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My first ever live game - Day 1b of the WSOPE ME... NOW IN DAY 2


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Re: My first ever live game - Day 1b of the WSOPE ME... NOW IN DAY 2 very well done Mick,we are all proud of you,very unlucky in the end there but played the way most of us would of methinks. bet that Live bug is itching away now,there aint nowt like it ;). and well done to Betfair as well for looking after you so well :clap

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Re: My first ever live game - Day 1b of the WSOPE ME... NOW IN DAY 2

Are you going to play more live games now Mick? What a way to break your duck eh. Your first live game you get Gus Hansen on your table - in my first live game I got some fish called AAHall :eyes
Thats a bit harsh;)
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Re: My first ever live game - Day 1b of the WSOPE ME... NOW IN DAY 2 Very well done to you Mick, been great following your progress, well done in the interviews aswell, really carried yourself well. Was good to see your confidence, going into and carrying through the event and im sure that helped you progress as you did, so unlucky with the QQ. Give yourself a big pat on the back. Very well done sir.

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Re: My first ever live game - Day 1b of the WSOPE ME... NOW IN DAY 2 Once again, thanks to everyone for all the support! :clap:clap:clap What a great couple of days, you see people win things all the time and you always think something like it will never happen to you but let me tell you now, it just might! :loon I've now arrived back home and into the real world, it was so tempting to have a beer the whole time I was there with the free bar that was available but I stuck to orange juice the whole time because it was the sensible thing to do while playing. That changed after getting busted and I took full advantage of the bar and didn't leave the casino until well after 4am. ;) I've had some time to reflect (it was hard to put out of my mind for a good few hours after!) and I think I was simply outplayed in the final hand by a better player who had position on me and done a good job of fooling me into thinking he didn't have the goods - position really is key! I've come to conclusion that I sat down with some of the best in the world, held my own and took away more in two days than I have in the two years I've been playing - how can you not learn when you sit and play for 8 hours with Gus Hansen two seats to your left? :lol Special mention has to go to every member of the Betfair staff (loads of them) who were incredible in looking after and supporting me before, during and after the game. :clap:clap I intend to do a little report of certain hands and stuff that happened at at a later time when I can get the time/be bothered. :ok

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Re: My first ever live game - Day 1b of the WSOPE ME... NOW IN DAY 2 gg :ok BTW I echo what everyone else has said about your interview, it was more compelling than any other interview big Phil has done, mainly because there was no ego and complete honesty :ok

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Re: My first ever live game - Day 1b of the WSOPE ME... NOW IN DAY 2 Teddy Sheringham still going :loon Table Upper Deck - Far Corner Seat 1: Liz Lieu - 300,000 Seat 2: Amnon Filippi - 115,000 Seat 5: Thomas Bichon - 125,000 Seat 6: Danny Wong - 110,000 Seat 7: Teddy Sheringham - 125,000 Seat 8: Tommy Vedes - 105,000 Seat 9: Antoine Saout - 370,000

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Re: My first ever live game - Day 1b of the WSOPE ME... NOW IN DAY 2 Cracking result, very well played. Was railing Saturday, wish I'd picked up you was playing and gave some support. Still got a mate in, fingers crossed with bubble approaching. And I blagged into Betfair lounge twice, just for the smoking on the .

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Re: My first ever live game - Day 1b of the WSOPE ME... NOW IN DAY 2 I wasn't a fan of pestering anyone for a picture and avoided it the whole time but I couldn't resist this one..... Me and Daniel :notworthy f_xdq3he9rk1sm_fec4f54.jpg Thanks to Julian at Betfair for this sneaky pic, some big names in view, strange seeeing myself sitting at the table with devilfish just two seats across, John Juanda on the table ahead also. :lol :ok f_y64mw7cry7lm_9166ebb.jpg

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Re: My first ever live game - Day 1b of the WSOPE ME... NOW IN DAY 2

