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GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 27.5% of the way to level 2


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My enthusiasm for HU cash has been massively reignited by the table selection software WASP highlighted (and a successful run using it ;) ) in this thread - http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/f63/eyepoker-72928/Now I'm starting to believe I may be able to get off of the bottom rung in something cash :loonSo I'm going to give it a serious go :ok :hope My bankroll management will be based on profit, not bankroll - simply because it's easier to track in PT3 (my rakeback will NOT be counted in the profit figure) I wont report my results daily as I have been :tongue2 That's just blind enthusiasm!! But, good or bad, I'll report my results weekly (and if I dont, feel free to prompt me ;) ) I'm currently playing at the lowest stakes - 25c/50c, I will move up to 50c/$1 when (if) I get 25xFull Buy ins ahead - so that's $2,500 profit needed (if I keep going as I am, then that will be some time next week :tongue2 (and I'm expecting to play a bit more over the weekend :loon). To move up levels from 50c/$1 I need to satisfy 2 criteria. 1) I need to have 25xFull Buy Ins profit at the next level 2) My profit per hour at the current level must be higher (in dollar terms) than my profit per hour at the previous level. If I ever fall below 25xFull Buy Ins Profit, then I must drop down a level. So when moving up at first, it is entirely possible that I'll yo-yo a little. THe hourly profit falling below the previous level will NOT cause me to move down a level.

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash If I dont leave in the first 10 mins or so, then it's usually my opponent who leaves first.I'll stay until I feel my opponent is better than me - if I feel that I have an edge, no reason to leave ..... most of the time the table seems to break up when my opponent busts and doesnt reload (I never bust - I have autoreload on, so my stack never starts a hand below 100xBB)

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash Had an interesting hand earlier - where I was stacked (still sat at the table with the same guy - so not looked at it yet - not sure what I think of the way I played it .... whether I overdid my draw....)Cant find the hand - will get it up soon.....

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash Ok - the guys left now - my first big losing session :sadThe hand I was talking about - gut feel - put too much in with an up and down draw - however, the guy was hyper aggressive - and was frequently raising with nowt.....Full Tilt Poker Game #8142306305: Table Jeep (heads up) - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 18:54:15 ET - 2008/09/19Seat 1: PlayerBA ($54.75)Seat 2: Telepe ($74.70)PlayerBA posts the small blind of $0.25Telepe posts the big blind of $0.50The button is in seat #1*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Telepe [7s As]PlayerBA raises to $1.50Telepe raises to $6PlayerBA has 15 seconds left to actPlayerBA calls $4.50*** FLOP *** [6d 8d 9h]Telepe bets $6.50PlayerBA has 15 seconds left to actPlayerBA raises to $18Telepe raises to $68.70, and is all inPlayerBA calls $30.75, and is all inTelepe shows [7s As]PlayerBA shows [Ts Tc]Uncalled bet of $19.95 returned to Telepe*** TURN *** [6d 8d 9h] [2s]*** RIVER *** [6d 8d 9h 2s] [8c]Telepe shows a pair of EightsPlayerBA shows two pair, Tens and EightsPlayerBA wins the pot ($109) with two pair, Tens and EightsTelepe adds $30.05*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $109.50 | Rake $0.50Board: [6d 8d 9h 2s 8c]Seat 1: PlayerBA (small blind) showed [Ts Tc] and won ($109) with two pair, Tens and EightsSeat 2: Telepe (big blind) showed [7s As] and lost with a pair of Eights

