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Coolers Progress


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Re: Coolers Progress I think a $1 buy is too low for you Gaf. You have a calculated approach to these games and know what the correct play is. However against people who play at this level you'll end up against a lot of people who don't know half as much about the game as you and, at those buy in level's, don't care that much whether they win or lose.

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Re: Coolers Progress

I think a $1 buy is too low for you Gaf. You have a calculated approach to these games and know what the correct play is. However against people who play at this level you'll end up against a lot of people who don't know half as much about the game as you and' date=' at those buy in level's, don't care that much whether they win or lose.[/quote'] Have never bought this arguement, if you can't beat fools how do you expect to beat good players ? A good player will crush these games, sure you'll get some variance but over a pretty small sample size you should be ahead. If your not beating this level after 30 - 40 games, there is something wrong with how you're playing them. Sorry to be slightly brutal. Perhaps GaF should stick up some hand histories for discussion. :unsure Other thing I find is I sometimes struggle to take micro levels seriously and tend to overplay
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Re: Coolers Progress In non cooler games I'd agree with you AJ, but the style that Gaf chooses to employ in these games where he plays ultra tight for the first few rounds and then shoves (almost) any 2 cards in postion will not work against lower level players as well as it will work against higher level players. When it only costs $1 a game if you get the decision wrong, people are more likely to take the risk.

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Re: Coolers Progress

Have never bought this arguement' date=' if you can't beat fools how do you expect to beat good players ?[/quote'] That is 100% my view :ok I really feel that players who think they're too good to beat bad players and need to play higher than where they're profitable to win are delusional! If the strategy I'm employing is not the right strategy to beat these players, then the onus is on me to develop my strategy until I get it right - you need to find a strategy to beat the players you are sat with, not find players that your strategy allows you to beat - with that, you will always have gaps in your game.... The bigger mistakes my opponents make, the easier they should be to beat :)
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Re: Coolers Progress I've only really played the $1 games so far on this visit - so it's difficult to comment really. Had my hiccup, but 65%-70% ITM is good enough for me to be happy at any level :) Strangely enough - I prefer the boss software :loon - though I'm putting that down to being more used to it - and having my AHK scripts set up on Boss - just started getting them sorted for Stars tonight - got my "rotation" sorted. Standard wise - well ou can see the figures above as well as me - there's not a comparison of $1 games on Boss - €3 on Boss is I guess about $5 on Stars - I'm losing at $5 on stars, but only 12 games - so nothing significant. The ante's make it a totally different game on stars - there's far better odds on everything - so limping, for example, is less wrong than it is on Boss without the Ante's.....so bad play is less severely punished....

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Re: Coolers Progress Your ITM is really good so far for the $1 games, so no you can't complain. I bet these games are over quickly? I guess until you start playing the $5 games it is going to be hard to tell if there is any difference to the standard of play. Especially if you haven't played any this 'visit'. I guess another good thing about stars is that as these are turbos in theory you can play significantly more games in the same timeframe. So if your ITM % is good you will make money much quicker than on Boss.

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Re: Coolers Progress going well Gaf. You will soon start beating the $5 games I'm sure. 12 games I have learned is not enough to judge if it is profitable or not. Not sure 100 games is enough especially on double or nothing. Easy to go on big winning streak as well as a big losing streak. Ill follow your progress so keep posting.

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Re: Coolers Progress

I guess another good thing about stars is that as these are turbos in theory you can play significantly more games in the same timeframe. So if your ITM % is good you will make money much quicker than on Boss.
I think Pokerstars Turbos have a similar structure to Boss Standard games. :unsure
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Re: Coolers Progress

Ok - I'm going to jump straight into $5 games on Pokerstars - if I'm profitable on Boss on €3 (about $4) games, there seems no point in playing $1 games on Stars for the same percentage ROI...... It's time to find out where I really stand on STars $5 games....
Great start, then lost my way a bit and finished 5-5. f_20081122Stam_6baead3.gif
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Re: Coolers Progress Have you played the Stars ones in exactly the same way as you play the Boss ones? Or have you tried to adapt in any way as you perceive that that would be needed? I just ask as, this is an even more insignificant sample, I have played 3 x $10 ones on Stars, non-Turbo, in the last 24 hours, played them in exactly the same way as I play the Boss ones, and cashed in all 3, with no perceivable difference in the standard of those playing. Saying that, I have not once been called when I have shoved, whereas if I had, and lost, and not cashed, then my opinion could well be different :unsure

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Re: Coolers Progress I think I started out playing the same way as on Boss - but do believe the ante's require an adjustment in your game, so have been trying to adjust for them.... The impression I get, is that Stars players are better - in that they are able to identify the significance of what your position means when you shove - so they give you less respect raising on the button when short stacked than under the gun - so they know when you're "at it" (which on boss I dont think they do) - however - they might be good enough to know you're at it, but they dont seem good enough to know when they should fold (which should be exploitable) - I remember in one game shoving with something like 95o from the SB, with a small to mid sized stack - the BB, with a similar stack and not desperate, knew I was "at it", but called with 93o ffs!! lol lol (not a bad beat - I dont recall the result of the hand - was just gobsmacked that he called with that!!) - so they can make bad play on Stars, and should be beatable - I just feel that they're a level above the players on Boss :unsure

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Re: Coolers Progress If you find Boss a lot easier than Stars, I think it's sensible to make the decision GaF has made (and I made). If I wanted to improve my cooler game, there would be something to be said for playing against better players. But we all know coolers are rather limited in their interest. I've found coolers (on Boss, at least) quite profitable, but "proper" poker is far more interesting, which is why, in my "challenge" thread, I'm basically using them as a way of funding "proper" tournaments. I don't mind, within reason, playing tournaments that are -EV so long as I enjoy them and feel they're giving me good experience. But playing "cooler" type games where I'm not sure I'm a winning player doesn't really cut the mustard.

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