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Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY


Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY  

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    • Yes I will play this Friday 8th
    • Yes, but not this Friday
    • No thanks, I'm not kinky enough to play

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Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY yeah that would be ok,cant see any reason why people can't buy in for less:ok as long as their total buy in doesnt exceed $11 then they don't get any advantage . i will see if we get a few more people in the next half hour ,then set the tables(or table)up:ok

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Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY

Are you still to set up the other tables yet' date=' or am i just blind and cant see them ? playing on 32 red so hope its the right one ?[/quote'] yeah it will be on red mate:ok havent set the tables yet as its a cash game,i will be opening them at 8.15.
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Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY ok, have voted for tonight, i apologise in advance if i sit out later on for a short period, got to quickly load up the car for me hols :nana

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Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY

I'm on BetonBet. :ok I see a table called pl hilo (omaha fixed 0.05/0.10) which needs a password.
just testing it;) bit of luck i did coz u have to use a password on prima:eek password for all tables will be punterslounge will pm everyone now:ok
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Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY

I think I have screwed up. Deposited money into VC instead of StanJames by mistake! Just wasn't thinking when I fired up VC instead. So - is VC on the required network?
No. That's on iPoker.:(
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Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY Did someone else set the table up? There's 3 now and you started without me. :tongue2 I can't chat at the tables as they're private, unless I sit down, which I can't, so we've found the first problem. :lol If I shout from here, can you all hear me?

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Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY Well the format definitely worked :ok and a good game by all. 7 still standing at the end. Will post up result in a bit. Uber, if you got a note too can you post it and I'll make sure I've got it right. And big thanks to uber for sorting it all out. :clap And a little help from the man from del monte. ;)

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Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY ok it was 1st guppie 2nd voice of the gods;) 3rd uber 4th rivrd 5th dodger 6th hornet 7th avon 8th pistn 9th hodgey 10th teaulc was a good laugh and worked pretty well:) being able to only set 1 table is a pain:wall but other than that it went pretty well i thought:nana:nana

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Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY hopefully 32 red will nick this idea and turn it into a proper tourney:hope sort of like hose but with 30 minutes in each game(blinds go up as usual tho), so you can bed in more than if its 12 min levels:ok start with limit games then to pl then to nl. by the time you get back to hilo the limits would be killer anyway:) i reckon this could be more popular than horse:nana:nana

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