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Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY


Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY  

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    • Yes I will play this Friday 8th
    • Yes, but not this Friday
    • No thanks, I'm not kinky enough to play

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Time for an aquatic Olympic event and in this one you will surely either sink or swim (and never mind the sharks and fish). :loon This will be a connected series of private cash games on the microgaming/Prima network (PokerTime/Royal Vegas, Gnuf, Spin Palace, StanJames, BetonBet, 32Red, Nordic....) Discussion so far:

A suggestion for you - Fridays kinky night could be a 4x100M relay. leg 1 limit omaha hi/lo for 30 mins leg 2 limit stud for 30 mins leg 3 pot limit omaha for 30 mins leg 4 nlhe for 30 mins. deliberately starting with limit events....then pot limit and finally no limit. With the no limit at the end every chance we'll be left with only one person at the end (rather than at the end of leg 1). Exact start (and end time) to be specified - players need to sit down, but sit out until the start time (or their balance will be wrong at the start) No rebuys allowed - buy in for $5 or $10 at the start of leg 1, then no extra money can be used. Your closing balance at the end of leg 1 is your opening balance on leg 2 and so on for all the legs. if more than 10 players, then it's multiple tables - tables consolidate (if some are eliminated) only at the start of each new leg (and not during a 30 minute period). Maybe a 4x400m event could be either deeper starting stacks or longer times on each leg.
Hope I'm understanding this correctly, we won't need any sort of poker tracker running as it's a 'last longer' game not a profit chase, but we'll need to keep a close watch on what order we bust out for positions?
i would recommend a $10 buy in tho as 2 hrs is a while to play, it would surely be best if at least a few last all the way;).
I propose that your final position would be worked out on the order of bust out, and for those still standing at the end of the 4th variant it would then be based on final balance. For this reason it's important that everyone sits down with the same amount and does not add to it. You must only take whatever you have left from one table to the next. I would work out BPP score just based on these positions. (Makes it easier for me if I can use the same formula throughout the month in the spreadsheet). I wasn't actually planning to double the PL exclusives, but I will have a look at the possible scores later to see if this seems OK as I guess this will be fairly low turnout. Are we happy with the 4 variants proposed? Should we have something else instead of NLHE at the end, even if we only make it Pot Limit instead?
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Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY Hello, anyone out there? :tongue2 Is there enough interest in doing this on Friday or should we try it another week instead? It's going to take quite a bit of organising to set up so no point if there's only a handful of players. I think we need at least 10 to make it happen. I've added a poll. If you are willing and able to play this Friday can you vote please and I'll decide tomorrow night whether to go ahead. Uber, are you happy to set the tables up? I probably won't play and won't be around til after 8.00 on Friday evening, but I'm happy to watch proceedings and keep an eye on how it runs.

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Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY Just looking at alternatives in case we can't get this going this week. We could do the Killer Omaha HiLo on Laddies at 7.15 (I'm definitely going to put it in one day anyway). So there is no getting out of it, you will have a variant event on Friday one way or the other. :tongue2

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Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY I'd love to play in this...so voted and deposited on ladbrokes. Can see a couple of problems that need to be thought about first: After game 1...will a short stacked player (say with 99 cents in chips) be prevented from joining the second game through insufficient funds. In other words is there a minimum amount you can bring to the table on ladbrokes? Secondly...we will need somebody in charge...quick enough to call time...then everybody clicks on ''sit out next hand'' so we can move on to the next table. What a shame that we can't just set up a MTT with multiple games. Whatever happens...it'll be fun! ...Damn...Prima eh?...Will still play but for some reason I don't like these sites. :unsure

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Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY

I'd love to play in this...so voted and deposited on ladbrokes.
It won't be on Ladbrokes - one of the standard Prima sites.
Can see a couple of problems that need to be thought about first: After game 1...will a short stacked player (say with 99 cents in chips) be prevented from joining the second game through insufficient funds. In other words is there a minimum amount you can bring to the table on ladbrokes?
Good point, no idea - I'm hoping the person who suggested it knows it will work, :tongue2 or that uber knows what he's doing.:ok Maybe this is why you have to sit down at the table but sit out?:unsure
Secondly...we will need somebody in charge...quick enough to call time...then everybody clicks on ''sit out next hand'' so we can move on to the next table.
That will be my job.:ok:hope
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Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY

