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Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final 25th July with complimentary bar ;) )


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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) Having not studied it properly yet - is there any chance for someone not playing raked hands? Is there any proper added value for anyone not playing the RH? (Sorry RB - yes I am thinking about the staking - dont worry about it for the moment though - no matter what happens I'll finish this week off :ok)

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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) If you don't play the 50 raked hands you have no chance realistically of winning Gaf. Does anyone know who won the previous two nights games so we have an idea of how many points the leaders have accumulated without the raked hands?

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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) )

Having not studied it properly yet - is there any chance for someone not playing raked hands? Is there any proper added value for anyone not playing the RH? (Sorry RB - yes I am thinking about the staking - dont worry about it for the moment though - no matter what happens I'll finish this week off :ok)
the maximum points a player can get for the week with tournament points is 100 (4* 1st's).... will be interesting to see how many points win it this week as they have only just added in the clause so whatever the total is this week, it is likely to be higher next week.. I'm with SteveO in that you probably will need to play raked hands to have any chance...
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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) )

Having not studied it properly yet - is there any chance for someone not playing raked hands? Is there any proper added value for anyone not playing the RH? (Sorry RB - yes I am thinking about the staking - dont worry about it for the moment though - no matter what happens I'll finish this week off :ok)
Dont remember your staking plan but unless you were planning on going to Blackpool with RB its still $500 gtd with occasional bounties might be 100% overlay today and tommorow. I only did the raked hands on Monday for the Sunday Roast and the bad beat had plenty full ring tables before it was won. Its hard to get raked hands on microgaming unless you play 6max.
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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) just been on to live support for clarification...

[Colette] Welcome to Stan James Poker Live Support, how can I help you? [geordiegaz] hi, just a query regarding the four dartsmen promo.. [Colette] Hello [geordiegaz] the raked hands..... is it a maximum of 50 points a day you can get or 50 points for the week? [Colette] 50 points for the week [geordiegaz] ok and what is classed as a raked hand? (what stakes?) [Colette] http://www.stanjames.com/poker/Promotion.aspx?xml=Home_Rake.xml&sm=mg2006111495512 [Colette] All info may be found using the above link [Colette] Raked hands which count towards the entry requirement must rake a minimum of 25c

[geordiegaz] ahhh ok, that's great colette, thanks :-) [Colette] Your welcome
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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) based on the above post, my working out is that there needs to be $5 in the pot for a rake of 25c to be taken? think that's correct? I don't play cash very much and I certainly don't play at the levels required to earn points here so will probs just play the games for the added value rather than worry about the league :(

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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) ok, I've got 40 points from tourneys after 2nte and have just played the daftest cash poker in the history of the game.... played 10c/25c and raised every pot to try and get the pot up to $5.... I 2-tabled for 30 minutes, not missing a hand and left around $7 down! :lol Not sure how many qualifying hands I got through but think about 20/30 so 2 or 3 extra points! :hope

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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) )

Not sure how many qualifying hands I got through
There used to be a link in the software to check raked hands (so I presume there still is :tongue2). IIRC it was updated about every 15 minutes (even for open tables - not like Boss where you have to close the table before it will update)
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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) )

ok, I've got 40 points from tourneys after 2nte and have just played the daftest cash poker in the history of the game.... played 10c/25c and raised every pot to try and get the pot up to $5.... I 2-tabled for 30 minutes, not missing a hand and left around $7 down! :lol Not sure how many qualifying hands I got through but think about 20/30 so 2 or 3 extra points! :hope
Gaz you are crazy if you're not going to get all the raked hands in for the extra 50pts. You're in an excellent position and the 40pts you've scored + at least one point for playing tomorrow and 50 for raked hands could well be enough but you're going to need those extra 50 pts:ok
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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) My Account-View Raked Hands:ok

There used to be a link in the software to check raked hands (so I presume there still is :tongue2). IIRC it was updated about every 15 minutes (even for open tables - not like Boss where you have to close the table before it will update)
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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) the raked hands counter wasn't updating but it has now.. :ok

You have played 50 Raked Hands in this period.
and lost $40 in the process now :( so I have an extra 5 points! :ok I can't play cash to save my life, i'm just far too impatient for it and to get another 450 raked hands I'll prob blow all of my bankroll in there, so is it really worth it for a trip to blackpool? :unsure
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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) You can't be that bad at cash surely. Multitabling 4 at 25c 50c doesnt take too long and it's effectively a £350+ buy in at blackpool as only 6 can win + the bounties of the dart players. Add in the free bar accommodationj and the free £50 bet it is worth the effort with the postion you're in I'd say/

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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) )

You can't be that bad at cash surely. Multitabling 4 at 25c 50c doesnt take too long and it's effectively a £350+ buy in at blackpool as only 6 can win + the bounties of the dart players. Add in the free bar accommodationj and the free £50 bet it is worth the effort with the postion you're in I'd say/
I can multi-table but the rake has got to be 25c before its classed as a raked hand..... could take all day 2moro if I played 'sensible' to get the 450 I need! :sad
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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) FFS..... my last game ever on SJ tonight after they keep changing the rules.... total farce! :wall

