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Vote for Friday Focus Game


Vote for Friday Focus Game  

  1. 1.

    • Boyle $22 Deepstack
    • Ladbrokes $4.40 High Stack

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Can't decide between 2 games on Friday for our last game of this month. We're going deeeeeeeeeep. :ok Either Boyle Poker $20+2 deepstack at 10pm with $1000 added. (I think, I've not got this site to check) Or Ladbrokes $4+40c high stack at 7.30 with $1000 guarantee but probably no added value there. Boyles is obviously the value game but is on a less popular site, more expensive and starts late. However, I know quite a few did play last time we had it as focus. So if you are likely to play the focus game on Friday, please vote for which you prefer, and we will go with whichever gets most votes. You've all day Thursday to vote. :ok

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Re: Vote for Friday Focus Game The Boyles has 1000 added last time it was focus, it had 39 players, and I just looked it was in September, 5 places paid, you can look at prize structure of that focus game in Personals best :-) not know how it was the last two weeks but 3 fridays ago it did not had much players as well

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Re: Vote for Friday Focus Game

Boyle game it is then. :ok Hoping for more than 4 of us in it though. :unsure I've not got this site, so I'll need someone to post up the full result please. Also, can someone check it is definitely 22.00 GMT. :ok Thanks.
just checked it to be sure, and yes it is 22:00 UK time
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