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Need some advice!


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Hi guys, been playing poker for just over a year, mainly at pinnacle sports (entraction poker client). Had a constantly small and fluctuating bankroll till it picked up from 100 plus euros in July to 3000 euros recently. However, I've been on a very bad run which has seen me drop around 1800 euros in the past 48 hours. This is across a variety of tables from Full Ring NL50 - NL100, to shorthanded NL50 - NL200. I have since dropped the NL200 tables due to my bankroll. Is this simply variance, or have I been doing something wrong recently that I am not realising? Will post some screenshots shortly.. These are my stats since i started tracking them from 26 sep.. 26sep18oct.jpg

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Re: Need some advice! Thanks alot for the replies guys, unfortunately the huge losing streak was on another computer where the hand histories weren't saved. Played sh NL100 for awhile today and dropped another 200 euros. I have the hand history available, but only in .txt format. What is the best way to post it here?

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Re: Need some advice! usually best to just copy and paste:ok just create a new thread in the right forum ,ie cash if its cash or tourney if its mtt/sng. you should get a decent amount of responces on either. i also agree with the above,your maybe playing above your roll a little and may be chasing/on tilt due to the losses:\ could also be just plain old variance:tongue2 it seems like you had a very good run and maybe jumped up a little too quick,okay your roll allows you to move up but if your not used to the level of play at $1/$2 jumping the levels between can be a killer. as you say you always had a smallish roll before id guess you mainly played 5/10c 10/20c and the difference in play between those and the $1/$2 is not massive but can turn you from a winning player to a losing one:unsure

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Re: Need some advice! You're right, i was on nl20 and nl50 (strictly full ring) before my good run allowed me to move up, was running well as i moved through nl100 and started on shorthanded games as well. Then came the drop.. coincidentally after I removed my wisdom tooth last friday! Ok, i'll post a few key hands from the session just now.. hopefully it will help you guys to analyse my play.. Can a mod kindly move this to the cash game forum? Thanks.

