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** April Poker League Result : 1st Like2Fish, 2nd McG, 3rd andybell666 **

Silly reasons for following a specific horse?

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OK, I know this will sound particularly fickle, and I'm not sure if it's covering old ground, but does anyone have any daft reasons for following a horse? Me, I broke a rib a few months ago, and within days FIX THE RIB was running. That's three wins on the bounce since! The rib is fixed but thankfully the hoss is still winning:beer

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Re: Silly reasons for following a specific horse?

OK, I know this will sound particularly fickle, and I'm not sure if it's covering old ground, but does anyone have any daft reasons for following a horse? Me, I broke a rib a few months ago, and within days FIX THE RIB was running. That's three wins on the bounce since! The rib is fixed but thankfully the hoss is still winning:beer
Just the one story for me. I dreamt that Red Marauder won the Grand National the night before the race. I'd bacled him the year before when he fell but I was already on Beau massively ante-post. I was toying with backing Red Marauder anyway as I love the horse and was a big Mason/Guest fan at the time, the dream made my mind up. I had £100 E/W on RM at 33/1. The rest is history..... (although Beau was very unlucky) :D I really should sleep more, instead of all those hours studying!
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Re: Silly reasons for following a specific horse? Just to give an example. Went up my Parents early this morning as it was my oldmans birthday and my mother stank the kitchen out with hairspray. I then popped down to ladbrokes to tell my mates in there in that I had my laptop next door if they wanted to place bets in the pub and up on the screen I noticed Canned Spray on virtual racing. Of course it won at 25/1 but I never contemplate such bets.

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Re: Silly reasons for following a specific horse? skipped away from work to have a quick bet on the 14th nov 1999 along with my BEST MATE, the rest is easy to work out, and will never happen again, i missed his very last race at Exeter 1st november 2005 at 2.40pm the very same best mate called me to say matey had died in running, the very same course he started his journey was the course he ended his journey,to this day i have every single race he was ever in, photos, books, even the news papers 1st/2nd of nov 2005, it was also a day when trainer Henrietta knight for the 1st time stood and watched the race and Best mate died not to far from where she stood, as many will know Best mate was normaly ridden by Jim culloty but AP did take the ride a few times namely 2 king georges 2nd in one and winning the other, but the day Best mate died Paul carberry was on top, it was a special time and a special horse R.I.P Matey.

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Re: Silly reasons for following a specific horse? I have a few daft ones to share. I used to follow a few horses with links to me team, Bradford City - Flying Clarets (well owned by our own board member and sort of had our colours), Flying Bantam and Claret and Amber. I also used to follow Donovon (the jumper) for a bit as our GK was called Donovon Ricketts. Another silly method I have used is road names. Often when driving to work or out for something on my lunch I daydream when at the lights but then suddenly focus on a street name (unintentionally). I then check the ABC list to see if there is a horse with that name Godfrey Street was one earlier in the season (won that day at Southwell) and Rothersay Street is near a takeway I go to, so backed Rothesay Dancer a couple of times because of this (its placed but never won!!). My other silly method is when driving on the motorway, if we go past a horse box, back the horse. Its not always possible to tell who it is but sometimes if there is a trainer sending just one runner, you know it has to be their only runner on the card. I was going to Redcar the other week and drove past Chabrimal Minster, so had a bit on that as he was heading up for the Eider. It pulled up though!! The best 'car spotting' pick I ever made was the other year at York. We missed the first three races stuck in awful traffic on the A64 so I wapped out the RP and started the look through the cards to ring my mate to bet for us as he had set off much earlier and got there in time. As i looked back up at the road there was one of those Warrior cars infront of us, and Viscious Warrior was running in the opener. We had a couple of quid on and it came in at tens. That was when Dean Mckeown was riding them properly!!

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Re: Silly reasons for following a specific horse? Not so much following a horse but back in the 80's I worked on the railway and a mate asked me to put a bet on for him upon leaving work. I placed the bet and as I was leaving the shop a horse caught my eye on the screen above the door. Daring Dee was the name of the horse and the connection was: Horse: Daring Dee = Ex-wifes sisters name was Denise. Trainer: Johnston = Ex-wifes maiden name. Jockey: Adams = Brother-in-laws wifes maiden name. Stuck £5 on it with out looking at the price, sat down and saw the price was 25/1. :eek Thought then that was a fiver wasted. :( It got up in a blanket finish to win by a nose and returned at 33/1. :nana As I queued up for my winnings I saw a horse over the jumps called Own Up. I was going to have some on that as I would have to "own up" why I was late home from work. I didn't and the git won by a large margin at 20/1. :lol

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Re: Silly reasons for following a specific horse? 1973 My dad said to me pick a horse in the grand national and ill put some money on it, looked at it and it all meant nothing (just a small kid) ''eh red rum'' he came in from the pup that sat night oh i have money for you, flung me about £3, 1 year later pick a horse for the grand national ill put some money on for you again, another 2 minute look, eh RED RUM again, dad pipes up, they dont win the grand national 2 years in a row but if thats what you want.

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Re: Silly reasons for following a specific horse? Its also so funny how these horses come in with the funny names i-e youlneverwalkalone amsingingtheblues etc, one that always sticks in my mind was (HINARIETELEVIDEO) from a few years back.

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