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The Rock says - 20% ROI challenge

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Hello! The Rock says this: His problem is that he usually show some nice profit with his bets but then loses the profits with silly in-play bets or general lack of discipline and getting to greedy. I want to share all my selections with the forum so that I stop doing these stupid bets and spend more time analyzing. I want to focus on areas which I actually have some knowledge about. European football will definitely be the best choice for me. The goal is to return 20% of my starting bank in 2 months. If you smell what The Rock is cooking! Starting bank: 1000p Usual stake: 50p Target by October 6th: 1200p

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Re: The Rock says - 20% ROI challenge :welcome to PL Rock...! I think in terms of "normal" betting (not GH style) your target is a realistic one. It might be a good idea to write down some "discipline rules" in the first post and stick to these. Things like "No in-play bets" or "No bets on friendlies or cup games" and so on. Best of luck with your bets!

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Re: The Rock says - 20% ROI challenge Thank you HooLooVoo! That's a good idea. :ok: Rule #1 - Patience is the virtue of the strong Don't get greedy and change your stakes because of losses. Experience and losses will make you stronger, blowing your bankroll won't. Rule #2 - Do not get caught up in emotions Spend at least 15 minutes researching and analyzing every match you bet on. Don't rely on a gut feeling in a match you just watched for 2 minutes. Rule #3 - Analyse your selections after winning and losing Look at the long-term perspective. Because you won a bet doesn't mean it was a good one. And when you lose a bet it doesn't mean you failed. Re-analyze how close you were to winning/losing and which factors, predicitions and expectations proved to be wrong although you won a bet and vice versa. Rule #4 - Be selective Stay as close to your sport, or your area of expertise in this particular sport as possible.

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Re: The Rock says - 20% ROI challenge My first pick Bet #1 - 06.08.2008 - FC BATE Borisov v RSC Anderlecht Anderlecht lost the home game 1-2 against Bate. This means they have to score at least 2 goals to avoid elimination. My impression after reading some articles about this match is that Anderlecht is very determined to take revenge. The players certainly don't want to go down in history as the ones who were eliminated from Europe after 2 matches already instead of qualifying for the Champions League. Anderlecht has quality players and although Bate Borisov showed their talent in the first leg I think Anderlecht is going to win this and score at least 2 goals. The Rock says Anderlecht to win @ 1.87 (50p) Over 1.5 Goals @ 1.31 (50p) :hope

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Re: The Rock says - 20% ROI challenge Result: Bate 2-2 Anderlecht Match bet: LOST -50p Over/Under bet: WON +14.74p Total: -35.26p Anderlecht never dominated the match the way I expected them to. They could have won but the draw was a fair result. My mistake was that I underestimated Bate Borisov and probably the home advantage of any club. Starting bank: 1000.00p Current bank: 964.74p The positive side: The new bankroll managment shows a merit. ;)

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Re: The Rock says - 20% ROI challenge Bet #2 - 07.08.2008 - Brazil v Belgium Brazil wants to win the gold medal. In my lifetime Brazil has won all their opening matches in a World Cup and I think this Olympic tournament is something similar. Belgium has world class defender Vincent Kompany but I just don't see them stopping Brazil. The South Americans with this kind of motivation and a more light-hearted Ronaldinho should win this encounter 4 out of 5 times. The Rock says Brazil to win @ 1.33 (Stake 50p)

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Re: The Rock says - 20% ROI challenge Good luck with this Rocky :hope Im not too sure about these opening fixtures, so might just play it safe for tomorrow. Unlucky with the start, lol never underestimate home advantage, as Rangers found out to their cost :ok

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Re: The Rock says - 20% ROI challenge Result: Brazil 1-0 Belgium Match bet: WON +15.69p Brazil a bit lucky there with Kompany's sending off. But a draw would have been the maximal possibility for Belgium in this match. The Brazilians did not disappoint and in my opinion their enourmos technical abilities made the difference in the end. Starting bank: 1000p Current bank: 980.43p

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Re: The Rock says - 20% ROI challenge Bet #3 - 07.08.2008 - Netherlands v Nigeria Waited for the line-ups and the first minutes of the game. The other matches' results and the hot weather as well as the fact that no side wants to risk too much (in my opinion) playing against the other favourite team of the group made me back the Under 3.5 goals. The Rock says 7 minutes in-play: Under 3.5 @ 1.3 (Stake 50p)

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Re: The Rock says - 20% ROI challenge Bet #4 - 08.08.2008 - Inter v Sevilla Although only a friendly I'm convinced Mourinho will attach importance to the development of his team and especially his defense. Two very strong sides and if you are invited to the Amsterdam Tournament you can't just let your opponents run over you. The Rock says Under 3.5 goals @1.31 (stake 50p) :hope Needed to trade out of this. Reason:

The Amsterdam Tournament uses an unusual points-scoring system. As with most football, a victory results in three points; a draw in one; and a defeat in none. However, teams are rewarded one extra point for every goal they score. For example, a 3-3 draw brings the same number of points as a 1-0 victory brings to the winner. In the previous example both teams would get 4 points. This system is designed to encourage more attacking football.
Probably going to regret it but I didn't know this fact when I made my decision.

Bet #5 - 08.08.2008 - Liverpool v Lazio Liverpool's first pre-season friendly match at home in 5 years or something. First home match with new signing Keane. I’m quite sure they will win this but a “accidental” draw can always happen in such a match. A Lazio win is not impossible of course but in my opinion very improbable. The Rock says Lazio layed @9.6 (stake 15p) :hope Traded out here as well after 82 min. when it looked like Liverpool substituted the whole team. Things didn't go at all as I expected them to so I'm happy with a smaller profit.

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Re: The Rock says - 20% ROI challenge @aliando Cheers! @stewardt It's another currency but closer to the second value. :D I guess I have to focus a bit more on the Over/Under market because a stupid match bet decision ruined my winnings again today. Bet #6: Falkirk 0-1 Rangers WON +24.73p Bet #7: Sion 0-2 Bellinzona LOST -93.00p Bet #8: Arsenal 1-1 Sevilla WON +26.56p Total: -41.71p Starting bank: 1000.00 points Current bank: 958.87 points

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Re: The Rock says - 20% ROI challenge

Rock - Is it 1000 pence you are playing with, therefore 10GBP, or is it £1000 GBP ? Going well so far by the way. :ok
Think it's pence stew. Most of his bets are in pence.... Would seem strange having £1000 and betting 15p :lol Let THE ROCK clarify. What does the rock say:-:)
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Re: The Rock says - 20% ROI challenge Bet #9 - 09.08.2008 - Ajax v Inter In play 10 min. Under 2.5 @ 3.55 A bit risky but a trade-out (profit or loss) is intended. Traded out after 34 min. @ 2.50 - The Inter attack (Figos passes to Ibrahimovic and Adriano) are giving me heart attacks. Ajax defense a bit too inexperienced.

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