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Re: Need some advice! A very standard play in response to a short stack all-in. Game # 1407295399 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Leon" Players(max 6): averick (EUR 99.50 in seat 1) Marubozu (EUR 124.17 in seat 2) marmaras (EUR 9.11 in seat 3) Lurifox- (EUR 114.52 in seat 4) Tazar777 (EUR 422.45 in seat 5) minion32 (EUR 55.72 in seat 6) Dealer: marmaras Small Blind: Lurifox- (0.50) Big Blind: minion32 (1.00) averick was dealt: :Jh::Jc: averick Raise (3.00) Marubozu Fold marmaras All-In (9.11) Lurifox- Fold minion32 Fold averick Call (6.11) Flop :Jd: :Ts: :As: Turn :Jd: :Ts: :As: :Tc: River :Jd: :Ts: :As: :Tc: :Qc: averick shows: :Jh: :Jc: (a full house, Jacks full of Tens) marmaras shows: :Kc: :7c: (a straight, Ace high) averick wins: EUR 18.77 (with a full house, Jacks full of Tens) Rake: EUR 0.95 Game ended 2009-10-19 16:10:26 PDT I c-bet about 75% of the time.. this was one of the times when i didn't. Game # 1407295479 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Leon" Players(max 6): averick (EUR 108.16 in seat 1) Marubozu (EUR 124.17 in seat 2) sawyer__ (EUR 100.00 in seat 3) Lurifox- (EUR 110.52 in seat 4) Tazar777 (EUR 422.45 in seat 5) minion32 (EUR 59.22 in seat 6) Dealer: minion32 Small Blind: averick (0.50) Big Blind: Marubozu (1.00) averick was dealt: :Ah: :5c: Lurifox- Fold minion32 Fold averick Raise (2.50) Marubozu Call (2.00) Flop :6c: :Jd: :8s: averick Check Marubozu Bet (4.50) averick Fold Marubozu Payback (4.50) Marubozu didn't show hand Marubozu wins: EUR 5.70 Rake: EUR 0.30 Game ended 2009-10-19 16:12:14 PDT My opponent here had been raising quite aggressively so i decided to re-raise him. I had a very bad felling after he called my flop bet though Game # 1407295620 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Leon" Players(max 6): averick (EUR 105.66 in seat 1) Marubozu (EUR 126.37 in seat 2) sawyer__ (EUR 101.50 in seat 3) Lurifox- (EUR 112.02 in seat 4) Tazar777 (EUR 422.45 in seat 5) lill-isac (EUR 100.00 in seat 6) Dealer: lill-isac Small Blind: averick (0.50) Big Blind: sawyer__ (1.00) averick was dealt: :9h: :9c: Lurifox- Raise (3.50) lill-isac Fold averick Raise (10.50) sawyer__ Fold Lurifox- Call (7.50) Flop :Ac: :Kd: :7s: averick Bet (15.00) Lurifox- Call (15.00) Turn :Ac: :Kd: :7s: :3h: averick Check Lurifox- Check River :Ac: :Kd: :7s: :3h: :3d: averick Check Lurifox- Bet (39.75) averick Fold Lurifox- Payback (39.75) Lurifox- didn't show hand Lurifox- wins: EUR 50.35 Rake: EUR 2.65 Game ended 2009-10-19 16:16:03 PDT The SB raised and with A7s i decided to go along and see the flop. Only had a backdoor flush draw so i decided to fold to his cbet. Game # 1407303987 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Leon" Players(max 6): averick (EUR 100.00 in seat 1) Marubozu (EUR 126.37 in seat 2) sawyer__ (EUR 112.52 in seat 3) BlackAL (EUR 66.50 in seat 4) Tazar777 (EUR 429.95 in seat 5) lill-isac (EUR 102.00 in seat 6) Dealer: Tazar777 Small Blind: lill-isac (0.50) Big Blind: averick (1.00) averick was dealt: :Ac: :7c: sawyer__ Fold BlackAL Fold Tazar777 Fold lill-isac Raise (3.50) averick Call (3.00) Flop :9d: :4d: :Qc: lill-isac Bet (5.00) averick Fold lill-isac Payback (5.00) lill-isac didn't show hand lill-isac wins: EUR 7.60 Rake: EUR 0.40 Game ended 2009-10-19 16:24:40 PDT Flopped middle pair and called opponent's c-bet. Whether i should have called his turn bet really depends on his playing style i suppose, but i felt that i was beaten here. Would leading out / check-raising on the flop have been a better option? Game # 1407304253 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Leon" Players(max 6): averick (EUR 100.00 in seat 1) eaotjmb5 (EUR 103.65 in seat 2) sawyer__ (EUR 111.72 in seat 3) BlackAL (EUR 77.83 in seat 4) Tazar777 (EUR 426.17 in seat 5) lill-isac (EUR 100.00 in seat 6) Dealer: Tazar777 Small Blind: lill-isac (0.50) Big Blind: averick (1.00) averick was dealt: :Ah: :Qc: eaotjmb5 Fold sawyer__ Raise (3.50) BlackAL Fold Tazar777 Fold lill-isac Fold averick Call (2.50) Flop :Qh: :Ks: :8s: averick Check sawyer__ Bet (5.50) averick Call (5.50) Turn :Qh: :Ks: :8s: :2h: averick Check sawyer__ Bet (14.00) averick Fold sawyer__ Payback (14.00) sawyer__ didn't show hand sawyer__ wins: EUR 17.60 Rake: EUR 0.90 Game ended 2009-10-19 16:31:51 PDT Flopped a set and opponent lost interest after his cbet failed to push me off. Game # 1407304301 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Leon" Players(max 6): averick (EUR 91.00 in seat 1) eaotjmb5 (EUR 103.65 in seat 2) sawyer__ (EUR 120.32 in seat 3) BlackAL (EUR 77.83 in seat 4) Tazar777 (EUR 426.17 in seat 5) lill-isac (EUR 100.00 in seat 6) Dealer: lill-isac Small Blind: averick (0.50) Big Blind: eaotjmb5 (1.00) averick was dealt: :6h: :6s: sawyer__ Fold BlackAL Raise (3.50) Tazar777 Fold lill-isac Fold averick Call (3.00) eaotjmb5 Fold Flop :6c: :9c: :Kd: averick Check BlackAL Bet (6.00) averick Call (6.00) Turn :6c: :9c: :Kd: :Qh: averick Check BlackAL Check River :6c: :9c: :Kd: :Qh: :2d: averick Bet (14.75) BlackAL Fold averick Payback (14.75) averick didn't show hand averick wins: EUR 19.00 Rake: EUR 1.00 Game ended 2009-10-19 16:32:56 PDT Should i have called here? Game # 1407304401 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Leon" Players(max 6): averick (EUR 100.50 in seat 1) eaotjmb5 (EUR 106.75 in seat 2) sawyer__ (EUR 118.82 in seat 3) BlackAL (EUR 61.83 in seat 4) Tazar777 (EUR 426.17 in seat 5) lill-isac (EUR 103.10 in seat 6) Dealer: Tazar777 Small Blind: lill-isac (0.50) Big Blind: averick (1.00) averick was dealt: :Js: :Qd: eaotjmb5 Fold sawyer__ Raise (3.50) BlackAL Fold Tazar777 Fold lill-isac Fold averick Fold sawyer__ Payback (2.50) sawyer__ didn't show hand sawyer__ wins: EUR 2.50 Rake: EUR 0.00 Game ended 2009-10-19 16:35:04 PDT I thought about re-raising here but decided not to as i had position on the rest. Game # 1407304422 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Leon" Players(max 6): averick (EUR 100.50 in seat 1) eaotjmb5 (EUR 105.75 in seat 2) sawyer__ (EUR 120.32 in seat 3) BlackAL (EUR 61.83 in seat 4) Tazar777 (EUR 426.17 in seat 5) lill-isac (EUR 102.60 in seat 6) Dealer: averick Small Blind: eaotjmb5 (0.50) Big Blind: sawyer__ (1.00) averick was dealt: :Kh: :Ah: BlackAL Raise (3.50) Tazar777 Call (3.50) lill-isac Call (3.50) averick Call (3.50) eaotjmb5 Fold sawyer__ Fold Flop :5s: :9d: :7c: BlackAL Check Tazar777 Check lill-isac Check averick Check Turn :5s: :9d: :7c: :4s: BlackAL Check Tazar777 Bet (11.62) lill-isac Fold averick Fold BlackAL Fold Tazar777 Payback (11.62) Tazar777 didn't show hand Tazar777 wins: EUR 14.75 Rake: EUR 0.75 Game ended 2009-10-19 16:36:39 PDT Got lucky here against Aces, but my opponent slowpayed abit too much. My image of him was a shorthanded specialist who was quite aggressive. Game # 1407304465 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Leon" Players(max 6): averick (EUR 100.00 in seat 1) eaotjmb5 (EUR 105.25 in seat 2) sawyer__ (EUR 118.82 in seat 3) BlackAL (EUR 57.33 in seat 4) Tazar777 (EUR 438.92 in seat 5) lill-isac (EUR 100.00 in seat 6) Dealer: sawyer__ Small Blind: BlackAL (0.50) Big Blind: Tazar777 (1.00) averick was dealt: :Qd: :Qh: lill-isac Fold averick Raise (3.00) eaotjmb5 Raise (9.00) sawyer__ Fold BlackAL Fold Tazar777 Fold averick Call (6.00) Flop :8c: :Jh: :9s: averick Check eaotjmb5 Bet (14.62) averick Call (14.62) Turn :8c: :Jh: :9s: :4c: averick Check eaotjmb5 Check River :8c: :Jh: :9s: :4c: :Ts: averick Bet (32.00) eaotjmb5 Call (32.00) averick shows: :Qd: :Qh: (a straight, Queen high) eaotjmb5 didn't show hand :Ah: :Ad: I almost always re-raise in this situation, and still have no idea why i didn't do so. Game # 1407320738 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Leon" Players(max 6): averick (EUR 149.12 in seat 1) eaotjmb5 (EUR 105.87 in seat 2) sawyer__ (EUR 105.00 in seat 3) BlackAL (EUR 109.66 in seat 4) Tazar777 (EUR 439.62 in seat 5) lill-isac (EUR 100.00 in seat 6) Dealer: lill-isac Small Blind: averick (0.50) Big Blind: eaotjmb5 (1.00) averick was dealt: :Jh: :Js: sawyer__ Fold BlackAL Fold Tazar777 Fold lill-isac Raise (2.87) averick Call (2.37) eaotjmb5 Fold Flop :Kd: :2s: :8c: averick Check lill-isac Bet (5.05) averick Call (5.05) Turn :Kd: :2s: :8c: :Qc: averick Check lill-isac Bet (12.63) averick Fold lill-isac Payback (12.63) lill-isac didn't show hand lill-isac wins: EUR 16.04 Rake: EUR 0.80 Game ended 2009-10-19 16:44:39 PDT Folding to a RR here after opening with AJo Game # 1407320967 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Leon" Players(max 6): averick (EUR 139.70 in seat 1) eaotjmb5 (EUR 141.00 in seat 2) sawyer__ (EUR 129.30 in seat 3) Tadgik (EUR 100.00 in seat 4) Tazar777 (EUR 425.12 in seat 5) lill-isac (EUR 101.50 in seat 6) Dealer: sawyer__ Small Blind: Tadgik (0.50) Big Blind: Tazar777 (1.00) averick was dealt: :Ah: :Jh: lill-isac Fold averick Raise (3.00) eaotjmb5 Raise (10.50) sawyer__ Fold Tadgik Fold Tazar777 Fold averick Fold eaotjmb5 Payback (7.50) eaotjmb5 didn't show hand eaotjmb5 wins: EUR 7.50 Rake: EUR 0.00 Game ended 2009-10-19 16:49:30 PDT More to follow.. if i am posting too many hands that are not useful let me know and i'll put only the key hands..

