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Win rate for $1/$2 Limit Holdem 6-max


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Have been playing the above for a couple of days. This is an excerpt from 2+2 forum: "What’s a good win rate for X limit? If you are just starting out, you should be happy with simply winning. Once you gain some experience, anything between 1-2 big bets per 100 hands (BB/100) is solid. A win rate of 2-3 BB/100 is excellent. If your win rate is above 3 BB/100, then you are either running hot or an outstanding player." Been running pretty well, with a win rate of 9 BB/100. Yesterday a downswing due to some bad calls and some suckouts, putting me down to 5 BB/100. Have played about 1000 hands which of course is too small a sample. Obviously i'm running hot even with 5 BB/100, but at this level, what would you say is "normal"? Is the above excerpt correct even for these micro/small stake levels?

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Re: Win rate for $1/$2 Limit Holdem 6-max I had a free trail of PT a couple of years back(dont tell GaF) and it sucked out 20,000+ hands of $1/$2 FL mostly full ring and my profit rate was slightly less than 1bb/100. (pretty much what I expected). Dont know if the 2+2 piece refers to 10 or 6 seaters but I would expect massive swings short handed. In answer to your question what is normal depends on your ability but anything above 3 would suggest excellence. Which site did you go for?

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Re: Win rate for $1/$2 Limit Holdem 6-max

Playing on Full Tilt. How many hands would you say is enough to establish some sort of confidence of your win rate? 5k? 10k? 15k?
i would expect at limit the variance will be a little less damaging than in nl ,so i'd guess you would get a reasonable idea by around 10,000 hands.
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Re: Win rate for $1/$2 Limit Holdem 6-max

Playing on Full Tilt. How many hands would you say is enough to establish some sort of confidence of your win rate? 5k? 10k? 15k?
More like 50k, better 100k. Unlike Ubermonkey said 6max Limit Holdem has a high variance. If variance hit you, you can easily break even for 10-20k hands. Then crush the next 20k hands etc. 5k-15k really is not enough to reflect the true winrate. Concerning your original question: Referring to pokertableratings.com top winners on Full Tilt $1/$2 LHE have a winrate of about 2bb/100. Considering the high rake I would say anything above 1bb/100 is good and anything above 3bb/100 is unrealistic.
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Re: Win rate for $1/$2 Limit Holdem 6-max

More like 50k, better 100k. Unlike Ubermonkey said 6max Limit Holdem has a high variance. If variance hit you, you can easily break even for 10-20k hands. Then crush the next 20k hands etc. 5k-15k really is not enough to reflect the true winrate. Concerning your original question: Referring to pokertableratings.com top winners on Full Tilt $1/$2 LHE have a winrate of about 2bb/100. Considering the high rake I would say anything above 1bb/100 is good and anything above 3bb/100 is unrealistic.
Thanks, i suspected something like that. I have now played 1250 hands (which of course is nothing) and my initial good run has ended, i am now "down" to the more realistic 2 BB/100. The suckouts are incredible though :loon
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Re: Win rate for $1/$2 Limit Holdem 6-max Yeah they are.. you can´t protect your hands the way you can in NLH, so expect a wild ride with a lot of suckouts. Winning 4bb/100 for 10k hands and then losing the next 10k hands is nothing unusual. The looser the games the the higher the variance. Personally I prefer a table full of weak tight players who fold too much over a table full of loose players.

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Re: Win rate for $1/$2 Limit Holdem 6-max

Concerning your original question: Referring to pokertableratings.com top winners on Full Tilt $1/$2 LHE have a winrate of about 2bb/100. Considering the high rake I would say anything above 1bb/100 is good and anything above 3bb/100 is unrealistic.
:welcometo PL and a great first post Dont feel so bad about my win rate now:dude
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Re: Win rate for $1/$2 Limit Holdem 6-max Well, I had the pleasure to meet Hooloovoo at the tables today! I've been a bit off the forum coz work has driven me out of horse race betting and poker! I've returned a couple of months now, playing my Game limit! grinding from 0.10/0.20 and currently at 1/2! The winrate really depends on the stakes you're playing! It's very possible to grind limits .1/.2 to .25/.5 at a good rate of 4BB's, it changes a bit in the .5/1 to 2/4 where I guess something between 1.5BB/100 and 3BB/100 is ok! If u move up the lader, is more like between 1BB/100 and 2BB/100! this is what I consider to be achievable good winning rates! As for the sample? well 5K

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Re: Win rate for $1/$2 Limit Holdem 6-max Oh, and damn yes, 6MAX is swingy! some even say that its worst than NL! back in the day, I had 200BB swings... up and down... so, either tighten your play and reduce variance, or ... have more than 300BB's (500ish is quite good) ;)

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  • 5 months later...

Re: Win rate for $1/$2 Limit Holdem 6-max

Any updates Hooloovoo? my guess is you are either breaking even on recent hands or stating to show a small loss. The ops with poker tracker etc have nailed you!
He he! In fact i did about 2.5k hands and then i got bored.... ended up on about 1.3 BB/100 Just recently i picked it up again, decided to grind my way up from $100, starting at $0.10/$0.20 on stars I googled "winrate" and this thread showed up :lol
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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Win rate for $1/$2 Limit Holdem 6-max

I'd love to be able to say c, I really would. But i'm not sure I can. He's not going to walk away and there will always be someone that will take his money. Might as well be you. Is he on sharkscope ?
Wrong thread i guess :loon
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