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November Nine - 9th November


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Re: November Nine - 9th November Ivan Demidov has the button in Seat 7. When the action passes to him, Chino Rheem open-shoves for 3.5 million. Peter Eastgate calls from the small blind. After Dennis Phillips folds the big blind, Rheem and Eastgate open their hands. Rheem: as.gifkc.gif Eastgate: ah.gifqd.gif Rheem is in an excellent position to double up, having Eastgate dominated preflop. All that changes when the flop comes qs.gif5s.gif7d.gif. Now Eastgate is the one who has Rheem dominated. Rheem needs a king or running cards to stay alive in this tournament. He doesn't get any help with the 9d.gif; he's down to his last three outs on the river. He can't find any of them. The river is the 4h.gif to send Rheem out of the tournament in seventh place. He graciously offers a handshake and a hug to each of the remaining players at the table. Rheem has nothing to be ashamed of; his efforts in the Main Event have earned him $1,772,650.

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Re: November Nine - 9th November Updated Chip Counts Here's how the final six stack up after Chino Rheem's elimination. Ivan Demidov still holds the chip lead, while Darus Suharto is now the short stack. Ivan Demidov 39,075,000 Peter Eastgate 28,425,000 Dennis Phillips 20,750,000 Ylon Schwartz 20,425,000 Scott Montgomery 18,150,000 Darus Suharto 9,400,000

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Re: November Nine - 9th November Dennis Phillips has the button in Seat 1. Peter Eastgate is the first player into the pot, raising to 1.05 million. Sitting to Eastgate's immediate left, Phillips reraises to 3.45 million. Ylon Schwartz quickly folds his small blind, but Scott Montgomery is not so fast in the big blind. He seems deep in thought for about a minute, then draws a gasp from the crowd with a reraise to 10 million straight. Eastgate, who got this all started, decides he wants nothing more to do with it and release his hand. Dennis Phillips, on the other hand, appears to have another decision to make. That decision is made after a minute; he folds and taps the felt "good hand" in Montgomery's direction.

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Re: November Nine - 9th November :rollin Maria Ho(?) [reporter] : "So, Chino, you took a brutal beat there with AK against AQ, a brutal beat on the biggest stage in world poker. How does that feel?" Chino Reem : "Well, it feels like shit!" :lol Could hazard a guess what he was thinking, stupid frickin question!

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Re: November Nine - 9th November

So long as i get a % when he wins :). when does it start again? This is where i expect Eastgate to thrive as he plays HU every day.
Looking good now Mole I couldn't get on at 7/1 but had 40 had 5/1. Good tipping :hope Did you back him?
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Re: November Nine - 9th November Right, argh, :lol, help please. I just can't get my head around what to do. I placed the following bets on this: £22.09 @ 4.2 on Demidov £16.87 @ 5.5 on Eastgate £11.04 @ 8.4 on Suharto Suharto's gone, so as it stands I will win: £92.78 if Demidov wins £92.79 if Eastgate wins Current lay prices are: Demidov 2.4 Eastgate 1.82 There isn't any way to increased my guaranteed return at this stage is there? I have looked, and can't see a way - if any of you more accustomed to trading on Betfair can, then shout up please :ok

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Re: November Nine - 9th November Ivan Demidov has the button in Seat 7. He folds to Peter Eastgate, who puts in a raise to 1,500,000. Dennis Phillips makes the call from the big blind. The flop comes down jc.gif4d.gif3s.gif. Eastgate leads out for 1.5 million, and Phillips begins counting out a raise, ultimately deciding to move all in. Eastgate snap-calls. Phillips 9h.gif10c.gif Eastgate 3d.gif3c.gif Eastgate flopped a set of threes and Phillips is drawing nearly dead. "Oh well!" he said with a shrug, standing up from his seat. The as.gif lands on the turn and Phillips is officially drawing dead. The river is the meaningless 9d.gif and the Phillipians give their man a roaring ovation as he exits the stage in third place. Phillips will take $4,517,773 back to St. Louis. We've now reached our final two, so what does that mean? Another round of the "Ooba Ooba" song from the Danes, of course! i know i was the first person to back him on pl but singing my name is a bit much:lol:lol:lol

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Re: November Nine - 9th November

Ivan Demidov - 79,500,000 Peter Eastgate - 57,725,000 Eastgate should have the button when we re-convene at 10pm local time tomorrow for Hand #170 of the final table. Join us then! i make that 5am uk time:unsuremight get up early tommorow to watch it:ok
You have them wrong way round dude Eastgate has 79,500,000 (don't be messing with me heed :\)
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Re: November Nine - 9th November I cant believe i slept through all of this.. I thought FT play began TODAY and HU was tomorrow ARRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGG I suppose i got it confused with the brodcast times on ESPN They delay it 4 months, only to brocast the FT nowhere near live... so stupid... hope that doesnt happen next year (hope I make the FT next year either way lol)

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Re: November Nine - 9th November

Looking good now Mole I couldn't get on at 7/1 but had 40 had 5/1. Good tipping :hope Did you back him?
Yes i have a rather large bet on him, i was talking to him on thursday and he was as cool as a cucumber :) HU he should do really well.
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Re: November Nine - 9th November

The hand where everyone folded to Demidov in the SB (Demidov in 2nd with an M of about 30) and Kim was in the Big Blind (last place with an M of less than 1). Demidov has KT. There are a lot (3?) of mid range stacks and short(2?) , but not so short as Kim, stacks. These 5 players are timid and can be pushed around by Demidov and Schwartze until Kim is eliminated. Is there an argument for Demidov to fold his SB and give Kim a walk so that Demidov can maintain maximum pressure on the other mid and short stacks?
about a day late but i think you are spot on GAF:clap
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Re: November Nine - 9th November

Right, argh, :lol, help please. I just can't get my head around what to do. I placed the following bets on this: £22.09 @ 4.2 on Demidov £16.87 @ 5.5 on Eastgate £11.04 @ 8.4 on Suharto Suharto's gone, so as it stands I will win: £92.78 if Demidov wins £92.79 if Eastgate wins Current lay prices are: Demidov 2.4 Eastgate 1.82 There isn't any way to increased my guaranteed return at this stage is there? I have looked, and can't see a way - if any of you more accustomed to trading on Betfair can, then shout up please :ok
I am not sure but I think the fact you stand to gain equally if either player wins indicates you already have the optimal solution.
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