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Poker Magazine "Freerolls"


Poker Magazine "Freerolls"  

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    • Buy In $1-$5 or equivalent(added to pool)
    • Buy-In $6-10 or equivalent(added to pool)
    • Just keep it free and hope its monitored more closely
    • Any other option?

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Do you think its a good thing that the magazines have included/introduced a buy in for some of these tournaments?(will hill and poker time s-africa) Have to say that personally i do,these are still great added value tournaments and may prevent some of the interlopers that go around asking for passwords on msn/tables. Is this the way forward alongside monitoring that if specific requirements are stated that the prizepool is restricted to those countries.

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Re: Poker Magazine "Freerolls" yep i think its a good idea ive been getting fed up with doing them lately i did'nt bother doing the flush mag last night as i was annoyed at seeing the password being given away while i was playing a few stts earlier in the day. i buy the mags because i like to keep updated with the latest goings on in the poker world. but it does seem very unfair that those of us who pay for the mags are not getting the true benefits of the tournies on offer in the mags. i think 5/10 buyins with a password would be a good idea

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Re: Poker Magazine "Freerolls" I think it's the way to go and I'm surprised that most of the pokersites haven't used this sooner. Obvioulsy if players have to make a deposit on a new site then they are more likely to carry on chasing their losses:lol which is what they want rather than never depositing at all and just being a freeroll whore.

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Re: Poker Magazine "Freerolls" also, people who only go for freerolls dont understand that they're not getting as good value as a similar 'giveaway' that requires a modest buy-in (Say $5). Look at the PP Battle of the Sites games to see that the prizes on offer are well worth forking out a couple of quid.

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Re: Poker Magazine "Freerolls" Poorly thought out by the sites i.m.o if thats the case,customers who are willing to pay an entry fee initially even if small,are more likely to play for cash buy ins more frequently anyway,therefore generating more rake for the sites involved.

i much prefer to buy-in but the magazines want the non eligible players in to boost the sites numbers' date='cynical as it sounds.even tonight the t and c`s on pokertime say non uk and ireland players MAY be dsqualified.[/quote']
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Re: Poker Magazine "Freerolls" The problem i could see with only having subscriber events is it would mean alienating the magazines occasional reader:unsure assuming there are such things ;) also how would it work with using different poker sites?I would imagine to send the subscriber database to each site would be a nightmare and possibly a breach of privacy laws:unsure

Subscriber only is the way to go' date=' that way you have to buy the magazine on a subscription basis, and show your support. Not just pick it up free in a casino or have a look in WHSmiths for the password[/quote']
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Re: Poker Magazine "Freerolls"

Poorly thought out by the sites i.m.o if thats the case' date='customers who are willing to pay an entry fee initially even if small,are more likely to play for cash buy ins more frequently anyway,therefore generating more rake for the sites involved.[/quote'] yep very true good example pokertime tonight 80 odd runners @5.50 buyin usually 400 odd in the same freeroll if those 320 odd players won't pay 5.50 for the value on offer then imo they are not gonna spend a penny on that site at all plus it was a much better game than it usually is when its free
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