[Karl] Welcome to Stan James Poker Live Support, how can I help you? [geordiegaz] hi, just a query regarding the four dartsment promo [geordiegaz] would you be able to tell me the top 10 players, with their points seperated into 'raked hnads' and 'tourney points' please? [Karl] All this info is supposed to be displayed on www.stanjames.com if you look under the dartsment promo header [geordiegaz] the points are shown, but how the points are seperated is not? [Karl] Is this an issue, when it is based on overall points, and not where they were made? if it is I will ask if the site can be adjusted with this information? [geordiegaz] well to be honest it is, yes. I am in 2nd place at the moment and would like to know how many raked hands I would require to get near to the leader [Karl] For security reasons I will need to confirm some details on your account. Please can you provide your full name, post code and date of birth? [geordiegaz] ***************** [Karl] Thank you, one moment please [Karl] Did you receive an email form my colleague today? [geordiegaz] oh, havent checked tbh [Karl] Could you please check for me [Colette] Hello, I spoke to you last night. You can earn 50 per day, not per week. [Colette] 50 points for raked hands. [geordiegaz] yea, just read the e-mail :-( [geordiegaz] so at the end of the day, the people with the most money win as usual [Karl] I am afraid I do not make the rules [Karl] I am here to offer customer service [geordiegaz] I can understand that Karl, but to be honest, the rules are not stated correctly and to be honest this promo has turned into a farce! [geordiegaz] thanks for your help though!
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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) )

FFS..... my last game ever on SJ tonight after they keep changing the rules.... total farce! :wall
Its complete bollocks mate.......and shite for the likes of you putting so much effort into getting the raked hands in etc..... Even last night.... the live final element had been all but removed for me.... now it has been completely removed. Not much of an issue for me though (Unless GaF decides otherwise) as there is sufficient value added in the MTT's themselves.... particularly with the low turnouts and $500 still gtd.
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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) I'm fuming... :@

[Karl] I am sorry you feel that way [geordiegaz] do you have an email address or someone I can talk to who will be able to help me with my complaint?.... it seems the goalposts are being moved all the time on this.. [Karl] You will need to email [email protected] [Karl] We offer these promotions to our customers as gestures of goodwill [Karl] If they keep receiving complaints, they will just stop running them [Karl] Then we will get moaned at, because we don't run any comps :) [geordiegaz] I wouldn't complain if the rules were stipulated correctly at the very beginning of the promotions. [Karl] It is set=up exactly as the Mardle tourny [geordiegaz] ok and what about the players who are unaware of the mardle tournament? [Karl] The terms and conditions are on the site for those who have not played before [geordiegaz] the raked hands bit only appeared yesterday [Karl] It was on there when it was released last week [geordiegaz] I checked all the T & C's for raked hands and there was nothing there when I looked on Monday and I have a lot of people who say it wasn't there too [geordiegaz] "Okay, so a pretty similar drill to the last two satellite structures, each night Monday through to Thursday there’s the qualifying MTT for a weekly leaderboard." [Karl] I can not say anymore on this matter, I am a Customer Service Agent, I do not work for development. Could you please email your query to [email protected] attn: development [Karl] Sorry, but if I knew more I would help [geordiegaz] you started talking to me about complaining, so I was telling you why I was complaining so don't give me that Karl!! [geordiegaz] thanks for your help! [Karl] Thank you for using Stan James Poker Live Support. If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us again.
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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) Lol 50pts a day that is taking the piss. Unless you're a cash player you don't stand a chance, you can earn 200pts from cash alone? I thought it said 50pts a week from raked hands but that part seems to have disappeared.

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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) In the original T&C's in Post #1.

10. Stan James reserves the right to modify, alter, discontinue or terminate this promotion or amend these Terms at any time for any reason whatsoever without notice to players, using reasonable efforts to provide such notice.
Nothing about raked hands or fck all, but I always feel that when these clauses are inserted into a tourney, regardless of the discipline, that there could be a sting in the tail.
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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) this is from the mardle T & C's:

8) A further 50 points can be added each week by accumulating raked hands between Sunday and Thursday inclusive. Five points are awarded per 20 raked Hands, up to a maximum of 50 points. A raked hand is defined as a hand in which the player receives cards and the total rake for the hand played was greater than or equal to 25c.
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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) I can understand SJ wanting to link it in to Raked Hands, and dont find it unreasonable. However it needs clear honesty and transparency at the time it's launched. That is where SJ have fallen down on this promo. I'm not going to "hang" SJ on one mess up - we know ALL poker sites make them and have enough experience of SJ in the past to know that they're generally good and fair. Hopefully they'll understand what has happened here, and make sure their communication is clearer next time they launch such a promo.

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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) [Karl] It is set=up exactly as the Mardle tourny [geordiegaz] ok and what about the players who are unaware of the mardle tournament? [Karl] The terms and conditions are on the site for those who have not played before Quote:

8) A further 50 points can be added each week by accumulating raked hands between Sunday and Thursday inclusive. Five points are awarded per 20 raked Hands, up to a maximum of 50 points. A raked hand is defined as a hand in which the player receives cards and the total rake for the hand played was greater than or equal to 25c.
Clearly Karl is talking shite then?
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Re: Stan James: The Four Dartsmen (Live final with complimentary bar ;) ) Wonder if it will be the same next week 200pts for raked hands but only those playing in the mmt's are eligable for the points. Might get a bit of rock for the kids in a few weeks time!

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