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Re: Need some advice! Raised with QKo and called the RR, as he was in the BB and i didn't give him too much credit for his hand. Did i make a big mistake calling his river bet? Game # 1407321121 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Leon" Players(max 6): averick (EUR 134.20 in seat 1) eaotjmb5 (EUR 148.07 in seat 2) sawyer__ (EUR 132.30 in seat 3) Tadgik (EUR 100.00 in seat 4) Tazar777 (EUR 423.62 in seat 5) Dealer: Tazar777 Small Blind: averick (0.50) Big Blind: eaotjmb5 (1.00) averick was dealt: :Qh: :Kd: sawyer__ Fold Tadgik Fold Tazar777 Fold averick Raise (2.50) eaotjmb5 Raise (6.50) averick Call (4.50) Flop :Td: :6s: :9c: averick Check eaotjmb5 Check Turn :Td: :6s: :9c: :Ts: averick Bet (10.00) eaotjmb5 Call (10.00) River :Td: :6s: :9c: :Ts: :Qc: averick Check eaotjmb5 Bet (26.25) averick Call (26.25) eaotjmb5 shows: :Ac: :As: (two pairs, Aces and Tens) averick didn't show hand :Qh: :Kd: eaotjmb5 wins: EUR 84.50 (with two pairs, Aces and Tens) Rake: EUR 3.00 Game ended 2009-10-19 16:52:56 PDT I didn't lead out after hitting top pair as i wanted him to bluff some money into the pot, but 2 pot sized bets on the flop and turn put me off as he could have had any 2 cards. Game # 1407321638 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Leon" Players(max 6): averick (EUR 98.50 in seat 1) eaotjmb5 (EUR 164.69 in seat 2) sawyer__ (EUR 133.65 in seat 3) 24hFish (EUR 175.64 in seat 4) Tazar777 (EUR 554.63 in seat 5) -theStig- (EUR 100.00 in seat 6) Dealer: Tazar777 Small Blind: averick (0.50) Big Blind: eaotjmb5 (1.00) averick was dealt: :4d: :Kh: sawyer__ Fold 24hFish Fold Tazar777 Fold averick Call (0.50) eaotjmb5 Check Flop :Kd: :7h: :Td: averick Check eaotjmb5 Bet (2.00) averick Call (2.00) Turn :Kd: :7h: :Td: :5h: averick Check eaotjmb5 Bet (6.00) averick Fold eaotjmb5 Payback (6.00) eaotjmb5 didn't show hand eaotjmb5 wins: EUR 5.70 Rake: EUR 0.30 Game ended 2009-10-19 17:03:54 PDT I could have tried to take this pot down with a river bet representing either a K or A, but i felt he wouldn't lay his hand down. I decided to call on the turn, mainly because he took alot of time to think and i didn't feel he had a king. But his near pot-sized flop bet should have told me he wanted the hand ended there and then. Game # 1407331567 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Leon" Players(max 6): averick (EUR 100.00 in seat 1) Alecsus (EUR 25.12 in seat 2) sawyer__ (EUR 140.15 in seat 3) SnightFever (EUR 101.00 in seat 4) Tazar777 (EUR 514.53 in seat 5) Tadgik (EUR 100.00 in seat 6) Dealer: Tazar777 Small Blind: Tadgik (0.50) Big Blind: averick (1.00) averick was dealt: :Qs: :Th: Alecsus Fold sawyer__ Fold SnightFever Fold Tazar777 Fold Tadgik Raise (2.50) averick Call (2.00) Flop :Ts: :6s: :3h: Tadgik Bet (5.00) averick Call (5.00) Turn :Ts: :6s: :3h: :Ks: Tadgik Bet (12.00) averick Call (12.00) River :Ts: :6s: :3h: :Ks: :Ah: Tadgik Check averick Check Tadgik shows: :Jh: :Js: (a pair of Jacks) averick didn't show hand :Qs: :Th: Tadgik wins: EUR 38.00 (with a pair of Jacks) Rake: EUR 2.00 Game ended 2009-10-19 17:21:30 PDT I respected Tazar's play, but felt that he was tightening up recently. Thus my decision to lead out on this paired high card flop with flush draw possibilities. Game # 1407344252 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Leon" Players(max 6): averick (EUR 99.00 in seat 1) hotcoca (EUR 101.50 in seat 3) stonoga (EUR 101.50 in seat 4) Tazar777 (EUR 514.23 in seat 5) Dealer: Tazar777 Small Blind: averick (0.50) Big Blind: hotcoca (1.00) averick was dealt: :6s: :6h: stonoga Fold Tazar777 Raise (3.00) averick Call (2.50) hotcoca Fold Flop :Kh: :Jh: :Kd: averick Bet (5.00) Tazar777 Fold averick Payback (5.00) averick didn't show hand averick wins: EUR 6.65 Rake: EUR 0.35 Game ended 2009-10-19 17:30:59 PDT I felt this was very poorly played by me. I should have put in another bet on the turn but with his hand there was still a very high chance he would call. Game # 1407344422 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Leon" Players(max 6): averick (EUR 101.15 in seat 1) hotcoca (EUR 107.25 in seat 3) stonoga (EUR 100.00 in seat 4) Tazar777 (EUR 509.73 in seat 5) linden86 (EUR 100.00 in seat 6) Dealer: averick Small Blind: hotcoca (0.50) Big Blind: Tazar777 (1.00) averick was dealt: :Ah: :7h: averick Raise (3.00) hotcoca Fold Tazar777 Call (2.00) Flop :3c: :As: :Jc: Tazar777 Check averick Bet (4.00) Tazar777 Call (4.00) Turn :3c: :As: :Jc: :4c: Tazar777 Check averick Check River :3c: :As: :Jc: :4c: :8c: Tazar777 Check averick Check Tazar777 shows: :Jh: :Tc: (a flush, Jack high) averick didn't show hand :Ah: :7h: Tazar777 wins: EUR 13.80 (with a flush, Jack high) Rake: EUR 0.70 Game ended 2009-10-19 17:33:39 PDT You guys may notice i tend to defend my blind with any decent hand.. The flop came down well for me too. Game # 1407344486 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Leon" Players(max 6): averick (EUR 100.00 in seat 1) hotcoca (EUR 106.75 in seat 3) Tazar777 (EUR 516.03 in seat 5) linden86 (EUR 100.50 in seat 6) Dealer: Tazar777 Small Blind: linden86 (0.50) Big Blind: averick (1.00) averick was dealt: :6d: :5d: hotcoca Fold Tazar777 Fold linden86 Raise (2.50) averick Call (2.00) Flop :6c: :4c: :7c: linden86 Bet (4.50) averick Call (4.50) Turn :6c: :4c: :7c: :2d: linden86 Check averick Bet (10.00) linden86 Fold averick Payback (10.00) averick didn't show hand averick wins: EUR 14.25 Rake: EUR 0.75 Game ended 2009-10-19 17:34:35 PDT