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PL Betfair League $950 Added Starts March 15th


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Re: PL Betfair League $950 Added Starts March 15th

Hi guys wanna take part' date=' but dont know the pass... Tourney starts in 30 mins so i probably dont have chance to get it ..[/quote'] :welcome to PL Mirets Sorry but unfortunately you do not meet the pre-requisite criteria to play tonight, but stick around, contribute to the forum and your more than welcome to play future events with us.:ok Qualifying Criteria: All that is required is that you need 5 or more posts as of the 1st January 2010. The password is the same as the last league. If you havent got it then please put a post up and it will be sent to you.
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Re: PL Betfair League $950 Added Starts March 15th I was card dead for soooooo long but somehow managed to get to FT and had a really good feeling about it, but little did i know that 88 > QQ and FD > TP :tongue2 ;) Seriously, well done Dodger, you have proven to me that you are a really good player, your results show good consistency :clap Well done to the other cashers as well.

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