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash Real trouble with formating in PL in IE for me tonight :unsure Lets try firefox..... Full Tilt Poker Game #8142306305: Table Jeep (heads up) - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 18:54:15 ET - 2008/09/19 Seat 1: PlayerBA ($54.75) Seat 2: Telepe ($74.70) PlayerBA posts the small blind of $0.25 Telepe posts the big blind of $0.50 The button is in seat #1 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Telepe [7s As] PlayerBA raises to $1.50 Telepe raises to $6 PlayerBA has 15 seconds left to act PlayerBA calls $4.50 *** FLOP *** [6d 8d 9h] Telepe bets $6.50 PlayerBA has 15 seconds left to act PlayerBA raises to $18 Telepe raises to $68.70, and is all in PlayerBA calls $30.75, and is all in Telepe shows [7s As] PlayerBA shows [Ts Tc] Uncalled bet of $19.95 returned to Telepe *** TURN *** [6d 8d 9h] [2s] *** RIVER *** [6d 8d 9h 2s] [8c] Telepe shows a pair of Eights PlayerBA shows two pair, Tens and Eights PlayerBA wins the pot ($109) with two pair, Tens and Eights Telepe adds $30.05 *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $109.50 | Rake $0.50 Board: [6d 8d 9h 2s 8c] Seat 1: PlayerBA (small blind) showed [Ts Tc] and won ($109) with two pair, Tens and Eights Seat 2: Telepe (big blind) showed [7s As] and lost with a pair of Eights

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 23% of the way to next level Ok - I'm going to use this thread as a kind of a diary - so will be putting my random ramblings in here. Would love to get feedback about anything you disagree with (or anything you agree with, that you feel can be taken further than what I've said). I cant guarantee you'll change my mind on anything, but I will listen and if you do change my mind on something, then (from my perspective) it's been very worthwhile :ok If I come back at you and question something you say, it's not disrespecting your thoughts, it's trying to understand them. SO hows it been going? Well still profitable, still not had a losing day, but it's been a struggle at times and I have had some bad sessions. I think I'm a bit slow to get out if someone has bad stats (has lost overall in the data I have) but it becomes clear that they're not bad players - I need to get out quicker - my profit in this isn't intended to come from being the best player out there, it's intended to come from table selection and sticking to games against worse players. I am the 10th worst player on the site, I just need to keep playing the 9 below me! Getting on tables is proving tough - I'm picking out the losing players and getting on the waiting lists for their tables - but invariably they bust out to the shark they are playing and are first to leave - it's becoming quite frustrating just to get a seat. So I'm trying a different tact ..... my hypothesis is that most of the winning players on FT and most of the grinders are doing similar to me - datamining and checking players out before sitting with them (Full Tilt allows unlimited datamining, as opposed to Pokerstars which doesn't - I'd expect more dataminers on FT therefore) - I now have almost a week behind me playing these games, without a losing day, so I reckon I have enough data out there to act as shark repellant. Therefore I'm going to try just sitting at empty tables and wait to see who arrives.....I feel I need to be extremely prepared like this to get up and walk away early if it doesn't look favourable. However first attempt went well clearing $150 against the guy that chose to sit next to me (rather unusually for me, it was me who broke the table up - I was feeling tired and jaded and thought that I should walk away - despite having crushed the guy and starting to have a pretty good read on his game) Ok - so whilst I'm here - lets have an update - $577 profit equates to 23% of the way towards my target to take a stab at next level :hope f_20080921Eyem_bd09961.jpg

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 23% of the way to next level Only just noticed this forum :unsure. Nice going so far Gaf :ok I'm not a HU player really, but i've been profitable at it and i've watched a lot of HU vids on deuces cracked so do have some knowledge on the dynamics of it. So i'd say on that A7 hand a push there is very marginal because it's a very drawy board so it's going to be very hard to get an opponent who's reraised i.e shown they've hit some part of it to fold even to a shove. A general rule i use is vs a hyper aggressive opponent, just let them hang themselves. Cheapest way is probably to 3bet them constantly pre flop so you have a sort of aggro image but just play a big pot post flop when you have a big hand. Anyway GL :ok

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 23% of the way to next level Ok - was that Nade? ********: gaf Telepe (Observer): eh ********: weff Telepe (Observer): Who's that? Telepe (Observer): I dont want to playu you anywway - you're too good :P Think you may have had observer chat off ;) Have blocked your alias out - I didn't know it, so dont know if you want to keep it to yourself....