This was the second time in a row i was being re-raised, and i decided to hold on to my pocket pair for awhile longer. In the end he showed too much strength and i folded on the turn. Should i have called his flop bet? Game # 1407344603 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Leon" Players(max 6): averick (EUR 104.65 in seat 1) benaba123 (EUR 35.43 in seat 2) hotcoca (EUR 110.25 in seat 3) jeks (EUR 50.00 in seat 4) Tazar777 (EUR 516.03 in seat 5) linden86 (EUR 100.00 in seat 6) Dealer: benaba123 Small Blind: hotcoca (0.50) Big Blind: jeks (1.00) averick was dealt: :8h: :8c: Tazar777 Fold linden86 Fold averick Raise (3.00) benaba123 Fold hotcoca Raise (9.50) jeks Fold averick Call (7.00) Flop :9h: :Jh: :2d: hotcoca Bet (12.50) averick Call (12.50) Turn :9h: :Jh: :2d: :3c: hotcoca Bet (34.00) averick Fold hotcoca Payback (34.00) hotcoca didn't show hand hotcoca wins: EUR 43.70 Rake: EUR 2.30 Game ended 2009-10-19 17:36:32 PDT Tazar fired 2 bullets on the flop and turn so i guessed he had an ace. The turn king probably killed the river action. Should i have raised on the flop? Again i did not RR, hoping to invite more action if i hit my hand. Game # 1407356268 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Leon" Players(max 6): averick (EUR 100.00 in seat 1) benaba123 (EUR 39.49 in seat 2) hotcoca (EUR 173.95 in seat 3) jeks (EUR 50.00 in seat 4) Tazar777 (EUR 560.53 in seat 5) linden86 (EUR 106.85 in seat 6) Dealer: benaba123 Small Blind: hotcoca (0.50) Big Blind: jeks (1.00) averick was dealt: :Ks: :Ah: Tazar777 Raise (3.50) linden86 Fold averick Call (3.50) benaba123 Fold hotcoca Fold jeks Fold Flop :Ac: :Kd: :7s: Tazar777 Bet (6.37) averick Call (6.37) Turn :Ac: :Kd: :7s: :Kh: Tazar777 Bet (15.00) averick Call (15.00) River :Ac: :Kd: :7s: :Kh: :Ts: Tazar777 Check averick Bet (33.00) Tazar777 Fold averick Payback (33.00) averick didn't show hand averick wins: EUR 48.69 Rake: EUR 2.55 Game ended 2009-10-19 17:46:29 PDT CRUCIAL HAND Lost with top pair, top kicker to a set of tens. Game # 1407366440 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Leon" Players(max 6): averick (EUR 114.97 in seat 1) benaba123 (EUR 29.54 in seat 2) hotcoca (EUR 156.33 in seat 3) fire_steel (EUR 18.50 in seat 4) Tazar777 (EUR 621.43 in seat 5) linden86 (EUR 100.35 in seat 6) Dealer: Tazar777 Small Blind: linden86 (0.50) Big Blind: averick (1.00) averick was dealt: :Kc: :Ah: benaba123 Fold hotcoca Fold fire_steel Fold Tazar777 Fold linden86 Raise (3.50) averick Call (3.00) Flop :2c: :Td: :Ks: linden86 Bet (6.00) averick Call (6.00) Turn :2c: :Td: :Ks: :4c: linden86 Bet (15.00) averick Call (15.00) River :2c: :Td: :Ks: :4c: :3d: linden86 Bet (37.50) averick Call (37.50) linden86 shows: :Th: :Ts: (three of a kind, Tens) averick didn't show hand :Kc: :Ah: linden86 wins: EUR 122.00 (with three of a kind, Tens) Rake: EUR 3.00 Game ended 2009-10-19 18:01:33 PDT fire steel was a player on the short stack strategy. I felt my AJo had a good chance of winning but i didn't want to go in on a coin flip, especially just after i had lost 60euros. Game # 1407366605 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Leon" Players(max 6): averick (EUR 100.00 in seat 1) benaba123 (EUR 28.04 in seat 2) hotcoca (EUR 156.83 in seat 3) fire_steel (EUR 18.50 in seat 4) Tazar777 (EUR 621.43 in seat 5) linden86 (EUR 161.35 in seat 6) Dealer: benaba123 Small Blind: hotcoca (0.50) Big Blind: fire_steel (1.00) averick was dealt: :Jc: :Ah: Tazar777 Fold linden86 Fold averick Raise (3.00) benaba123 Fold hotcoca Call (2.50) fire_steel All-In (17.50) averick Fold hotcoca Fold fire_steel Payback (15.50) fire_steel didn't show hand fire_steel wins: EUR 9.00 Rake: EUR 0.00 Game ended 2009-10-19 18:02:53 PDT Benaba was playing rather tight throughout, so it was my mistake not to give him respect for his turn bet. Game # 1407366637 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Leon" Players(max 6): averick (EUR 97.00 in seat 1) benaba123 (EUR 28.04 in seat 2) hotcoca (EUR 153.83 in seat 3) fire_steel (EUR 24.50 in seat 4) Tazar777 (EUR 621.43 in seat 5) linden86 (EUR 161.35 in seat 6) Dealer: hotcoca Small Blind: fire_steel (0.50) Big Blind: Tazar777 (1.00) averick was dealt: :Qd: :Qs: linden86 Fold averick Raise (3.00) benaba123 Call (3.00) hotcoca Fold fire_steel Fold Tazar777 Fold Flop :3c: :9c: :9s: averick Bet (5.00) benaba123 Call (5.00) Turn :3c: :9c: :9s: :4h: averick Check benaba123 Bet (8.75) averick Raise (24.50) benaba123 All-In (11.29) averick Payback (4.46) River :3c: :9c: :9s: :4h: :6s: averick shows: :Qd: :Qs: (two pairs, Queens and Nines) benaba123 shows: :Jd: :9d: (three of a kind, Nines) benaba123 wins: EUR 54.73 (with three of a kind, Nines) Rake: EUR 2.85 Game ended 2009-10-19 18:03:57 PDT I felt that i should have put out a cbet here.. Game # 1407376055 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Leon" Players(max 6): averick (EUR 106.72 in seat 1) benaba123 (EUR 53.23 in seat 2) hotcoca (EUR 153.83 in seat 3) fire_steel (EUR 26.00 in seat 4) Tazar777 (EUR 594.06 in seat 5) linden86 (EUR 177.75 in seat 6) Dealer: fire_steel Small Blind: Tazar777 (0.50) Big Blind: linden86 (1.00) averick was dealt: :Js: :Ah: averick Raise (3.00) benaba123 Fold hotcoca Fold fire_steel Fold Tazar777 Fold linden86 Call (2.00) Flop :6h: :Th: :Kc: linden86 Check averick Check Turn :6h: :Th: :Kc: :Ts: linden86 Bet (4.87) averick Fold linden86 Payback (4.87) linden86 didn't show hand linden86 wins: EUR 6.20 Rake: EUR 0.30 Game ended 2009-10-19 18:09:02 PDT Comments please!

