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Fold or Not?


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Re: Fold or Not? We'll never know if he hit trips......but if you're going to play crap like A9o then you need to raise pre-flop to get rid of hands like J2 that could be sitting in the blinds. :ok After hitting 2 pair on the flop you need to re-raise more than $240....Murlin only has to put $180 into a $600 pot and if he has a Jack then it's an easy call for him if he thinks you're sitting on 1 pair.:cry Bet hard when you have a hand and you will get paid off.:D You're still in the Tourney so the fold was the correct play if you thought you were behind.:ok Good luck:hope TQM

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Re: Fold or Not?

We'll never know if he hit trips......but if you're going to play crap like A9o then you need to raise pre-flop to get rid of hands like J2 that could be sitting in the blinds. :ok After hitting 2 pair on the flop you need to re-raise more than $240....Murlin only has to put $180 into a $600 pot and if he has a Jack then it's an easy call for him if he thinks you're sitting on 1 pair.:cry Bet hard when you have a hand and you will get paid off.:D You're still in the Tourney so the fold was the correct play if you thought you were behind.:ok Good luck:hope TQM
Thanks for the reply mate. I limped as someone had limped before me, so I was just trying to see a cheapish flop more than anything. Probably the wrong thing to be doing. I get what you mean by the raise size. That's very much a part of the game that I need to get to grips with, I don't really know how much I should be raising certain hands etc..... So, I will heed that advice wisely. Thanks. I definitely think I was behind, as he went all in without his timer even moving. Every other play he had been taking some time.
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Re: Fold or Not?

Thanks for the reply mate. I limped as someone had limped before me, so I was just trying to see a cheapish flop more than anything. Probably the wrong thing to be doing. I get what you mean by the raise size. That's very much a part of the game that I need to get to grips with, I don't really know how much I should be raising certain hands etc..... So, I will heed that advice wisely. Thanks. I definitely think I was behind, as he went all in without his timer even moving. Every other play he had been taking some time.
i tend to raise 3xbb early in a tourney, then once the blinds get sizable maybe drop to 2.5bb. if i have less than 10bb then i just push:ok. by raising a standard amount every time you dont really give away any extra info, so i might have rubbbish or aa. some players will alternate their raise sizes but this might give extra info to your opposition unless your carefull how you do it;)
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Re: Fold or Not? There you have to let it go. Gut feel is you should have let it go preflop although it's impossible to be sure as I know know the structure of the game, there is a solid case for a preflop raise in a cash game, but in a tournement esp early, it's an insta fold

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Re: Fold or Not?

i tend to raise 3xbb early in a tourney, then once the blinds get sizable maybe drop to 2.5bb. if i have less than 10bb then i just push:ok. by raising a standard amount every time you dont really give away any extra info, so i might have rubbbish or aa. some players will alternate their raise sizes but this might give extra info to your opposition unless your carefull how you do it;)
forgot to say,if there are limpers i add a bb on per limper ,so 1 limper 4xbb,2 limpers 5xbb etc etc. however if you had more limpers i would probably call as well and hope to hit 99 or a9 ,but with 1 or 2 ida raised:ok
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