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Jaded's £2 skill game challenge


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(Mods, feel free to move this as it's not ACTUALLY poker, but GaF used to get away with posting backgammon stuff in here so I thought I'd give it a try...) Will Hill run several 'pennyroll' games a day, for prize pools normally of £10 or £20, in dominoes, blackjack, backgammon, poker dice and gin rummy. Am setting aside £2 to play 200 of these over the upcoming few months and will track my results here. I suck at all of the games, but am hoping the added value, plus the number of people who also suck but are playing them as they're only a penny, will counter this. Edit: Forgot to say, starting now - Domino Duel. (BTW, screen name is jadedjay if anyone wants to watch - not really advised! :rollin)

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Re: Jaded's £2 skill game challenge Round 1: Won Round 2: Got lucky... down 43-27, (playing first to 50), when my opponent got snowed under with dominoes and resigned. Round 3: 73-2 win :) Round 4: Narrow loss 53-32. Finished 2 wins away from getting £1... Next up, blackjack at 2.

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Re: Jaded's £2 skill game challenge gl JJ :ok I'm curious though - how much skill is there in these "skill games"? Blackjack I would argue is not a skill game at all. Backgammon definitely is. Dominoes - I dont know how skillful that is :unsure Pokerdice - I'm guessing is on a par with blackjack gin rummy maybe has limited skill :unsure But not much I'd guess.... The truth is I dont know how most of these are played, however my best guess would be that most are games of luck and not games of skill :unsure

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Re: Jaded's £2 skill game challenge Player vs player blackjack is fairly skilful, GaF?, and gin rummy is definitely skilful (apart from anything else, I'd win more than 1 in 5 games if it was JUST down to luck, surely?!) I personally think poker dice is more lucky than most of the other ones, and the main skill part is knowing whether to gamble on getting the bonus or not... Dominoes appears to be nearly all luck to me, but that probably means I'm doing it wrong!

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Re: Jaded's £2 skill game challenge I think there is definitely an element of skill to dominoes :unsure keeping track of what is on the table definitely helps if there's a marginal decision to make, eg. 2 and 5 are open on the board and you have the 2:5. Don't tell me my 21-7 record in the year of Darts n Doms I played was just a fluke! :wall

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Re: Jaded's £2 skill game challenge

I think there is definitely an element of skill to dominoes :unsure keeping track of what is on the table definitely helps if there's a marginal decision to make, eg. 2 and 5 are open on the board and you have the 2:5.
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Re: Jaded's £2 skill game challenge

gin rummy maybe has limited skill :unsure But not much I'd guess....
Few people younger than 40 realise that before poker, gin rummy was pretty much the card game of choice for hard-core gamblers and casual players alike, from the 1920s through to the early ’70s. However, its glamour faded and poker slowly but surely swept gin rummy into a corner. Part of the reason for its demise was that it’s considered too skilful.
Haven't got my copy of The Man Behind The Shades to hand, but I'm fairly sure Ungar was a more consistent winner at gin than he was at poker - he adapted to poker because of the bigger prize funds, and the fact that he'd beaten most of his competition at gin so badly that nobody would play against him! (Having come up with a reasonably successful defense of it as being skilful I'm now wondering why the hell I'm playing it... at least it's only a penny a time! :rollin)
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Re: Jaded's £2 skill game challenge

gl JJ :ok I'm curious though - how much skill is there in these "skill games"? Blackjack I would argue is not a skill game at all. Backgammon definitely is. Dominoes - I dont know how skillful that is :unsure
Go down to your local West Inidian club and try that one :lol Anyone else like a game of pardies ?? Dominoes I would say is much like poker - luck in what you get, but skill in how you play it. Only 28 "bones" so limited permutations but definitely a game you can have an edge in against another human .... only thing i guess you dont play so many hands so how much skill really does come into it I dont know ..... I love a game of dominoes (in case you couldnt tell) so had a look last week on William Hill to find the rooms full with named "Bots" :unsure Seemed a bit of a scam if you ask me - especially as I won the .
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Re: Jaded's £2 skill game challenge

Is this on the Poker Client ... because I cant see it ?? I can see HBJ (Holdem Black Jack) but not penny tables ??
D'oh... sorry! http://skill.williamhill.com As far as I can tell (having not played dominoes for years before this week) it's standard dominoes with a double 6 set. Have just won 3 out of 4 games against a bot, there IS skill involved - honest guv!!!
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Re: Jaded's £2 skill game challenge Poker Dice: Round 1: Bye Round 2: Rolled a natural straight to start off :) Nearly fecked it up from there on in, but scraped a 32-28 victory. Round 3: 36-28 (Closer than it looked, I got the bonus late on.) Round 4: Ouch... lost 38-31, played really badly. 5p down.

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Re: Jaded's £2 skill game challenge Backgammon: Round 1: Bye Round 2: I was trying to remember why I don't play backgammon much these days - this game reminded me! Resigned when I was something like 100-11 down. (Score is exaggerated for comic effect, just not by much!)

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