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Betfair Challenge - Team LUK


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Re: Betfair Challenge - Team LUK out 60 ish Lost over 2 hands cant find hand history but basically 1st hand lost 30% of stack delt AK raised 3BB to 150 ss goes all in for about 350 with JJ i called and didnt improve 2nd hand did most of rest limped in with K4s flop comes 58K or similiar 1 guy pushes i call he shows pair of sevens turn is a 7 unlucky or badly played ?

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Re: Betfair Challenge - Team LUK Unlucky Mike, nothing you can do about the JJ hand mate, win some, lose some in that situation. :ok K4s hand is more tricky without more info, what position did you limp in from? I hate to get involved with raggy hands like K4 or similar unless I'm in the blinds or opening the action with a late position raise, where I can hopefully represent something stronger post flop because if I flop a king, straight away I'm concerned about my kicker and if you get played back at it makes your next move harder. it was 'sooted' on this occasion and I'm assuming the board gave no draws to the flush so you're left looking at top pair with a weak kicker and a more difficult choice than you want to leave yourself, just my opinion which I'm generally rubbish at expressing so hopefully I don't come across like a muppet (likely)! :rollin It turns out you got the money in good this time and was unlucky the guy turned his 7, all you can do is get your $ in good mate so no worries and well played, onwards and upwards. :ok Edit: Just for reference, I don't think I'm anywhere near the level needed to be dishing out advise!

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Re: Betfair Challenge - Team LUK Are you still available to play today Slap? Been having serious issues with my laptop and have had to borrow my housemates so I can't find the HH from last nights game but basically I played rubbish, everytime I raised I missed the flop but two hands done the damage, both times I was holding AJs. First one I only had about 4k left and flat called a raise from MP, all others passed and the BB called for a 3 way flop which came As Qs X, check, check to me holding Ac Jc, I lead out the BB folds the initial raiser shoves, I felt I must be behind so tanked and passed which left me with about 3k and blinds at 100/200 I think. Final hand, mid position again, UTG limped, folded round to me and I make it 900 I think with Ah Jh, all fold back to the guy UTG who decides to shove, I have to call and he shows A 10o, blank board til the river brings a 10, standard. Think both Guppie and GaF were on the table so can confirm thats just about how it went.

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Re: Betfair Challenge - Team LUK Here's the provisional schedule for the next eight days. Chapman offered to play today and PnB asked for Tuesday. Monday 14th September: 18:35 NLHE Freezeout - $5+50c - Regular Daily Tournament already in schedule Chapman Tuesday 15th September: 20:00 NLHE Freezeout - $5+50c - 6 max - Standard Stacks with Standard Blinds pistonbroke Wednesday 16th September: 19:00 NLHE Freezeout - $10+$1 - Deep Starting Stacks with Standard Blinds Thursday 17th September: 19:00 Pot Limit Omaha Freezeout - $5+50c slapdash ? Friday 18th September: 19:30 Heads Up NLHE Freezeout MTT - $5+50c Dave (TBC) Saturday 19th September: 19:30 NLHE Freezeout - $5+50c - Deep Starting Stacks with Standard Blinds AA_Hall Sunday 20th September: 18:00 NLHE Freezeout - $20+$2 - Deep Starting Stack with Slow Blinds Monday 21st September: 18:35 NLHE Freezeout - $5+50c - Regular Daily Tournament already in schedule So far, we've all played three times except for Dave and pistonbroke, who've played twice. I'll take Wednesday, Thursday or Friday (don't mind which, so I'll wait until other people pick). Dave: do you want to play the PLO again on Thursday?

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Re: Betfair Challenge - Team LUK

As things stand I can play on Friday' date=' but that is subject to change.[/quote'] Does that mean you definitely can't play the PLO on Thursday? If so, I'll take that. Anybody for Wednesday? I don't mind doing that as well, but if anybody else wants to volunteer ... Sunday and next Monday I can't play, so we need somebody for those.
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