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GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 27.5% of the way to level 2


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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 31.2% of the way to next level 1 losing day in 8 ? Maybe you're overconfident, not concentrating fully ? - its merely a blip - I would imagine if 6 Max involves more swings than Full ring then Heads Up must be the most volatile of all ? Look to the positive.

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 31.2% of the way to next level It's not a losing day that bother me. It's not bad beats that bother me. It's making a string of continuous bad decisions that bothers me. Although it only looks like one losing day, a lot of profit was made after midnight on 22nd, so it's actually more like 2 bad losing days - but that doesn't bother me - it's the muppet plays I was making that bother me! And it was a serious post :$ Maybe I'm starting to appreciate how the tilters/bad beat moaners feel :unsure :loon albeit something different that set me off..... A better start this evening thoug :hope

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 31.2% of the way to next level Reading a few blogs tonight and this comment from Ben Grundys blog thought may be something akin to your lapse ! (obviously the money involved is slightly different but the cause may be similar)

I'm really glad August is over. It was a strange month. I was about $250,000 down at one point, and managed to get even, only to lose in the last few days and finish about $100,000 down on the month. Its my first losing month since April 2007. I did run bad, but generally i didn't play very good either. I think its because i found it so easy to win this year that i just expected to beat people without putting much thought into the game, hopefully this will be a habit that i can shake off fast
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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 31.2% of the way to next level Yep - looking back now - I get the impression I was up against bad players, I could see they were bad, and I was too impatient to relieve them of their money - I was therefore pushing too hard, meaning I was playing worse than them, so rightly lost .... I need to keep my patience (which doesn't mean being tight or passive) and do the right things.....

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 39.8% of the way to level 2 I'm still not fixed really - every time I think I'm about to break out of my rut, I seem to get a setback .... nowhere near crushing it like I was .... but at least I dont seem to be losing either..... I've got a real hunger to find some learning resources for HU Cash, but not sure where to find interesting material - THere were 2 videos on PXF which I've watched .... not sure where to go next for my "academic" development in this sphere.... f_20080930Casm_912e0d3.jpg

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 39.8% of the way to level 2 Dont know how to do graphs of my poker tracker stats, but if I did mine would all show impressive starts followed by break even, there are two possible reasons for this- A. Online poker is fixed so that every one wins at first. B. Its easy to win untill all the guys with poker tracker have enough info on you to second guess your game.

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 39.8% of the way to level 2 That's from PT3 - the graph is just there :tongue2 I dont believe that the majority of the people I play (non regs) have PT databases .... I could be wrong though :unsure Not sure how much help the stats are on HU either :unsure It did seriously occur to me that all the play is watched by bots, and as soon as they spot a leak in a player, they send all the baby bots (a network of thousands of bot accounts linked together) after them armed with all this info, but then I decided I was just being paranoid ;)

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 39.8% of the way to level 2

I dont believe that the majority of the people I play (non regs) have PT databases
So you think online pokers fixed so that we all win at first:ok As for the nanobots, can I use that in my high court case against the poker industry, when I attempt to recover every penny lost by all those unfortunate soles who have actually lost something.
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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 39.8% of the way to level 2

Dont know how to do graphs of my poker tracker stats, but if I did mine would all show impressive starts followed by break even, there are two possible reasons for this- A. Online poker is fixed so that every one wins at first.
I've always felt the same way about this. Nearly sure there is some sort of limit as to how much you can win and then it starts to break even. This happened when I opened my celebpoker account about 3months ago. it was a new account, I started off really well and then i gradually started losing/break even. (see graph) obviously I only played 100 or so games so not the biggest sample, however when I used to play on WillHill regualar.... exactly the same thing happened. CelebPoker Sharkscope Graph f_celebpokerm_4b96066.png I seemed to hit the $3k mark and I just couldn't get over that mark..... no matter how hard I tried and how patient I was...... I just couldn't do it. William Hill Sharkscope Graph f_cryptom_97eaa75.png So yeah, I personally think it is rigged for new depositers to win first (which is why I open new accounts all the time ;)) P.s. on the other side of the coin however...... the mole doesn't seem to have this problem! :unsure
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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 39.8% of the way to level 2

So yeah, I personally think it is rigged for new depositers to win first (which is why I open new accounts all the time ;))
If you open new accounts all the time, which ones do you tend to stay with longest? The ones where you start off doing well? Or the ones where you start off doing badly/averagely?
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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 39.8% of the way to level 2

I've got a real hunger to find some learning resources for HU Cash, but not sure where to find interesting material - THere were 2 videos on PXF which I've watched .... not sure where to go next for my "academic" development in this sphere....
Stoxpoker seem to have a few videos on HU cash (19 of them). No idea what they're like, but you can view 3 minute previews of most (all?) of their videos without paying, so you could see if it's the sort of thing you're after.
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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 39.8% of the way to level 2 Cheers guys - I'll check them both out :ok I'd pay the monthly fee to give them a try - but the real barrier is the sign on fee - that's where I struggle to come to terms with it :unsure

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 39.8% of the way to level 2

If you open new accounts all the time' date=' which ones do you tend to stay with longest? The ones where you start off doing well? Or the ones where you start off doing badly/averagely?[/quote'] it really depends (how much i like the software/exchange rates etc...) I don't play as much as I used to these days so I havent opened many accounts of late but I seem to do OK on the boss sites (pokerkings mainly) and have stayed with them for a bit.
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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 39.8% of the way to level 2

DeucesCracked have a lot of great HU vids.
There's an option on DC where you can get the first 7days free.
Signed up to the free 7 day trial - dead impressed with what I've seen so far - it seems far FAR superior to PokerXFactor :ok Stunned that there's no protection on the vids, and indeed they give you the link to download directly :loon Will probably download loads of vids this week to watch over the coming months, and reckon I'll end up signing up again as soon as my PXF expires (1st December). First stop will be the 8 part prinnyraiding HU lecture series :ok Would recommend everyone gives deucescracked a try - a free 7 day trial (have to give them your credit card details and cancel before the 7 days are up to avoid being charged) - so absolutely nothing to lose!!
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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 39.8% of the way to level 2 Holla GAF .... seems like you are going well so far with this. No experience of HU cash play so you wont get much input from me but support :) Best of luck !

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 47.1% of the way to level 2 Cheers Myrie :ok Is looking a bit sticky at the moment, but a great couple of hours after midnight last night :) It was a shame when I just became too tired to carry on :sad For clarity too, I should make clear that I played a small number of 6max games in September too - so it's not 100% HU. f_20081004Casm_f9c59a2.jpg

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 50.7% of the way to level 2 I know it's not long since my last update - but I'd real pleased to have broken through half way to what I need to move up to "Level 2" for the first time :nana :cow :nana :cow If I dont play again today ;) then October 4th will go down as a PB too - beats the best of the best from September :)

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 50.7% of the way to level 2

I know it's not long since my last update - but I'd real pleased to have broken through half way to what I need to move up to "Level 2" for the first time :nana :cow :nana :cow If I dont play again today ;) then October 4th will go down as a PB too - beats the best of the best from September :)
Congrats GAF .... onward and upward as they say :clap:clap
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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 50.7% of the way to level 2 I'm in a heck of a game at the moment.... I have 260xBB he has 360xBB (I'm 150xBB down) - but I consider him a very bad player (1150 hands history and his VPIP from the button is 100% with PFR of 98% :loon)

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