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Aussie Millions 2010


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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 Second preliminary tourney I was due to play was todays $1650 bounty event. Started at 12.30pm local time, so 1.30am in UK. Had Ross Boatman and John Tabatabai (the table bounty) on my table. Had some great cards early on, including flopping quad 9s in a multi-way pot, unfortunately nobody had anything - so was checked on flop. Then John T bet the turn, I was the only caller. He checked the river, I bet, and he called before sheepishly mucking his hand when I flipped the 9s :lol Had JJ, QQ, KK in first 2-3 hours, so built up from 10k starting stack to about 30k. The got moved tables twice in quick succession. But stayed at this table for the rest of the day. Made a few re-raises with good hands, and worked my way to last 50 or so. Then at break, did a deal with a guy I met at Pokernews Cup for 10% of each other. Tourney was paying top 40, with a split to 4 shootout tables when we were down to 32. Glad to say I've made it to this point (guaranteed $4k, plus have a $1k bounty for busting an Aussie pro, whose name escapes me at the moment). Play resumes tomorrow at 2.00pm local time :ok

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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 Vince Larosa Eliminated in 32nd Place (AUD$4,002) We've had an elimination on the first hand of play down at the farthest table away from the media desk. Vince Larosa was all in preflop with ax.gifkx.gif and called by his opponent holding the same hand, but suited in diamonds. Larosa was unsuited. The flop landed with three diamonds, making a flush against Laroas and eliminating him in 32nd place.

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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 Ekram Doubles Through Kelly Aidan Kelly raised to 10,000 from middle position and then Kamyar Ekram called all in for his last 6,100 in the cutoff seat. Everyone else folded and the two were heads up with Ekram being at risk. Ekram held da.gifah.gif and was in a great spot to double up against the as.gifqc.gif of Kelly. The board ran out 10s.gif5d.gif2d.gif2h.gif10h.gif and Ekram doubled up. With the blinds and antes, he now has around 20,000. Kelly slipped to 240,000.

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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 Karamalikis Makin' Moves Jonathan "xMONSTERxDONGx" Karamalikis and Stefan Huber saw a flop of ah.gif7s.gif2d.gif. Karamalikis was first to act and fired 12,500. HUber raised to 27,500. Karamalikis checked the stack of Huber and then reraised enough to put Huber all in. Huber instantly folded and Karamalikis showed 4x.gif2x.gif. Huber slipped to 70,000 and Karamalikis up to 435,000.

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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 WEEEEEEEEEEE :D:D:D:D:D:D:D :drums Michael Opree Eliminated in 29th Place (AUD$4,002) Richard Scott and Michael Opree got all in preflop. Scott was the at-risk played holding 10h.gif10c.gif. Opree held ax.gifkx.gif. The board ran out 8s.gif8d.gif4d.gif3h.gif10s.gif and Scott doubled up to around 80,000. Opree was left with just 6,500. Left with only about a big blind and a half, Opree was eliminated on the next hand.

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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 :drums Levy Leaks Some Chips Grant Levy raised from early position and then Richard Scott reraised 18,800 more. Scott was in the cutoff seat and Levy made the call. The flop came down jh.gif4s.gif2c.gif and Levy checked. Scott fired 34,000. Levy went into a painful tanking decision. He eventually folded, showing pocket eights, and left himself with just over 90,000 in chips.

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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 Stefan Huber Eliminated in 27th Place (AUD$4,002) Jonathan Karamalikis raised from the button to 10,000. Stefan Huber was in the small blind and three-bet to 26,500. Sarvesh Pershad was in the big blind and four-bet to 64,500. Karamalikis checked on the stack size of Pershad and then moved all in. Huber snap-called and then Pershad went into the tank for several minutes. Eventually, he mucked his hand, claiming to have held pocket queens. Karamalikis held as.gifac.gif and Pershad held jd.gifjh.gif. The board ran out kh.gif10c.gif6h.gif10d.gif10h.gif and Huber was eliminated in 27th place. Karamalikis is now cruising with 550,000 chips.

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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 One Bounty Left There is only one bounty player in this event and he's definitely a force to be reckoned with. Jonathan "xMONSTERxDONGx" Karamalikis is the one with the $1,000 AUD bounty on his head and he currently holds the chip lead with 550,000 in chips. His closest competitor is David Steicke with 446,000 in chips.

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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 Table and Seat Draw start of day Table 10 Seat 1: Jonathan Karamalikis Seat 2: Vince Larosa Seat 3: Stefan Huber Seat 4: Ron Piastrino Seat 5: Sarvesh Prasad Seat 6: Peter Dykes Seat 7: Luke Abolins Seat 8: Daniel Neilson Table 14 Seat 1: Michael Dunbar Seat 2: Steve Friedlander Seat 3: David Lacchia Seat 4: Paul Vorontnjak Seat 5: Julius Colman Seat 6: Darryl Gassali Seat 7: Jason Gray Seat 8: Neil Channing Table 19 Seat 1: Jason Pritchard Seat 2: Brian Payne Seat 3: Tristan Bain Seat 4: Giusseppe Famulari Seat 5: Mick Nolton Seat 6: George Palavos Seat 7: Sherif Derias Seat 8: Frederick Lum Table 24 Seat 1: Aidan Kelly Seat 2: Richard Scott Seat 3: Kamyar Ekram Seat 4: Michael Opree Seat 5: Peter Saward Seat 6: Matthew Rolfe Seat 7: Grant Levy Seat 8: David Steicke Day 2 of Bounty Hunting The second day of action for the $1,650 Bounty tournament kicks off at 2:00 p.m. local time. The start time has been bumped up two hours from 4:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. The final four tables will be playing a shoot-out format from here on out. Each table of eight will play down until only two players remain. Those two fortunate souls will earn a seat at the final table. Some of the notables still in action will be Jonathan "xMONSTERxDONGx" Karamalikis, Jason Gray, Neil Channing and David Steicke. It would be foolish to forget about Team PokerStars Pro Grant Levy, who is also in the mix and seated at Steicke's table. Everyone left is already in the money and earning at least AUD $4,002. First place is a hefty AUD $122,700.

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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 S-LUM-in It We picked up the action for this hand between Fred Lum and Brian Payne on the turn. The board read 9d.gif8c.gif4s.gif2s.gif. Lum checked, Payne made it 20,000 to go and Lum made the call. The js.gif fell on the river. Lum lead out to 40,000 and Payne called. Lum: kh.gifqd.gif Payne: 6c.gif6h.gif Payne's sixes were good and he moved up to 290,000 while Lum now has 125,000.

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