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Boss Media goes kinky


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Re: Boss Media goes kinky from virgin..

081014_header_nwetourn.jpgTOURNAMENTS OF EVERY KIND
Hi Geordigaz,
Glory, guile, patience, humungous payouts - yep I'm talking about poker tournaments and we`ve got some exciting news for you! Our next upgrade on 28th October will enable you, for the first time on Virgin Poker, to play any game as a tournament (not just Texas Hold' em). Wanna try a multi-table Omaha tourney? Fancy a sit and go in five card stud? - no problem. See the table below for the full list of games available in both multi table and sit and go options:
Game TypeAbbreviation
Texas Hold `emTX
Omaha HighOMH
Omaha Hi/LoOMHL
Five Card StudFCS
Five Card DrawFCD
Five Card Draw 7-AFCD7-A
Seven Card StudSCS
If you have only played Texas Hold`em before don`t be put off - all the games are available to practise. This means you can build up your confidence before taking the plunge into a new game for real.
Good Luck at the tables, Ollie The Virgin Poker team.
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Re: Boss Media goes kinky First Hand :loon

***** Hand 1299500444 ***** 15.00/30.00 Omaha Hi/Lo (PL) - 31 October 2008 00:06:47 Omaha Hi/Lo (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: plSamba (1500.00) Seat 2: ZORRITO3 (1500.00) Seat 3: elis89 (1500.00) Seat 4: Robi84 (1500.00) Seat 5: sicanio (1500.00) ZORRITO3 post SB 15.00 elis89 post BB 30.00 ** Deal ** plSamba [8d, 10d, 9c, Qh] ZORRITO3 [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] elis89 [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] Robi84 [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] sicanio [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** Robi84 Call 30.00 sicanio Call 30.00 plSamba Fold ZORRITO3 Call 30.00 elis89 Raise to 150.00 Robi84 Call 150.00 sicanio Call 150.00 ZORRITO3 Call 150.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [Jh, 6h, 4d] *** Bet Round 2 *** ZORRITO3 Check elis89 Bet 600.00 Robi84 Call 600.00 sicanio All-in 1350.00 ZORRITO3 Fold elis89 All-in 1350.00 Robi84 All-in 1350.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [Jh, 6h, 4d, Kc] *** River(Board): *** : [Jh, 6h, 4d, Kc, Ks] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 4650.00 plSamba Fold Win: 0.00 ZORRITO3 Fold Win: 0.00 elis89 [10c, 4h, Ac, Kh] Full house Win: 4650.00 Robi84 [10s, 10h, 4s, Ah] Two pair kings and tens Win: 0.00 sicanio [8h, 2d, 3h, 7h] Pair of kings Win: 0.00
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Re: Boss Media goes kinky I gave a "Five Card Draw 7-A" STT a go - went out in 5th (of 5) :sad Basically the cards 2-6 are removed from the deck (unless there's 5 players in which case 2-5 are removed from the deck). With the remaining deck, each player is dealt 5 cards face down, and has one round to draw. Only other anomoly I came across - the Ace can be used at the low end of the straight - so you can have straights that are A789T (with less than 5 players) or A6789 (with 5 players) :loon

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Re: Boss Media goes kinky

played 8 hilo stts so far (5 seaters) won 4' date=' 3 seconds and a third.[/quote'] I've had two wins and a second out of three (and another second in a PLO STT which I started playing thinking it was hi/lo). I agree: the standard is pretty bad (must be for me to have done that well!) Don't think WASP would approve of these, though! :tongue2
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Re: Boss Media goes kinky

I've had two wins and a second out of three (and another second in a PLO STT which I started playing thinking it was hi/lo). I agree: the standard is pretty bad (must be for me to have done that well!) terday playi Don't think WASP would approve of these, though! :tongue2
ended up 95 euros up yesterday playing $10 ones after only failing to cash twice(both 3rds):) had the same player on every table and they failed to cash in every game:loonso if you see aneconda on your table the're probably on tilt;)
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Re: Boss Media goes kinky

ended up 95 euros up yesterday playing $10 ones after only failing to cash twice(both 3rds):) had the same player on every table and they failed to cash in every game:loonso if you see aneconda on your table the're probably on tilt;)
he was on my table last night in the 2nd game i played,only played 2 so far 4th and 1st, and he bubbled in my game...
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Re: Boss Media goes kinky

I gave a "Five Card Draw 7-A" STT a go - went out in 5th (of 5) :sad Basically the cards 2-6 are removed from the deck (unless there's 5 players in which case 2-5 are removed from the deck). With the remaining deck, each player is dealt 5 cards face down, and has one round to draw. Only other anomoly I came across - the Ace can be used at the low end of the straight - so you can have straights that are A789T (with less than 5 players) or A6789 (with 5 players) :loon
had a go at one of these as well,they seem a little tricky as some monster hands come out with less cards. might be exploitable with a little practise.
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Re: Boss Media goes kinky

ended up 95 euros up yesterday playing $10 ones after only failing to cash twice(both 3rds):) had the same player on every table and they failed to cash in every game:loonso if you see aneconda on your table the're probably on tilt;)
ive played aneconda a lot in pl omaha/ hilo cash games and he/she seems to lose most sessions
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Re: Boss Media goes kinky Been playing a few Omaha MTTs this week and the standard is pretty much dire. One that I noted down: 50 player Omaha MTT...12 minute blinds. 23 minutes into the game...25 players left. 44 minutes...final table. 1st break...only 6 players left in. Would usually expect half the players to have gone by the break...it really is crazy.

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