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Heads-Up League

billy the punter

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Re: Heads-Up League 20 players would be 38x2 games each (assuming 1 division) - or is it 19x2? - any clues on intended timespan to play these games? Would like to suggest some thought be given to the contingency where some players dont play all their games/drop out before completing - I think it's probable for one reason or another that it will happen...

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Re: Heads-Up League

20 players would be 38x2 games each (assuming 1 division) - or is it 19x2? - any clues on intended timespan to play these games? Would like to suggest some thought be given to the contingency where some players dont play all their games/drop out before completing - I think it's probable for one reason or another that it will happen...
Billy mentioned other prizes on offer - best winning streak for example - which would hopefully keep the interest of those who are without a chance of winning the league. I had had that thought (about people dropping out) too, and was going to suggest a Premier League Poker type format. Say 18 of us, play 6-handed preliminary heats, each person plays 4 heats, points according to finishing position in each heat 10-7-5-3-2-1, the top 5 advance to final, and the next 6 in the league play a 6-man stt to determine the final place in the final. Cash prizes to top 3 in the final. That should pretty much keep most in with a chance of at least hitting the play-off zone right til the final heats. But the big problem I thought of with that was that you're needing 6 peeps to be free to play their heat at the same time, as opposed to just the 2 in a HU league.
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Re: Heads-Up League

Billy mentioned other prizes on offer - best winning streak for example - which would hopefully keep the interest of those who are without a chance of winning the league. I had had that thought (about people dropping out) too, and was going to suggest a Premier League Poker type format. Say 18 of us, play 6-handed preliminary heats, each person plays 4 heats, points according to finishing position in each heat 10-7-5-3-2-1, the top 5 advance to final, and the next 6 in the league play a 6-man stt to determine the final place in the final. Cash prizes to top 3 in the final. That should pretty much keep most in with a chance of at least hitting the play-off zone right til the final heats. But the big problem I thought of with that was that you're needing 6 peeps to be free to play their heat at the same time, as opposed to just the 2 in a HU league.
Cheers Samba, and yeah there are a few ideas I have. An entry fee up front helps people sticking with it too, not for a minute suggesting people won't pay after, I mean that once paid I'm hoping that people will stick/take it seriously. :ok Like I said, prize for longest winning streak, best HE, PLO player, longest unbeaten streak. More ideas weclome.
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Re: Heads-Up League

20 players would be 38x2 games each (assuming 1 division) - or is it 19x2? - any clues on intended timespan to play these games? Would like to suggest some thought be given to the contingency where some players dont play all their games/drop out before completing - I think it's probable for one reason or another that it will happen...
Will wait till I know exact numbers before I finalise everything but I reckon 2 games a week. In fact, I'm going to cap this at 20 players. Potentially only four places left!!!
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Re: Heads-Up League Based on 20 players it will be something like this... $400 collected $150 added by me $550 total prize fund Winner $240 Runner-up $120 3rd $60 4th $40 Longest winning streak $50 Longest unbeaten streak $40 Anyone who fails to complete will lose their place for the following season. If anyone does I can only suggest a 2-0 win for the opponents for the game missed. Do you think 1 game a week would be better? As some are online less often than others.

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Re: Heads-Up League billy the punter Woodie voiceofjoe deadlydaveLDN Nade Jaded GaF TQD Guppie Samba Sampa Starshine Avon Girl Hooloovoo ubermonkey1 Superfoo gazza runadrum RIVRD 18 - be nice if we can get this to 20. Anymore for anymore? :ok Registration closes tonight at midnight. Think we will start with 2 games a week and see how it works. Samba - yes that would be a great help. :ok

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Re: Heads-Up League

Based on 20 players it will be something like this... $400 collected $150 added by me $550 total prize fund Winner $240 Runner-up $120 3rd $60 4th $40 Longest winning streak $50 Longest unbeaten streak $40 Anyone who fails to complete will lose their place for the following season. If anyone does I can only suggest a 2-0 win for the opponents for the game missed. Do you think 1 game a week would be better? As some are online less often than others.
Just a suggestion, as I'm thinking Winner,Longest Unbeaten and Longest Winning would more likely be the same person :\ Would it work if one of the 'Streak' prizes was awarded to 'Most Points from Variants' (i.e Non NLHE)
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Re: Heads-Up League

Given that we've got all these different variantions' date=' would it make sense to add Stud, Stud H/L + 8-game? (I assume these are all available, haven't actually looked)[/quote'] The variant idea might be a non starter anyway as all the $2 HU i can see on stars are NLHE, no variants
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Re: Heads-Up League Runners are... billy the punter Woodie voiceofjoe deadlydaveLDN Nade Jaded GaF TQD Guppie Samba Sampa Starshine Avon Girl Hooloovoo ubermonkey1 Superfoo gazza runadrum RIVRD $20 each = $360 Was going to add 30% but will round it up to $500, adding $140. Winner - $200 Runner-up - $100 3rd - $50 4th - $25 Longest winning run - $25 Longest unbeaten run - $25 Hold'em champ - $25 PLO champ - $25 Other game (PLO8/Razz/HORSE) champ - $25 Send entry fees through (may as well keep it all under Pokerstars) before your first game please. Any problems drop me a line. Alias - TH£ PROPH£T :ok Any queries?

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