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AJ cooler - shove over the top?


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I have played one hand about 3 hands ago when I shoved AK on the button and showed Villian is a bit loose, raising at least once per orbit Damo ***** Hand 1336371257 ***** 100.00/200.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 25 November 2008 22:15:01 Cooler (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: Taurus1985 (2920.00) Seat 7: robilaruk (1445.00) Seat 2: Turbala (2395.00) Seat 3: asgr76 (1350.00) Seat 4: lomurrid10 (1575.00) Seat 5: 4 Penguins (1965.00) Seat 6: Unknown (0.00) Seat 8: llunatic1 (1060.00) Seat 9: Unknown (0.00) Seat 10: RINNERTJE7 (2290.00) RINNERTJE7 post SB 100.00 Taurus1985 post BB 200.00 ** Deal ** robilaruk [Jh, Ad] *** Bet Round 1 *** Turbala Fold asgr76 Raise to 400.00 lomurrid10 Fold 4 Penguins Fold HERO??????

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Re: AJ cooler - shove over the top?

Yes' date=' I think a shove. You're going through the blinds next (how close to next level?) If he folds you will add 50% to your stack, and can be quiet for a bit. If he calls, I can't see you being dominated, maybe a race at worst.[/quote'] He's not through the blinds next. For some reason Boss HH seems to move people around these days. He's in Seat 7 whilst the BB is seat 1. For that very reason, and the fact that you've still got some players to get through I'd fold. If you were on the BB or SB then it could be worth shoving our the top, but not here.
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Re: AJ cooler - shove over the top?

He's not through the blinds next. For some reason Boss HH seems to move people around these days. He's in Seat 7 whilst the BB is seat 1. For that very reason, and the fact that you've still got some players to get through I'd fold. If you were on the BB or SB then it could be worth shoving our the top, but not here.
eagle-eyes (:tongue2) is correct again! :ok Hadn't noticed the shift in seats myself in the HH - most odd Thanks for the thoughts on the reshove DP:ok Damo
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Re: AJ cooler - shove over the top? Instafold, you're not that short that you need to play a hand with a very marginal hand. Ace Jack sucks here, you easily be facing AQ or AK. I'd be much more inclined to push with something 10 9 Suited. If you think he'll call then you must fold

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