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 23% of the way to next level Yeh i got a half yr subscription, the vids of all levels and games are really great. Gaf, i keep trying to play you HU but you keep quittin :tongue2 Lets have a fun game :)

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 23% of the way to next level :loon Thanks. Any of mine you wish to know just let me know :ok (I'm not as organised as you) The big hand where i call with the jacks is very interesting, was a bit of a hope call like all of those types are but i had a lot of reasons for doing it. If you want we can discuss it. TBH apart from that hand you owned me pretty much, didn't help that i wasn't totally focussed on our match with tourns etc. going on but you were v annoying to play against. But i hope for more matches in the future as would be good fun for the forum as a whole!

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 23% of the way to next level

:loon Thanks. Any of mine you wish to know just let me know :ok (I'm not as organised as you)
Did you not have PT running? I'd certainly be very curious to work through the session with your hands in front of me ;) The JJ - lets see.....
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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 23% of the way to next level Full Tilt Poker Game #8168992068: Table Year (heads up) - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:13:27 ET - 2008/09/21 Seat 1: Telepe ($67.95) Seat 2: Nade ($64.65) Nade posts the small blind of $0.25 Telepe posts the big blind of $0.50 The button is in seat #2 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Telepe [9s Ks] Nade has 15 seconds left to act Nade raises to $1.50 Telepe has 15 seconds left to act Telepe calls $1 *** FLOP *** [Jd Th 8d] Telepe checks Nade bets $2 Telepe raises to $8 Nade has 15 seconds left to act Nade calls $6 *** TURN *** [Jd Th 8d] [4s] Telepe bets $12 Nade calls $12 *** RIVER *** [Jd Th 8d 4s] [Ac] Telepe has 15 seconds left to act Telepe bets $43 Nade has 15 seconds left to act Nade has requested TIME Nade calls $43 *** SHOW DOWN *** Telepe shows [9s Ks] Ace King high Nade shows [9d Jh] a pair of Jacks Nade wins the pot ($128.50) with a pair of Jacks Telepe adds $46.55 *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $129 | Rake $0.50 Board: [Jd Th 8d 4s Ac] Seat 1: Telepe (big blind) showed [9s Ks] and lost with Ace King high Seat 2: Nade (small blind) showed [9d Jh] and won ($128.50) with a pair of Jacks

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 23% of the way to next level Not sure what there is to discuss to be honest - I think it was pretty crap by me - dont know why I did it, cannot explain why I thought it might work.... I suppose I showed strength on the flop with the check raise, I continued acting strong with betting my draw on the turn and when I missed I felt I'd shown enough strength to that point to persuade you that I had a strong hand and not the missed draw that I actually had - I didn't think you could put me on a missed draw, so thought you would have me as pretty strong - you'd not shown any strength at all - certainly not with the pre flop raise, nor the continuation bet - your calls suggested that you were drawing - but if you had KQ, you'd have hit, so a bad bet from me ... I suppose my hope was that you had the busted flush draw :unsure

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 23% of the way to next level As I said in chat - I played very differently against you than I do against others - in what way? Well my preconception before the game (from forum posts) was that you would be raising and 3betting pretty light, so I knew I had to try and take advantage of that.

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 23% of the way to next level I had HEM running i'll see if i can dig out something easy to read like what you've given me, if not ill PM the full HH :unsure Lol, i knew you knew about the 3betting, and the thing is i didn't think i 3bet you that much, well definitely not as much as i would against everyone else at that level. Also i said i 3bet the really aggro guys, and you don't have an aggro persona so thought you'd consider that too. Anyway. Reason i called with the J9 is because your river bet just didn't add up at all, it's the type of bet someone will make nearly every time as a bluff. I figured you'd put me on a weak hand with the calls which i felt would give you more license to bluff at the river. The reason i was calling is i wasn't sure where i was in the hand so wanted to keep the pot small, but i considered this in how you viewed my hand strength and so likely hood to bluff that river. Also if -as would be likely- you put me on a draw then the A only fills up QK and so you'd only get value from betting that big from that hand. So really i thought if you had a strong hand you'd v bet a standard amount (watching the DC vids, betting big on rivers is the best way of maximizing value at the higher stakes, but TBH i figured neither of us are at that level so take the bet fwiw), and you likely put me on a weak hand so the A was a good bluff card. They're the main reasons i called. Justt looking through your hole cards you've taken a lot of ballsy lines which i wouldn't have expected someone to do if they're playing someone they've barely played against before, which is why on the whole i gave you credit most hands as i wanted more info about your play. Credit to you post flop, you crushed me :$.