Good point, no idea - I'm hoping the person who suggested it knows it will work, :tongue2 or that uber knows what he's doing.:ok Maybe this is why you have to sit down at the table but sit out?:unsure That will be my job.:ok:hope
yeah its pretty easy as long as everyone sits out at the right times:ok yes everyone will have to sit out till the starting time or we will all be on different stacks;).also it would be best if everyone joined the shortest table ,so keeping numbers equal on each table:ok so at 8.30 avon will start the first game.(omaha hilo limit) at 8.59 or somewhere near avon will tell us next hand is the last one:ok once avon calls time on each table it would be handy for those playing that hand to play as slow as possible:ok this will give everyone time to sit out and leave the table(remember those in the hand need to flick sit out after this hand) its probably a good idea to leave a couple of minutes between each game for hands to finish and people to move etc . so when u move tables sit out till avon says start again,also again try and sit on the table with the least players:ok everyone needs to keep check of their stack and buy in for the same amount on the next table.i will double check to make sure it's correct but i can't really do it instantly, so its up to each individual to buy in for the correct amount. so it should run something like this 8.15 tables will open.you can join but you must sit out:ok.table name will be pl hilo1 or 2 .buy in is fixed at $10 each and you can only join 1 table;) 8.30 avon tells us to start and we all sit in:) 8.59 avon tells us the next hand is the last. we all sit out and leave after that hand REMEMBERING TO NOTE OUR CHIPSTACK SO WE CAN BUY IN FOR THE SAME AMOUNT ON THE NEXT TABLE. join the next table(table name pl stud1or2 or maybe 3)for the amount you had left after the first game and sit out till...... 9.02 ish avon says start and off we go again. 9.29 again avon calls last hand and sit out and move to the next tables following the above routine:ok tables will be pl pl omaha 1 or 2 9.32 avon restarts the game 9.59 avon calls last hand and we move to the next table as before. 10.02 avon restarts the game for the last leg. table name pl nlholdem 10.30 final chipcount if needed ie more than 1 person is left:ok hope this makes sense:hope if anyone is unsure about it please ask now or while we are playing. there are bound to be a few little cock ups :lolbut as long as everyone sits out at the right times and buys into the next game for the right amount it should be easy:unsure
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Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY

I assume that with this as opposed to the former "kinky nights"to be eligible for bpp points you must start in leg 1?
Yes, it's 4x100m so if you miss one out I'll have to disqualify you. :ok I suppose in theory we could let people join in late "for fun" but it would then be a bit like when you get knocked out of a UK-only MTT by the romanian guy who shouldn't be there. :unsure
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Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY Well I really don't want to run it as a scoring focus game with less than 10. Apart from anything else, the points will be worth diddlysquat (I have no idea how you spell that :lol). With 7 in, 1st scores 84 points, at least with 10 it's 100. (I'm not doubling points for PL games.) However, if uber is happy to set it up there's no reason why we can't give it a go for fun. If it's a roaring success hopefully more will want to play and we'll do it again another week for BPP. And if it's for fun, we could let people buy in for just $5 if they preferred, with an option of 1 rebuy. That way we can see if $5 is a feasible amount to sit with (in case it's cost putting some off - though normal kinkyness costs 4x$2 anyway). We'll stick with the 4 variants originally suggested as no-one has any other thoughts. :ok

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Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY

Well I really don't want to run it as a scoring focus game with less than 10. Apart from anything else, the points will be worth diddlysquat (I have no idea how you spell that :lol). With 7 in, 1st scores 84 points, at least with 10 it's 100. (I'm not doubling points for PL games.) However, if uber is happy to set it up there's no reason why we can't give it a go for fun. If it's a roaring success hopefully more will want to play and we'll do it again another week for BPP. And if it's for fun, we could let people buy in for just $5 if they preferred, with an option of 1 rebuy. That way we can see if $5 is a feasible amount to sit with (in case it's cost putting some off - though normal kinkyness costs 4x$2 anyway). We'll stick with the 4 variants originally suggested as no-one has any other thoughts. :ok
i reckon we will pick up a few more players before tonight,should get 10 at least:hope
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Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY

