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200902W3 Benchmarking Summary


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Overall an extremely disappointing week this week :sad Quite a few players struggling badly. I wonder whether the initial novelty is wearing off leaving players with slightly less concentration and patience than in the first week? First table is this week only, second table is the overall stats. f_20090203Summ_006d641.gif

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Re: 200902W3 Benchmarking Summary

Hate bing repetative but it could be that the "villians" they are up against who use poker tracker now have enough info to more accuratley predict the playing patterns of "team GaF"
I dont think that will be the case at this level. :unsure I have the combined database of everyone in the benchmarking, and when I sit down at tables, I still frequently come up against a lot of player that I have no history on ..... that should mean that they have even less history on me and the other PL players..... I also think that even if a lot of players do have that much data on us for good reads, the regulars should still be bad enough to be very beatable....
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Re: 200902W3 Benchmarking Summary One pretty clear reason that people are losing is that they're playing too loose/passive preflop. It's no coincidence that the most profitable player is playing 24/18, whereas the losing players have stats of 36/16, 40/9, 27/9, 35/9 and 35/10. Other players using PT against you at low stakes on Boss will not really be widespread enough to be a factor.

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