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I hate Aces, I always get outdrawn with them....


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How often do we hear people say "I hate Aces, I always get outdrawn with them"? Well lets try and exercise that myth - here's the benchmarking data for them ..... no-one is winning an average of less than 100xBigBlinds/100 (50 Big Bets/100) with them and the top player is winning over 2600 Big Blinds/100 with them. What is also interesting is that the tightest player (by far) in the benchmarking is the player getting paid off the most on Aces - so that seems to indicate (within the very small sample) that tight players, at this level, can still get paid off with their big hands. f_20090203Acem_869df11.gif

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Re: I hate Aces, I always get outdrawn with them....

the vp$ip figure is below 100% does this imply people are flat claiing with AA preflop or even perhaps folding it??
Or a walk in the BB (you cannot put money in the pot if everyone folds to you)
is there ever a case to fold AA preflop in a cash game?
For us, no. I believe 2plus2 managed to engineer a theoretical situation where they believed it was right to fold Aces. We had a thread a little while ago on how little equity it was possible to have with Aces pre flop against 9 opponents and IIRC it was less than 1% - so if you can put people on specific hands (I don't know why - if they showed you their cards for some bizarre reason), then it could, theoretically be a massive massive fold pre flop.
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Re: I hate Aces, I always get outdrawn with them.... Just looking through the database. Most of the hands are a walk in the BB. However some of them are where the BB faces limpers pre flop and doesnt raise - then money goes in post flop - that doesn't seem to count as VPIP - VPIP only seems to apply pre flop.

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Re: I hate Aces, I always get outdrawn with them....

the vp$ip figure is below 100% is there ever a case to fold AA preflop in a cash game?
If you are playing a cash game and five or six people are allin and the guy to act before you announces call and turns over the other two aces. Everyone has you covered and the dealer announces that you can still act and the guys aces are not dead. I think I could possibly fold....possibly. :unsure
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Re: I hate Aces, I always get outdrawn with them.... Both AAs had slow played and to see the flop just flat called the raise that I had made , the BB had called (i thought he had small pr at the time) I wasn't in the pot after the flop as the BB (J4) had gone all in and my read on him from what he had previously played was that he had either 2pr or had hit trips. Both the AAs called as they thought that they had him beaten.

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