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Devilfish Bounty Tournament


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Re: Devilfish Bounty Tournament For anyone playing this last night, your eyes did not deceive you. Devilfish managed to mislick-call off his stack with 9 high when his opponent had two pair, filling up on the river. Lets just say it was one of the softer €250s won on the site. Best of luck next week if you missed the value! Game # 1025068860 - Texas Hold'em No Limit 50/100 - Table "Tournament Table Devilfish Bounty - EUR 250 Added 4910682 2" Game ended 2009-01-08 21:37:06 GMT+01:00 Players: kango19 (6 964,00 in seat 1) Oups22 (6 382,00 in seat 3) Beanyman (1 905,00 in seat 4) devilfish (1 190,00 in seat 5) donkpakke (3 598,00 in seat 6) pbforlan (4 811,00 in seat 7) pocko_bg (2 816,00 in seat 8) AARONSEA85 (1 308,00 in seat 9) Dealer: Oups22 Small Blind: Beanyman (50,00) Big Blind: devilfish (100,00) devilfish was dealt: 9d - 2d donkpakke Fold pbforlan Call (100,00) pocko_bg Call (100,00) AARONSEA85 Call (100,00) kango19 Fold Oups22 Fold Beanyman Fold devilfish Check Flop 8s - Kh - Qc devilfish Check pbforlan Check pocko_bg Check AARONSEA85 Check Turn 8s - Kh - Qc - Jh devilfish Check pbforlan Check pocko_bg Check AARONSEA85 All-In (1 208,00) devilfish All-In (1 090,00) pbforlan Fold pocko_bg Fold AARONSEA85 Payback (118,00) River 8s - Kh - Qc - Jh - Qd devilfish shows: 9d - 2d (a pair of queens) AARONSEA85 shows: Qs - Jd (a full house, queens full of jacks) AARONSEA85 wins: 2 630,00 (with a full house, queens full of jacks)

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Re: Devilfish Bounty Tournament Hey folks, His Fishness is playing on the way to the EPT Deauville so won't be playing the bounty tonight. That means €500 straight to the prizepool. €10 entry as always, €500 added - 8pm - money for nuffin!

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Re: Devilfish Bounty Tournament

This is the most infuriating software I have ever used. I got disconnected 1 min before the tourney and have been trying to log in for the last 10 mins' date=' I can login fine but it refuses to take me to my table even though I am registered![/quote'] Hi deanimus, Sorry to hear that but we had no reported connection problems last night, sounds like it could be a soft disconnect at your end. Drop me a PM if you have any more details. Thanks, Karl
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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Devilfish Bounty Tournament Mr%20Bump.jpg Kicks off again tonight at 8pm ya'll The Devilfish will have €250 on his head with €250 added to the prizepool as usual. It's also a big night of tournaments if you're snowed in: 19:20 €8,000 GTD - €10 rebuy 20:00 €20,000 GTD - €200 freezeout 20:30 €10,000 GTD Omaha - €50 rebuy

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Re: Devilfish Bounty Tournament I'm in tonight :ok Wasn't sure Devilfish was taking it even semi-seriously till last week, but if he can win it.... :ok Karl - I dont spose deilfish could be persuaded to publish his hand history from his win last week? I think it could generate a lot of interest.....

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