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Betfair Challenge - Team LUK


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Re: Betfair Challenge - Team LUK This is the last hand. Any Omaha experts (Dave?) want to tell me how badly I played it? I think I got fixated on getting him to pay for chasing a flush draw and didn't realize quite how easy it was for him to have a full house. ***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 571329827 ***** PL Omaha $5 Buy-in + $0.50 Entry Fee, Level:8 Blinds(200/400-(no ante)) - Thursday, September 03, 21:57:39 GMT 2009 $5+$0.50 PL Omaha #274177 Table 1 9-max (Real Money) Seat 9 is the button Total number of active players : 5 Seat 3: MOLLYMARIE ( 6,910 ) Seat 4: slapdash ( 12,121.50 ) Seat 5: derbyred ( 6,387 ) Seat 8: Mr_Manic ( 23,048.50 ) Seat 9: tip2win ( 9,033 ) Tourney Level:8 Blinds(200/400-(no ante)) MOLLYMARIE posts small blind [200] slapdash posts big blind [400] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to slapdash [ 6d, As, 5s, Tc ] derbyred folds Mr_Manic raises to [800] tip2win folds MOLLYMARIE folds slapdash calls [400] ** Dealing Flop ** [ Jc, Kd, Qc ] slapdash bets [1,800] Mr_Manic calls [1,800] ** Dealing Turn ** [ Qd ] slapdash bets [5,400] Mr_Manic raises to [10,800] slapdash calls [4,121.50] slapdash goes all-in Returning uncalled bet [1,278.50] to Mr_Manic ** Showdown ** slapdash shows [ 6d, As, 5s, Tc ] Mr_Manic shows [ Jd, 5c, Jh, 2c ] ** Dealing River ** [ Ah ] ** Hand Conclusion ** Mr_Manic wins 24,443 from main pot with full house, Jacks full of Queens ************ Game 571329827 ends ************

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Re: Betfair Challenge - Team LUK Very unlucky with this one slap, dream flop terrible turn, I think your line is fine up until calling the reraise, then you need a second to think what are you beating with a straight that can't improve. Obviously we now know he has JJxx, but quite as easily have KQxx, QJxx, KKxx, QQxx or even 2 clubs or 2 diamonds which have potential to outdraw you. Its rare people bluff for half their stack in Omaha, so I think you just have to curse the dealer and give up this hand but remain in the game.

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Re: Betfair Challenge - Team LUK First of all, great effort, no cash, but strong showing given that PLO's not your game. Right, I wouldn't say I'm an Omaha expert but I know a little about it. But I'll give my thoughts anyway. Firstly, AT65 single-suuited isn't a very strong hand. Against a random hand it's only 52-48 favourite. If we assume he's raising with the top 60% of hands (I guess a realistic range if he's using his big stack well) he's now 51-49 favourite. If we make it 30% (realistic if he's not some Omaha or tournament expert) then he's 55-45 favourite. Basically, we're never in good shape with AT65 single-suited. Therefore calling out of position should never really be an option with this holding, even though it's cheap to do so. Position in PLO is more important than it is in NLHE, and you'll often find yourself pretty much playing your hand face up out of position in this game. I think my preferred option is a 3-bet. He's going to fold a ton of hands. If he doesn't and he 4-bets you have an easy fold. And if he calls you have a bigger pot and you can put a big bet out on the flop when you hit the straight. If he's any good he's folding JJ52 to your 3-bet. But the fold is also a very good option, especially as he's the only player at the table that has you covered, you're approaching the money, and the other players stacks are pretty short for PLO (where pots play bigger than NLHE) As played the bet on the flop is the correct play. I'd be check-folding the turn, but after you've bet and he shoves you also have to fold, even though it leaves you such a short-stack. He literally has a full house over 90% of the time with that play. On the other occassions he probably has trips with 1 or 2 flush draws, or the same as you + at least 1 flush draw.. So you're basically crushed. A turn check-fold may feal a bit of a weak play, but sometimes the "weak" play is the correct one. Anyway not trying to be too critical, PLO's a horrible game really, and you did well to go so deep.

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Re: Betfair Challenge - Team LUK It's no drama mate, you obviously realised almost instantly where you made the mistake and have learnt from it, which is more than alot would do, onwards and upwards. :ok Tonights game? Is there a confirmed time yet? Is anybody intending on playing the game? I was going to play anyway and am happy to be team rep, all I'd say is that I'm not the most experienced HU player, especially in tournement format but it is a part of my game I want to work on. If anyone else is playing and really fancys there chance's in this then its no problem if they want to be the chosen one. :ok

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Re: Betfair Challenge - Team LUK Cheers lads, hope all is ok Steve. :ok Games played so far... Steve - 2 Jeremy - 1 Myself - 1 Dave already said he can't play til Monday, do you want to play that game mate? Mike said he can play on Sunday I think, are you happy to play that game mate ($22)? If so that just leaves tommorow to be covered, not sure I can play tommorow (its possible), on Sunday I want to concentrate on the ept game on stars so would rather not play if someone else can, Monday I can play if needed. :ok GaF mentioned in the other thread its being considered that only the team rep should play the game on the night (I think) so just wondering if we should all jump on board with this?

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Re: Betfair Challenge - Team LUK

GaF mentioned in the other thread its being considered that only the team rep should play the game on the night (I think) so just wondering if we should all jump on board with this?
I'm happy not to play when I'm not rep (can't make it most nights anyway). Definitely up for playing Monday though.
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Re: Betfair Challenge - Team LUK Unfourtunaley its my Birthday Monday so thats a no no my missus will give me a right hook:cry:lol Tonight im being taken out for a meal by my mistress ;) and only leaves sunday but im happy for someone else to play so i can be back on tuesday wednesday, thursday,friday and then we are at DTD :nana for some serious:rollin:cheers:beer:beer:beer:puke

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