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Coolers Progress


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Re: Coolers Progress Have you any idea why Staffy? Are you being disciplined? (I view that as the most important attribute in these - way over any poker skills) What proportion of hands do you think your playing? (I watched you for a few mins in a game earlier and the impression I had was that you were involved in far more hands than you should have been when you didnt need to be - but I could be wrong - I was only half watching)

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Re: Coolers Progress Just watching you again now ;) One question - why do you keep showing your cards? Any cards - even poor ones - all you're doing is giving information to your opponents - showing cards is ok when you have a specific reason (benefit) for doing so - but showing your cards every time for no specific reason ...... A couple of hands I think are worth looking at more and considering further: 1332076922 - maybe you sghould be shoving with any two? :unsure (we can get Damo to do the maths for you :tongue2) 1332089322 - there is a short stack sit out - you are comfortable - you've raised a not insignificant amount - why? I'm folding everything there I think - even aces - there's no benefit to getting involved - all you can really do is cost yourself equity - if one of the stacks that has you covered, shoves any two cards - you have to fold - even aces - so why put any chips in?

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Re: Coolers Progress

I had 4 of your tables open and looks like you cashed in 3 of them :ok
And on these occasions Harry was asleep. not long gone. before that Im watching him to see what he is up to so there is my problem. Was thinking about it earlier. I win more when I am alone and he is asleep. Problem being thats not very often lol. In the evenind when Mrs is home I try and stop playing at 8ish to spend time with her and then other times Harry is awake. need to not play when solely looking after him I think.
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Re: Coolers Progress

1332089322 is easy raise for me knowing that the short stacks would fold as they dont want to get involved in the hand so picking up cheap blinds. Only raising with half decent hands though.
Sorry - I disagree - IIRC you were in a position that if you sat out you were 99.8% certain to cash. By raising then folding to a shove from someone who has you covered (they can shove with any two if they're so inclined, knowing that you have to fold, even with aces) you leave yourself with maybe an 80% chance of cashing. If they all fold and you win, then you have a 99.9% chance of winning. By playing, if you win, you increase your seat value by 0.1%, but if you lose, you decrease your seat value by 19.8% (fictitious numbers to illustrate the point - they may be off the mark, but should be similar to the point I'm trying to illustrate).
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Re: Coolers Progress I'm not sure it's good play from them to do so (if you're 99.8% and they have you covered, then they're 99.9% ;) ) - but it's because they're bad players they may well do it (they dont know if you're good enough to fold aces in that situation)

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Re: Coolers Progress One thing I noticed you weren't doing in the earlier game staffy (and I often dont if I'm multitabling either - but if I notice I do) is "manage the clock" - when the blinds get bigger and they're about to change - speed up or slow down so that it goes up after your small blind hits.....

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Re: Coolers Progress I really didnt know what to do here :loon ***** Hand 1332217998 ***** 150.00/300.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 22 November 2008 22:47:23 Cooler (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: Deeter1 (1965.00) Seat 2: staffydog (2260.00) Seat 3: Mourinho71 (1875.00) Seat 4: pl---GaF (780.00) Seat 5: pokerdevi (1100.00) Seat 6: LindalaOre (950.00) Seat 7: megi_marta (905.00) Seat 8: bruins14 (1790.00) Seat 9: slake77 (1860.00) Seat 10: cassonettu (1515.00) pl---GaF post SB 150.00 pokerdevi post BB 300.00 ** Deal ** Deeter1 [N/A, N/A] staffydog [N/A, N/A] Mourinho71 [N/A, N/A] pl---GaF [:Kd:, :8h:] pokerdevi [N/A, N/A] LindalaOre [N/A, N/A] megi_marta [N/A, N/A] bruins14 [N/A, N/A] slake77 [N/A, N/A] cassonettu [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** LindalaOre Fold megi_marta Call 300.00 bruins14 Fold slake77 Fold cassonettu Fold Deeter1 Fold staffydog Fold Mourinho71 Call 300.00 pl---GaF ????

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