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Re: Need some advice! The first set of hands you show are all totally fine/standard you didn't play any badly. The second set: I'm going to save you untold amounts of money just through this advice - Don't limp the SB in small pots with crap hands ... (And then when you hit top pair definitely don't fold!) Game # 1407321638 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Leon" Players(max 6): averick (EUR 98.50 in seat 1) eaotjmb5 (EUR 164.69 in seat 2) sawyer__ (EUR 133.65 in seat 3) 24hFish (EUR 175.64 in seat 4) Tazar777 (EUR 554.63 in seat 5) -theStig- (EUR 100.00 in seat 6) Dealer: Tazar777 Small Blind: averick (0.50) Big Blind: eaotjmb5 (1.00) averick was dealt: :4d: :Kh: sawyer__ Fold 24hFish Fold Tazar777 Fold averick Call (0.50) eaotjmb5 Check Flop :Kd: :7h: :Td: averick Check eaotjmb5 Bet (2.00) averick Call (2.00) Turn :Kd: :7h: :Td: :5h: averick Check eaotjmb5 Bet (6.00) averick Fold eaotjmb5 Payback (6.00) eaotjmb5 didn't show hand eaotjmb5 wins: EUR 5.70 Rake: EUR 0.30 Next: In the long run calling QTo in the blinds will be a losing play unless you get miracle flops i.e. straight over straight etc. that goes for a ton of other hands too simply because people play well in position. Next: With 88 there's so many even worse cards to come on the turn for us that a fold is a must on the flop unless they check down AK, they're not going to barrel with air as the board is so drawy. Next: With AK i'd always 3bet in position unless there was a big fish in the blinds i wanted to keep in the pot. Against a tight player who barrels the turn K i'd always reraise in the hope they have the other K against a loose player i'd call and hope they barrel the river. Next: AK v TT is standard apart from no 3bet again. Next: v shortstack i'm fistpumping calling with AJ all day long. Actually yesterday with AJ i min reraised UTG vs a shortstack who shoved about $19 so i raised to like $35 and got the guy on the button who called my initial raise to fold - he said after the hand he would have hit quads with tens - he wasn't happy :lol But i did it to isolate the fish HU. I lost vs KJ fwiw. In all those hands i can't spot any other glaring errors apart from playing too many hands OutOfPosition, which leads me to think you've been running hot and now the cards are catching up you go on a downswing. Like others said try better bankroll management in the future.

