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Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final 25th July with complimentary bar ;) )


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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) Congrats Kitty on topping the leaderboard. I got my 500 raked hands in Monday but hardly played any on the Tues Wed so gave up then. I'll give it a proper bash the last week of qualifying. Congrats to Belgariad too, I believe he's your other half?

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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) How t f/uk does this work --5O0R/H stiil no goot?/

2kail23428 120.1148.1
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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) well done kitty:clap:clap:clap i'll be on the cash tables too next week i think:ok at least i made mardle laugh last night:lol he had gone all in and two players were contemplating calling. one said "i've got something big here". i said "knock him out dont chat him up":rollin

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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) )

Well I was pretty consistent this week with 4 Final Tables, but haven't played any cash so won't be near the top of the leaderboard.........at the end of the day it's up to Stan James how they run their Promos and there's still good value to be had...it's also pretty quick from start to finish. (It was a bit unfortunate that they didn't specify the Raked Hands right at the beginning) Other notables Hawaii501 (Wayne Mardle) almost reached the Final Table:clap RB was disconnected most of the night but managed to defend his BB at least 3 times for a commendable 16th place:lol TQM
For sure they are good value and if you just play to get some money as opposed to winning the mini league then thats cool.... To have the highest tournament points and realise that you could have won it ....(if its really worth the hassle and the potential money lost earning those raked hands points) then you would agree that its a "little" one sided towards cash... Of course Stan James set the rules and whilst Gibraltar was worth it I don't think Blackpool is worth wasting time over :tongue2. Each to their own etc etc...
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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) With the Gib comp the max points from cash games was 50 points/wk (from 200 raked hands) rather than 50/day so I agree it has been skewed towards cash. However, the added value still makes it a good series.

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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) Dartsmen Promotion‏

From: offline16.png claire edwards ([email protected])
Sent: 18 June 2009 12:17:54
To: kevin
Dear Mr. Spencer It has come to my attention that you seem to be either sitting out, are timed out or simply folding your cards during our Dartsmen tournaments. We require all players to compete for any of our promotions in the correct manner and if we find any player abusing the spirit of a promotion, reserve the right to exclude that player/s. Whilst we are trying to encourage rake during the promotion, we also ask that all players take an active part in the actual tournaments, by simply folding each hand and ensuring a seat by rake alone is guaranteeing complaints from the other players at the table. Should the majority complain that an individual has won in a way that they see unfair, we would have no choice but to act. I hope that you can appreciate the above facts and the other players who compete against you tonight. Regards Claire Stan James Poker ive made a serious effort to win this grinding the hands all week but not having much luck in the tourny and this email just came saying im not playing in the spirit of the game so what are they saying if i dont have any luck in tonights tourny but do happen to win just though raked hands they going to take it off me. the guys who are still playing this know im not sittin out or holding the game up i cant understand why they have sent me this ive played by the rules they made up
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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) What a load of crap Kippe. It seems to me as if someone has made a complaint but that shouldn't matter anyway as you pay your money and if you choose to sit out for any length of time that is totally up to you. If I were you I would make a "counter" complaint pretty swiftly.

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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) I got the same email and to say I was livid was an understatement, if any one who knows me wants to question my integrity fair enough, but to suggest i'd spend a wopping $5 and not try to win really doesnt know me at all. Can only assume some one complained about the T&C and it got lost in translation. I spoke to colette and she said not to worry about it.

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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) )

yea she did' date=' she e-mailed me today though and apologised and said it was 50 points a day which is fair enough, mistakes happen! :([/quote'] You still got the email?
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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) Dont know but I cant sit at a table without it freezing, I tried to sit and speak to you twice today but the table froze. Been in touch and they say its my ISP which is strange because I have played on one microgaming site or another every day bar holidays for the past 9 years without problems. Pure coincidental as well that it only started to happen after I was rather abrupt with the Stan James customer support. I've lost a few quid chasing this rainbow which is one thing, but as I said in the Laithmeister v Paul Ross case You can steal my money just dont waste my time as you can never replace that. I have never been as upset about anything to do with poker as this in my entire life, especially as I have always rated Stans as by far one of the best sites online as can be seen in earlier posts in this thread plus the fact that I plug all there promo's on here. I've been a stans customer since they pioneered tax free betting in the 90's but I wont be back(except to use up my loyalty points)

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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) )

You still got the email?
Dear Gary, With regards to your recent phone call, regarding raked hand points in our "4 Dartsmen" Promotion, I would like to confirm you can earn a maximum of 50 points per day! Not per week as I stated during our telephone conversation. I apologise for my error. Should you require any assistance in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us. Kind regards, Colette
SJ have really fcked up on this one...
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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) i doubt it i stopped at 500 hands when i saw the lead he had i knew i couldnt catch him. its just a rake race now and i dont think i can face doing it all again it turned into a chore rather than fun for me.

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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) hmm i'm not sure but i might have won:unsure unfortunately blufferbruce won tonight and was 11 points ahead:wall i got my point for playing plus 586 raked hands:tongue2 he has been averaging 120-130 rh ,so as long as he's only done 230 rh i think i win:hope

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