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Apat Wcoap


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Will start a thread in hope that we get someone into Day 2 tomorrow. :hope Day 1a yesterday, looks like a few PL played (VoJ, Jonesy, Lou, robbiebox, blatch and george) but no-one surviving. 25 left. 1b today, runadrum, WASP and Eck. Eck is out, and at last break WASP was on average stack, runadrum just short of double. They were down to about 100. :ok Goes on til after 3am :loon then back at 3.30 I think tomorrow. Live updates from APAT site here http://www.apat.com/forum/index.php?board=15.0

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Re: Apat Wcoap Out in about 58th On about 23k, with QQ I reraised to 9k a raise of 3600 (blinds 600/1200, 100 ante). He took ages to call and when A came on flop I should have got away from it - but I hoped he had KK and would put me on Aces so I pushed and he called with AK. Game over. Brian still in I think on around 60k ?

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Re: Apat Wcoap

Anyone know where Bri ended up' date=' and please don't say the strip club next to DTD.[/quote'] The problem with the place next door they advertise as a table dancing club but when you start dancing on a table they throw you out :eyes Finished 18th in the HORSE Went out late on day 1b in ME I was sixth in chips at the time with one level left till day 2 and I did a horrible maths calcualtion and then a misclick (it was 2am) and I was out ;) Good weekend though ty Desmond and team :ok
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Re: Apat Wcoap Yes - First APAT I've played enjoyed it greatly, even though I went out with 50 left on Day 1a, will try to manage a couple more next season. Unless I just got a couple of soft tables, the standard was very Tight Passive. Only 2 people I came up against acted like tw*ts and those aside the game was played in the right spirit. :ok Excellently organised and must say a quick congratulations to one of my local Poker Club players -(and PL Member - Kevan Ridley) - who despite being down to 75 chips before the end of level 2 , managed to recover make day 2 and cash. :clap Just wish Blue Square where on a different skin than IPoker, so I could play the online games :sad

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