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Devilfish Bounty Tournament


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Re: Devilfish Bounty Tournament yep, well done all in the cash we ran well in this tonight - for a long while I kept the 'tables' tab open and we always seemed to have 3 or 4 leading the way. Cards were really kind to me once I got back to being chip leader not long before the money, and then again at the end. Now wishing devilfish had made the FT ;)

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Re: Devilfish Bounty Tournament Bubbled:puke Chatoman currently chip leader, so all the best hope you bring it down:ok There was some dodgy talking going on my table mind on the bubble, talking about what hand they had, chato saw it, what was you opinion? Not that i'm that bothered really, i lost fair and square.:sad

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Bubbled:puke Chatoman currently chip leader, so all the best hope you bring it down:ok There was some dodgy talking going on my table mind on the bubble, talking about what hand they had, chato saw it, what was you opinion? Not that i'm that bothered really, i lost fair and square.:sad
Yup, i saw that, 3 players were doing such an obvious collusion, they said what they had during a hand... i remember one hand where one guy said he had AJ on a x x J flop and they all check it down to the river :puke Ul dave... saw your hand AQ vs JJ but what else can you do with those blinds and one of the premium hands And.... ANOTHER PL WIN!!!!!! Last week was Runadrum and Tonight was Chato, so lets keep getting advantage of this value Regards
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Devilfish Bounty Tournament It's Devilfish's birthday so he's out celebrating :cheers As usual when the big man can't make it we are doubling the prizepool to make this a €500 Added tournament, great value for a €10 buy-in! Where: Devilfish Poker When: Tonight 8pm Buy-in €10 Prizepool: €500 Added Best of luck all!

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Devilfish Bounty Tournament Will be joining you for my first go at this after also doing ok in the 666 freerolls then cashing in a tourney last night, seems a good structure with 2.5k starting stack and 15min blinds, good luck. :hope

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Re: Devilfish Bounty Tournament good tournament tonight ;) A few weeks ago I fell out of love with this site and tried to withdraw what was left of my money (having won one of these before) but the site wouldn't let me, not without charging anyway. So I just withdrew the maximum I could without a charge (starting to think I've lived in Yorkshire for too long !) and left the rest. Thank you Devilfish Poker :lol Well played Chato and McG, and thanks for the support :clap devilfish6809.png

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