Cool pics' date=' Dennis Phillips in there too :ok[/quote'] Yeah, what a nice guy Dennis Phillips is by the way, went out of his way to indroduce himself to anyone at the table he didn't know and just an all around nice fella. :ok Have just found out the Pokerstars pro sitting on my opposite me on my first table was Arnaud Mattern, he was eliminated in 23rd place today. Anyone know much about him? Had a fun hand against him half way through the day when I picked up AA and raised 2.5xBB , he was on the BB and defended, we saw a flop of 2 8 10 r, he checked and I threw out a continuation bet of just over half the pot, he thought for a minute and min raised which concerned me because he could have had anything on the BB. I thought for a minute and ruled out P8's and P10's as I feel he would have deffo re raised pre flop with either, P2's was possible but I didn't think he'd min raise me here with a set, also felt he would have just called to see the turn with 7 9 or J 9, he'd also shown a bluff to the table with 2 3o about half hour previous. I reckon he put me on AK/AQ and was trying to steal the pot but I wasn't really sure where I was because he was one of the more active players at the table. In the end I thought sod it if I get done with AA here then so be it and decided to re raise to 6k or so it was 3.4k more for him to call, he passed and stared at me for the whole of the next hand so god knows what he had but it would have been a difficult choice if he raised again, I pretended not to notice he was staring after and almost asked him if he would like a picture but decided it would probably be rude of me to be sarcastic at this point. :lol
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Re: My first ever live game - Day 1b of the WSOPE ME... NOW IN DAY 2

I pretended not to notice he was staring after and almost asked him if he would like a picture but decided it would probably be rude of me to be sarcastic at this point. :lol
:lol Would have been classic. Mattern won EPT Prague in 2007 and final-tabled EPT Warsaw in 2008.
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Re: My first ever live game - Day 1b of the WSOPE ME... NOW IN DAY 2 Dico, Sugleh - Thanks. :ok I just wanted to talk a little about the most surreal moment of my time playing the WSOPE, we started the day playing 6 handed due a a couple of players being late, they both turned up and sat down about 40 mins into the first level. I was in seat 7 on table 8 and after the late arrivals seat 9 remained empty until around half hour into level 2, when another player walked in and sat down, I looked up to see Gus Hansen laying down his chips - "Hello Gents"! As soon as Gus sat down a mountain of TV crew, press and railers swarmed toward the table - "That must be fun for you every tournement" I said, I don't know if he detected my sarcasm but he laughed and said "Yeah, sometimes". It was at this moment that the reality of the situation hit me, Gus F'n Hansen has just sat down two seats to my left, this is no ordinary game, I felt like a trainee Lion tamer who's first lesson was to just go into the cage and see what happened. It turns out Gus knew a few players on the table and almost instantly borrowed 1k in cash from the guy in seat 8. :loon I decided that the very first time it folded round to me in the button, I was raising Gus's BB regardless of what cards I had, how often am I gonna get this oppurtunity? I got my wish on the first occasion, I looked at my cards to find 7 5o, I'd already made my mind up and raised it up and both the SB and Gus passed, that was a sweet moment for me to steal Gus Hansens blind with 7 5o. I only played two pots heads up with him, once when I picked up 88 and he flat called my raise in position, flop was 4 4 6 and he called my continuation bet, turn was K, check/check, river 10, I felt I had the best hand but bottled a bet on the river as I'm screwed if he raises, I checked with the intention of calling a reasonable bet but he checked and mucked after I showed. The other was when I picked up 10 10, again he flat called my raise in position and I flopped top set, I thought if I check he's gonna know I flopped a monster so I bet and he folded instantly and then said " Set, right?" :loon Unreal! After a while Gus was in complete control of the table, obviously he is a very tricky player, opening alot of pots between 1.5-2 x BB, he'd often fold to a 3 bet but when he played back he was gathering a healthy stack, he took one player out when he held AA v AK with an A on the flop and at one point was up to 75/80K. Then later in the day, after a raise from EP I pick up Js 6s on the button and fold, Gus defends his BB and they see a flop of 7h As 9s, Gus bet out, other guy raises, Gus calls, flop is Qs and Gus checks, other guy bets and Gus thinks for ages before for throwing in a raise of about 30k more into a pot of 17k or so and got called instantly by 5s 6s flush, Gus turned over 7 4o and was drawing dead and I'm left wondering what might have happened if I played that hand with the button. :lol He was unlucky when he went out and was all in PF with AK v JJ - flop A Q X, turn K, river 10 but it was great playing on the same table with him for 8hrs or so. :ok I hope thats a readable post. :lol :ok

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Re: My first ever live game - Day 1b of the WSOPE ME... NOW IN DAY 2 Great read Chapman certainly must of been the most surreal days that you will remember for a long time, its certainly not every day that you get to sit down with Gus Hansen. And congratulations on making as far as you did especially as it was your first live experience :clap

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