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Re: Need some advice! I agree with Ubers comments - it sounds like you've moved up through the stakes fast .... too fast. You havent given yourself time to adjust to each level and be confident that you're beating it before moving up. Sounds like you were doing pretty well at the lower levels, but then moved up beyond your current skill and experience level to a level out of your depth :unsure Can you post a break down of the number of hands you've played at each level and the BB/100 - hopefully from that it should be clear where you SHOULD be playing (for the moment)

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Re: Need some advice!

Can you post a break down of the number of hands you've played at each level and the BB/100 - hopefully from that it should be clear where you SHOULD be playing (for the moment)
You should also break it down by Full Ring and shorthanded.
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Re: Need some advice!

The first set of hands you show are all totally fine/standard you didn't play any badly. In all those hands i can't spot any other glaring errors apart from playing too many hands OutOfPosition, which leads me to think you've been running hot and now the cards are catching up you go on a downswing. Like others said try better bankroll management in the future.
Thanks for the pointers. Playing OOP is one of my weaknesses especially in SH games, and this combined with variance could have been punishing. I probably got too excited with my earnings and then decided to move up as my bankroll increased.
I agree with Ubers comments - it sounds like you've moved up through the stakes fast .... too fast. You havent given yourself time to adjust to each level and be confident that you're beating it before moving up. Sounds like you were doing pretty well at the lower levels, but then moved up beyond your current skill and experience level to a level out of your depth Can you post a break down of the number of hands you've played at each level and the BB/100 - hopefully from that it should be clear where you SHOULD be playing (for the moment)
I was doing pretty well at full ring NL20, NL50 and NL100, before a lack of full ring games at my timezone lead me to try SH NL50 and SH NL100, which i actually did quite well at (with slightly more aggressive starting hand requirements). Then moved up to SH NL200 where the huge downswing started. As you said, suspected i was being totally outplayed and moved back down, but since doing so I have still been on a downswing. Since i started out well on full ring tables my plan would be to move back to NL50 and NL100 tables. Even though i initially did well at SH NL50 and SH NL100, i still think i have not completely adjusted to SH dynamics yet. The Entraction client isnt too useful when it comes to obtaining stats, any idea how i should get that info without tools like PT3 and HEM? I will post screenshots of what i tracked from 26sep onwards, which incidentally was the period of my last downswing of around 300+ euros. This time its 5 times worse. That said, half a year ago i would have taken my current (comparably miserable) bankroll as i only (re)started out with 125usd, after going bust the first time with around the same bankroll. I have to convince myself that I am still in a very healthy position, am simply being pegged back by around 1 1/2 months of earnings, and have totally no reason to deviate from my normal way of playing at full ring tables (which led to my initial successes). This is probably a very good lesson for me on money management, discipline and probably tells me I shouldn't move up too fast. Out of curiosity, what are your bankrolls for regularly playing at NL100 games? Am i right to say that SH games have more variance than Full ring games, or am I given that impression because of the more aggressive nature of the SH game?
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Re: Need some advice! I think the majority of players should use PT3 or HEM if they are playing regular cash poker. Other than that I dont know how you could get the info. Do either of them support entraction? If you had tracker stats, you'd know pretty well where (and what) you should be playing now. Can I recommend this article to you: http://www.pocketfives.com/poker-articles/basic-bankroll-management-2425952

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Re: Need some advice! Here're my current stats: checkyourbetsstats.jpg NL20: nl20caa201009.jpg NL50: 90% of my original winnings actually came from this limit before a downswing started when i started to record results. nl50caa201009.jpg NL100: nl100caa201009.jpg NL200: nl200caa201009.jpg SH NL50: shnl50caa201009.jpg SH NL100: shnl100caa201009.jpg SH NL200 (The start of the whole downswing..) : shnl200caa201009.jpg

