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Re: WSOP 2010 - ADETRICK and WARBIRDS WIN PACKAGES - IN VEGAS NOW!! ** Hi guys Just a few words to say we arrived well after a looong trip (3 flights, and a broken entertainment system on the 10-hour transatlantic connection :eyes ). The Wynn is a great hotel, and Vegas is an amazing place. We visited several of the Strip casinos yesterday and also went Downtown, where we managed to play extremely little and still made 50 dollars at Binion's playing blackjack and turned the 5 dollars free slot machine play from the Golden Nugget into 100 dollars :lol I also went to check the unassuming Poker Hall of Fame at Binion's. In the evening we had a players party at the Mirage and it was nice meeting the Microgaming staff and the other qualifiers. I am surprised that the average age of the players who qualified is quite old as compared to some other events I went to in Europe. Not had a chance to meet up with Adetrick, but he has his day one today so good luck Ade :hope:hope:hope The plan for us today is a helicopter trip to Grand Canyon this morning, then in the afternoon I will go to the Rio to check the place out and get my table and seat number for tomorrow, and in the evening we are going to see David Copperfield :) Serious stuff starting tomorrow though!! Thanks for the good luck messages guys Fred

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Re: WSOP 2010 - ADETRICK and WARBIRDS WIN PACKAGES - IN VEGAS NOW!! ** Hi guys, sorry I've not posted before this - been away with the family for 2 weeks then had 3 days to get ready for Vegas. Agree with Fred that the Wynn is great - bit of a trek to the centre of the strip but then again I am naturally lazy. Had mixed results in my first 2 days. Chopped the $70 at planet Hollywood on my first evening for 520 but went out early in the $550 satelitte to the main event yesterday. Playing day 1b in event 54 tommorrow so will do some shopping for gifts today. Currently standing outside of the apple store making use of their free wifi! Cheers ade

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Re: WSOP 2010 - ADETRICK and WARBIRDS WIN PACKAGES - IN VEGAS NOW!! ** Hi everyone Came back yesterday evening from Vegas and I have to say I had a GREAT time there. As stated earlier, the hotel was great, the place is nice and a lot of fun, and between the shows, the shopping, the restaurants and the trip to the Grand Canyon there was a lot to do, and I was glad that my g/f was with me so we could enjoy all of this together. :ok H8PRj.jpg On the poker front things were different though. I did not play before the WSOP event 56, and that was probably a mistake as I would have benefited from some more experience, and more confidence too. Although there was no well known pro at my starting table I have to admit I felt quite nervous - which surprised me. Despite planning on playing a serious game in order to reach day two and also to do well in the last longer bet, I made several mistakes and was out quite early. A first mistake occured at level two when the big blind was away from the table and I thought it would be a good idea to help myself to it. I raised from the button with J6o after it was folded to me. The SB called, and also called my flop c-bet. He also had a bad hand, but still better than mine and took the pot. A while later I raised in early position with TT. I got about 5 (!) callers, and the flop came all small cards rainbow. A post flop bet allowed me to shake most of the players except one who called. A J arrived on the turn and I bet again and was strongly raised by my opponent. At this point I felt I was beat and folded, loosing a good part of my stack. Finally later I bet a good amount with AKo on an ATx rainbow flop, only to get one caller. He bet the turn (a J) effectively putting me all-in. At this time I believe I am behind but I feel I have to call as practically my whole stack is already in the pot. He shows the expected KQ for the straight and I'm out. I was very frustrated as after waiting for so many weeks to play this event I played it horribly. uQZRi.jpg I played a few tournaments after that, including one of the Deepstack Extravaganza events at the Venetian and a few smaller tournaments at the Mirage and Treasure Island, where I got the only cash position of my trip (I thought I actually would win this one until I suffered a terrible bad beat in the end. This was the only horrible beat I experienced in the trip though). I enjoyed greatly the whole Vegas experience, and woiuld like to thank 32Red and Microgaming who were great and also everyone who showed support here. I hope Adetrick will have some better results to share with us. I will definitely try again and qualify in the future Fred

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Re: WSOP 2010 - ADETRICK and WARBIRDS WIN PACKAGES - IN VEGAS NOW!! ** Don't be so harsh on yourself Fred. When you play 10 MTTs on line and cash in 2, it's probably good result. When you play just one game expectations are high and small chance of going deep (especially when the field is huge). Just one hand and a big dream is over. It's disappointing, but take out the good experience. With your rate of taking satellites down, I'm sure we will see you playing another big game live, very soon ;).

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Re: WSOP 2010 - ADETRICK and WARBIRDS WIN PACKAGES - IN VEGAS NOW!! ** Guys - I have been there and played several events at WSOP so can understand your frustration. To put it in context there are some well known pros that play every single event of the WSOP and barely cash yet allone make it to final tables. I go every year and definitley recommened playing osme smaller tournies when before playing the WSOP as practice is definitely needed evern just to get used having all the Yanks around! I would not beat yourself up too bad on this - just see it as now as a goal for next year to do better.

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