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 23% of the way to next level I think there's a good chance I'd have made the same all in bet with the nuts there too ;) I dont mind overbetting my big hands because you dont need to be called that often for it to pay off (and it can be harder for your opponent to believe you). I can in the right circumstances also min bet as a complete bluff as a min bet can look like a value bet from a strong hand..... The hand probably highlights a pretty big weakness of mine too - when out of position and showing strength, I find it hard to "slow down" - I'm scared of showing weakness - I'm scared of giving up on a hand that I could win.....

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 23% of the way to next level

Lol, i knew you knew about the 3betting, .
Ah - but did you know I knew you knew I knew about the 3betting? :tongue2 Good fun though - we'll do it again some time (after I've won back what I lost to you :tongue2)
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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 23% of the way to next level Note i mention my 'feeling' about the hand a lot, i know you're capable of everything at any time as you're very good so it could have been the nuts, air, vbet 2pair etc. but my feel with analysis i had to make a hero call there. Now my next problem when we next play is you'll be using all the info about myself to supreme effect :(. I look forward to a mini-series/ challenge of some sort :tongue2

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 23% of the way to next level I just had a solid session playing HU to see what it's like. First did some guy at 50NL for 1 buy in. Then moved up to 100NL to try out any random dude. 250 hands and + $500 later i'm feeling quite happy ;). I coolered the guy in a couple of pots for $200 but both were races so you win some you lose some, but nearly all of the solid pots we played i won, he mis-played, and he complained about getting unlucky. Then when i went to leave he complained i didn't give him enough 'warning'. It's not as if he had over 250 hands to outplay me or anything :eyes. It got me thinking, i was running good i had the measure of the guy, i really wasn't mis-stepping post flop at all and he was annoyed. But i didn't feel comfortable sat there over 600 BBs deep so eventually left even though i had a clear edge and was dominating the guy. I guess to be a true poker player i should have played with him until sun rise but i didn't feel comfortable, do i have the wrong mindset for HU?

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 23% of the way to next level Nice one Nade :ok It's definitely seeming like these HU games are the best way to win (or lose) fast - I cannot believe my profit over the last week - I've no chance of getting close to this on non HU cash tables, or tourneys (over time). Did I say I'd taken a big hit today, couldn't beat the game and was on the verge of quitting? :$ Well I may have been looking at my graph upside down, and spun a line or two for my fishy opponent ;) Was seeing if I could tempt him to buy in deep, or rebuy after I stacked him - alas no :-(

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 31.5% of the way to next level I thought it was a bit odd of you saying that in the chat mid game lol. Happy to hear it's actually going good and not 'lost a ridiculous amount today, going to top myself' like you said, sort of :tongue2 Guess this means we can play more HU ? Drop me a PM whenever. (That goes for everyone on the forum, i want to play people i know at HU!)

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Re: GaFs Challenge to play higher stakes HU Cash - 31.2% of the way to next level Well my rather smug overconfidence has totally evaporated - my last few sessions are below - I wouldn't be bothered if I felt I was making good decisions and just getting unlucky/outdrawn, but that's not the way I feel at the moment :sad I think I'm making bad decisions, but I'm not sure why and what (if anything) has changed since I was seemingly crushing this :unsure f_2008092401m_71d1c85.jpg Here's the overall picture, which doesnt perhaps show the disaster of a picture I'm painting - I'm still well up, but feeling a bit uncomfortable now :unsure f_2008092402m_6cc9040.jpg

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