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Re: Need some advice! looking over the hands it seems to me that your general play is good but maybe you havent quite adjusted to 6 max play. nade has picked up a lot of the general problems like playing oop and also maybe undervalueing your holding on certain hands (like the aj vs the shortie and the k4 you eventually folded). thats pretty standard when you switch from ring to 6 max,your still gonna be applying the same style from ring games because thats what your used to, at the same time your trying to play looser and ending up playing more oop. like i say you dont do much wrong but enough to turn a winning player into a losing one,add a little bit of variance and your gonna struggle:\ i would suggest either move up a level on ring games to 100nl or give 6 max a go on 20nl. get some experiance at the lower level because you really need to get experiance at 6 max before you start playing for decent money,also really you need a larger roll to be playing 6 max instead of ring as it's way more swingy. as for bankroll a reasonable amount is around 15 buyins for ring 20 for 6 max. i might drop that a bit if i'm playing under a level i'm used to as i'd be very confident of beating the game there, on the other side i'd maybe want a bit more to start playing a higher level than i'm used to. the good thing is that you knew there was a problem and stopped before you went through your whole roll:ok many people don't and even if they do make some money they dont keep it long;) it's a tough lesson to learn but its a good thing that your self aware enough to learn it and make adjustments:clap

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Re: Need some advice! Tks GaF and uber. Given the recent SH results i have decided to stay off that format for awhile, and stick to NL50 and NL100 (mainly NL50), taking up GaF's suggestion to focus more on what i'm better at. Uber: With regards to to SH play, so for that K4 hand, i should have called him all the way down? My main worry was the kicker and the fact that he could have any 2. Your suggestion to pick up 6-handed dynamics from a lower level (NL20) is pretty good, and will probably give me alot of room to get used to the style of play. I probably never fully adapted from the full ring style. Even though I'm glad I didn't bust all my winnings, I'm still unhappy that i didn't stop early enough. However what's done is done and I'll try to move on and build up my bankroll with stricter discipline. Just came off a +63 euro 2 hour session (playing full ring only) so hopefully things will pick up from here. Side note: I was considering moving over to PokerStars due to the lack of full ring games at Entraction in the afternoon for my timezone. I played NL4 there for fun for awhile before going bust, and haven't been back there yet. Any comments on the level of play in the NL50 and NL100 tables there? Another issue is the rakeback. Currently i am getting 30% from pinnacle daily which has accumulated to 1.25k usd over the past 3 1/2 months. For a player at my level this is a significant amount, and looking at the pokerstars vip system I will probably only get to Goldstar/Platinumstar level (at best) putting in a couple of hours daily. Does anyone know the estimated equivalent rakeback for the various pokerstars vip levels? Obviously this different system has its pros (e.g. weekly vip tourneys) and cons which cannot be simply quantified, so hopefully you guys can give me some opinions to help me in my decision, since i'm pretty sure many here have been on pokerstars at one point or another.

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Re: Need some advice!

Tks GaF and uber. Given the recent SH results i have decided to stay off that format for awhile, and stick to NL50 and NL100 (mainly NL50), taking up GaF's suggestion to focus more on what i'm better at. Uber: With regards to to SH play, so for that K4 hand, i should have called him all the way down? My main worry was the kicker and the fact that he could have any 2. Side note: I was considering moving over to PokerStars due to the lack of full ring games at Entraction in the afternoon for my timezone. I played NL4 there for fun for awhile before going bust, and haven't been back there yet. Any comments on the level of play in the NL50 and NL100 tables there?
i'd have check raised the flop or bet the flop here,if your worried that your kickers gonna be no good then why call pre and on the flop. to me it looks like you might be drawing from your play(from his pov),so its very possible he's betting to clear you out of the hand with nothing ,possibly a draw or a 10/7. okay he might be strong but i think i'd wanna see how i stood a little better by betting. on a side note although i do make up the blinds in a lot of situations, here i wouldn't.with only the bb in and a tricky k(or q) rag hand i'd just fold,with a limper in the pot it becomes much more worthwhile to call but here i wouldnt. what time zone are you in rick? if it coincides with late evening in the US then i'd definately move to stars,the play then is usually very profitable but you do need to watch out for the good regulars:ok through the days the play is a lot better overall but still beatable,again you are better stearing clear of the good players as with anywhere else. at least you've had a winning session to get you back on track,hope it continues.
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Re: Need some advice! You're right, overall on hindsight simply calling on the flop was a poor play.. leaves me in nowhereland as to where i stand. But if i c/r him and he smooth-called, what course of action should i take on the turn? Playing in the blinds is one aspect of my game that needs alot of touching up, though i get my fair share of the blinds in the lower levels., but at the higher levels its a different thing. My timezone is GMT+8, which is around 12 hours away from the US timezone (not taking into account any DST adjustments which I am unfamiliar with). Managed to push up 200+ euros in the past 24hours, hopefully i'm getting back on track. This just happened though :puke should I have played it any differently? My impression of RV72 was on the tighter side so I initially put him on a strong king or a 2 pair. Game # 1409569645 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Barcelona" Players(max 9) Passer-by (EUR 62.90 in seat 2) averick (EUR 124.26 in seat 3) Tgercatalo (EUR 39.50 in seat 4) jjjbbb (EUR 101.28 in seat 5) RV72 (EUR 64.35 in seat 7) Boro1983 (EUR 103.35 in seat 8) JokerekoJ (EUR 50.50 in seat 9) Dealer: averick Small Blind: Tgercatalo (0.50) Big Blind: RV72 (1.00) averick was dealt: :Jh: :Jd: Boro1983 Fold Passer-by Fold averick Raise (3.00) Tgercatalo Fold RV72 Call (2.00) Flop :Kd: :9c: :Jc: RV72 Check averick Bet (4.00) RV72 Raise (11.00) averick Call (7.00) Turn :Kd: :9c: :Jc: :8s: RV72 Bet (15.00) averick Raise (50.00) RV72 Call (35.00) River :Kd: :9c: :Jc: :8s: :Qs: RV72 All-In (0.35) averick Call (0.35) RV72 shows: :Th: :Kc: (a straight, King high) averick shows: :Jh: :Jd: (three of a kind, Jacks) RV72 wins: EUR 126.20 (with a straight, King high) Rake: EUR 3.00 Game ended 2009-10-21 02:36:31 SGT

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Re: Need some advice!

