yes i know and it's a very sensible thing to say. The thing is, that when i get to $50, i have gone through blood, sweat and tears to get it, so i will be very careful not blowing it away, ignoring the rules. And it's all about adhering to strict rules and the fact that i start from zero is a crucial component in it all. Thanks for the tips, i will deffo check it out :ok
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Re: Hooloovoo's $0 to $10,000 challenge Hey man i can advise u here i set myself same goal before and i went to 5k before i lost interest and just went to different site.And i did genuinely start at ZERO!,so it is very possible:) I played on a site called Diamondbet its on Boss/IPN network but its only that site that does these things called Happy Hour freerolls running daily which depending on ur finish qualify u for larger weekly and monthly freeroll with big prizes few entrants 200 approx. You can stick to Fulltilt but it would be very difficult getting off the ground i'd imagine you'd need patience of a saint,took Chris Ferg 9 months to actually get off the ground. I wish u best of luck and it is very possible:)

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Re: Hooloovoo's $0 to $10,000 challenge

Hey man i can advise u here i set myself same goal before and i went to 5k before i lost interest and just went to different site.And i did genuinely start at ZERO!,so it is very possible:) I played on a site called Diamondbet its on Boss/IPN network but its only that site that does these things called Happy Hour freerolls running daily which depending on ur finish qualify u for larger weekly and monthly freeroll with big prizes few entrants 200 approx. You can stick to Fulltilt but it would be very difficult getting off the ground i'd imagine you'd need patience of a saint,took Chris Ferg 9 months to actually get off the ground. I wish u best of luck and it is very possible:)
Thanks for the encouraging words :) Indeed, i too believe that he made it harder than necessary when playing on Full Tilt. 9 months to get to $6.50, wtf??!? I can beat that :tongue2
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Re: Hooloovoo's $0 to $10,000 challenge Betfair is an option as well, thanks Rebel. :ok Dont' know if i will stick to one site or not. Obvious advantage with multiple sites is that i have access to a lot more freerolls, and more likely at times when i have time. Could be kind of defeating the subject to have the "bankroll" spread over multiple sites for this specific challenge

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Re: Hooloovoo's $0 to $10,000 challenge I made up my mind. If i was to do this "off from PL" i would definitely try to play freerolls on at least a couple if sites to maximize my chances of building the roll. So i will pick some sites to do this. Diamondbet is a good one and Betfair as well. Celebpoker will cover the iPoker network. Will start with these and keep a running update. :ok

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Re: Hooloovoo's $0 to $10,000 challenge Got the GCasino client and as glceud said they have giveaway freerolls. Used my BlueSquare account details for logging in, convinient. Not so convinient that some error occurred when i tried to register for tonight's £500 giveaway :( Emailed their support

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Re: Hooloovoo's $0 to $10,000 challenge

Got the GCasino client and as glceud said they have giveaway freerolls. Used my BlueSquare account details for logging in, convinient. Not so convinient that some error occurred when i tried to register for tonight's £500 giveaway :( Emailed their support
For UK & Ireland only :eyes
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Re: Hooloovoo's $0 to $10,000 challenge Good luck mate :ok I do think you are absolutely mad and should start with at least $10 as the standard of play in freerolls is appauling and I guarantee you will learn nothing and become frustrated very quickly.

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Re: Hooloovoo's $0 to $10,000 challenge

Why not start with a $50 balance spread between the sites using the above discipline and use the freerolls as a top up as you go along?
That is actually very sound advice. Would i be correct to use the percentages for each site's roll, or the total? I.e. If i have $10 in 5 different sites, should i calculate the buyin percentage from $10 or $50?
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Re: Hooloovoo's $0 to $10,000 challenge It makes sense with $10, but then it's not so wise maybe to start of with $2.50 sng's. Lose 4 and i'm back to zero on that site. Could go back to freerolls then of course :tongue2 More probably, cheaper tourneys is the way to go. Any added value is even better of course

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Re: Hooloovoo's $0 to $10,000 challenge As far as i can see you intend playing 5 sites possibly, Betfair-$0 Diamondbet-$0 Celebpoker-$20 Full Tilt-$20 32Red-$10 Why not divide the bankroll as above I think its weighted to give you less/no funds in the sites with the best freerolls and gives you a little more cash to play with in the sites with poorer ones?

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Re: Hooloovoo's $50 to $1,000 challenge Any reason for $25 in 32red, dont think they offer much by way of micro-stakes added value. Gnuf on the same network seems to offer a couple of micro added's. Personaly if I was sticking $25 anywere it would be Virgin for the V-roll tournies.

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