Can see a couple of problems that need to be thought about first: After game 1...will a short stacked player (say with 99 cents in chips) be prevented from joining the second game through insufficient funds. In other words is there a minimum amount you can bring to the table on ladbrokes?
i'm gonna keep the blinds as small as possible to hopefully counteract the possability of someone being too short. the min buy in on the stud should be $2or3. if someone does end up under this i think the fairest way is to let them buy in for the minimum ,but only the chips they had left are in play as such :ok so if someone has $1 and they have to buy in for $2 if they drop down to $1 they are eliminated. i suppose this gives the shortstack a bit of an advantage if they then go on to double thru etc, but i can't really see a fairer way of doing it:\ with it looking like 2 tables max it should be easy enough to keep an eye on;)
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Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY Victor Meldrew would be proud of me! :tongue2 One more, but with solutions too! :unsure From Uber's last post...if we are sitting at the table and one player has $1 at the table that he cannot use along with his ''live'' $1.50...he would be forced to fold if the required bet was over what he had to play with...say $2. Option 1...The easy option. Like a boxer...unable to get off his stool at the start of the next round. If a player is unable to buy in at the start of any new game that player is deemed to have been eliminated at that stage. Option 2...more complicated: Instead of buying in at the minimum level...the struggling player would buy in for the minimum buy in plus his previous balance. Then all the other players could add-on the minimum stake before play started. If one table had the add-on then all other tables would have to as well. Option 3 : Ever increasing buy-ins This would avoid the problem all together Assuming min buy-in is $2: The buy in for the first game is $4. The buy in for the second is your balance plus $2. The buy in for the third is again plus $2. and finally plus $2 for the last. This third one would solve the problem completely. ---------------------------------------- Please understand that all this moaning is supposed to be constructive...the more we iron out before the game then the better it will run. :eyes ...and as for balancing the tables...paracetamols are 25p a pack at Morrisons, Avon.:hope:hope:hope

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Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY actually i think i mighty have come up with an even better solution(knicking most of dodgers idea tho:ok) start table 1 with $5 each subsequent table you add on $2 if you are not already eliminated:ok so buy in stays at around $10(thats the only bad side i can see from your suggestion dodger,a little too dear for some) that should solve all the problems :hope i will make table 1 2c 5c blinds so the max buy in is $5;) then raise the blinds on each consecutive table to accomodate the biggest stack.just hope we dont get to table 4 with a massive leader +some real shortstacks:hope table break shouldn't be 2 bad as were not talking big numbers.one thing to take into account is stud will be 6 seaters;),by the time we get past that it should be 1 table left anyway. whoevers idea this was had better be playing ,coz its a bloody nightmare to work out:tongue2

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Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY PLEASE READ IF YOU ARE PLAYING TONIGHT so now tonights revised schedule 8.15 tables will open.you can join but you must sit out:ok.table name will be pl hilo1 or 2 .buy in is fixed at $5 each and you can only join 1 table;) 8.30 avon tells us to start and we all sit in:) 8.59 avon tells us the next hand is the last. we all sit out and leave after that hand REMEMBERING TO NOTE OUR CHIPSTACK SO WE CAN BUY IN FOR THE SAME AMOUNT +$2 ON THE NEXT TABLE(you cannot buy in for £2 if you have busted out). join the next table(table name pl stud1or2 or maybe 3)for the amount you had left after the first game adding $2 to your stack.then sit out till...... 9.02 ish avon says start and off we go again. 9.29 again avon calls last hand and sit out and move to the next tables following the above routine remembering to add your $2 to your stack:ok tables will be pl pl omaha 1 or 2 9.32 avon restarts the game 9.59 avon calls last hand and we move to the next table as before. 10.02 avon restarts the game for the last leg. table name pl nlholdem 10.30 final chipcount if needed ie more than 1 person is left:ok once you bust your stack you are out and cannot buy back in. i will track whatever tables we run to make sure people are buying in for the correct amount etc and will try to sort any problems out as they occur. also i will try and make sure everyone knows whats going on when we are seated i think this is going to be a very interesting structure :loon it should generate a fair bit of aggression as the chip leaders stack will dictate the blinds on the next table,so putting more pressure on the shorter stacks;)

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Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY

whoevers idea this was had better be playing ,coz its a bloody nightmare to work out:tongue2
I have sent the person concerned an email invitation. :tongue2 I'm off out on my deliveries now and will try to be back before 8 so I can work out what I have to do. Thanks for all your work on this, and Dodger. The add on buy ins sound like a good solution. :ok:notworthy For BPP purposes I'll stick to 10 being the minimum for us to score it, but at this stage I'm not putting up an alternative game tonight. If we get to 9 I'll buy in. :ok
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Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY

I have sent the person concerned an email invitation. :tongue2 I'm off out on my deliveries now and will try to be back before 8 so I can work out what I have to do. Thanks for all your work on this, and Dodger. The add on buy ins sound like a good solution. :ok:notworthy For BPP purposes I'll stick to 10 being the minimum for us to score it, but at this stage I'm not putting up an alternative game tonight. If we get to 9 I'll buy in. :ok
we have 9 already:D so you should be ok:ok
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Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY

I have sent the person concerned an email invitation. :tongue2
The man from Del Monte, he say 'yes'. :ok He also say, we might find players can't buy in for the maximum, not just a problem with minimum buy in. So a way round it could be to let them rebuy if they have extra funds saved up from earlier.
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