Tks GaF and uber. Side note: I was considering moving over to PokerStars due to the lack of full ring games at Entraction in the afternoon for my timezone. I played NL4 there for fun for awhile before going bust, and haven't been back there yet. Any comments on the level of play in the NL50 and NL100 tables there? Another issue is the rakeback. Currently i am getting 30% from pinnacle daily which has accumulated to 1.25k usd over the past 3 1/2 months. For a player at my level this is a significant amount, and looking at the pokerstars vip system I will probably only get to Goldstar/Platinumstar level (at best) putting in a couple of hours daily. Does anyone know the estimated equivalent rakeback for the various pokerstars vip levels? Obviously this different system has its pros (e.g. weekly vip tourneys) and cons which cannot be simply quantified, so hopefully you guys can give me some opinions to help me in my decision, since i'm pretty sure many here have been on pokerstars at one point or another.
By the way, anyone has some input regarding my concerns over the rakeback at PokerStars?
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Re: Need some advice!

You're right, overall on hindsight simply calling on the flop was a poor play.. leaves me in nowhereland as to where i stand. But if i c/r him and he smooth-called, what course of action should i take on the turn? Playing in the blinds is one aspect of my game that needs alot of touching up, though i get my fair share of the blinds in the lower levels., but at the higher levels its a different thing. My timezone is GMT+8, which is around 12 hours away from the US timezone (not taking into account any DST adjustments which I am unfamiliar with). Managed to push up 200+ euros in the past 24hours, hopefully i'm getting back on track. This just happened though :puke should I have played it any differently? My impression of RV72 was on the tighter side so I initially put him on a strong king or a 2 pair. Game # 1409569645 - Texas Hold'em No Limit EUR 0.50/1 - Table "Barcelona" Players(max 9) Passer-by (EUR 62.90 in seat 2) averick (EUR 124.26 in seat 3) Tgercatalo (EUR 39.50 in seat 4) jjjbbb (EUR 101.28 in seat 5) RV72 (EUR 64.35 in seat 7) Boro1983 (EUR 103.35 in seat 8) JokerekoJ (EUR 50.50 in seat 9) Dealer: averick Small Blind: Tgercatalo (0.50) Big Blind: RV72 (1.00) averick was dealt: :Jh: :Jd: Boro1983 Fold Passer-by Fold averick Raise (3.00) Tgercatalo Fold RV72 Call (2.00) Flop :Kd: :9c: :Jc: RV72 Check averick Bet (4.00) RV72 Raise (11.00) averick Call (7.00) Turn :Kd: :9c: :Jc: :8s: RV72 Bet (15.00) averick Raise (50.00) RV72 Call (35.00) River :Kd: :9c: :Jc: :8s: :Qs: RV72 All-In (0.35) averick Call (0.35) RV72 shows: :Th: :Kc: (a straight, King high) averick shows: :Jh: :Jd: (three of a kind, Jacks) RV72 wins: EUR 126.20 (with a straight, King high) Rake: EUR 3.00 Game ended 2009-10-21 02:36:31 SGT
i would then bet out on the turn (75%ish of the pot)in most situations,its a blank card and those on a draw will usually give up here:hope any more resistance from them then i'm out. of course a lot depends on your read of the player,if they're loose passive then there are a lot of draws they could flat call with. if theyre a rock then you gotta be a lot more worried by them calling your raise. in general i dont like leaving money in the pot, so more often than not i'd have a go at it but sometimes i'd check it thru and say bye bye:tongue2 the hand above looks pretty much perfect to me ,apart from the final result:wall i can see why you would think 2 pair/decent king as the hand progresses and you did exactly what you wanted to do by getting his money in ,just unlucky he hit one of his outs once you had. unfortunately ive never played much on stars,just the occasional session here and there ,so i've never really raked much or bothered with the vip scheme.i know heniek and washman got quite a few vip tourneys on platinum status and seemed to be pretty happy overall. at least your lunchtime fits in nicely with the US nightime,you'll probably find your profit is much better on fridays and saturdays:cheers;)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Need some advice! How many tables do you play? Number of hands is much more useful than hours played. My advice would be drop back to 25NL and build a roll up for 50NL again. Looking at those figures you were losing over a pretty large sample at 50NL.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Need some advice! Ok, thought I'd subscribed to this thread.. Tks for the input ubermonkey and Paul. @uber: I mostly play at night which is morning in the U.S, there're normally 200k+ players at this time so there're enough fishes every now and then. Why more profit on those two days? Because that's the time when there're the most recreational players? @Paul: At entraction, usually 4, but sinced i've moved over to Stars i've been experimenting from 4-9 tables and eventually settled on 6-7 as my optimum number. When I moved to Stars I tried out some NL50 and NL100 and felt that NL100 was beatable with its mix of regs and newer players. For the past month it seems to be the case, although I also feel its due to increased selective aggression. To update: I moved over to Stars to see if the increased traffic would benefit me, and to try out their VIP program. By now I can recognize the regulars and some of their playing styles, which has provided me with alot of insight. So far I'm back up to my previous bankroll peak (~4.5k USD), and have 40k FPP points. ptresults021209.jpg At this rate I can reach supernova by May next year, although I will be playing much less then. In addition I've been reading about changes to Stars VIP program so I will wait and see what the changes are. My current goal would be to beat NL100 on a consistent basis, i.e. ending each week in the black. I've checked up most of the regs at PTR and have seen that many who excel at NL100 are in the red at NL200, so I'll learn from them (and my own previous mistake) and stick to this limit for some time first. If anyone would like to analyse my play (i.e. hand histories) and provide me with more tips, like deadlydave has done with GAF and TQM, it would be greatly appreciated too.

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