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Runadrum and Avon's Vegas Thread


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Suppose we better have one as everyone else does. :D Think we probably got the best of the flights in here. Direct from Manchester, left on time, 10 hours later and a bit of sleep, a couple of films, fed and watered, we arrive on time at Las Vegas and by the time we clear customs etc our cases are ready to pick off the carousel. Nice one BMI. :ok Taxi to the Imperial Palace. After unpacking we headed off to the Rio to check the place out. It didn't look far on the map so Duncan reckons we can walk. No idea how long it took but it felt like we were lost in the desert without water. When we eventually make it to the hotel it's about another mile to find the poker rooms. :eek At least it's cooler inside. We register at the Everest hospitality. I can see we will spend a lot of time here. Free drink, food available most of the time and internet access. :ok Duncan registers and gets his seat. We then make contact with Keith and phil and find out about the free shuttle bus. :eyes We grab a bite to eat back at our hotel and get an early night. Late start next day. Back over to the Rio but we can't see phil at his table. Turns out we had the wrong number so our panic that he had gone out in the first hour was unfounded. We met up with the PL gang at Blondie's. Paaaaaaarty in Vegas baby. :cheers We go off to the Everest VIP party and leave the others to go play poker at Planet Hollywood. We have a fantastic view over the strip from the balcony at Pure, which is at Caesars Palace. Unfortunately we don't get a good view of the July 4th fireworks from there, but we've got free food and drink instead so I'm happy. :D Dead on 10pm the free bar ends so we make our escape as Duncan is nodding off. We take the short cut through the Forum shops and get completely lost. We get to one end and there is no exit so have to walk all the way back. It's like the Father Ted sketch lost in the department store. :lol When we finally get out, Duncan falls asleep waiting to cross the road (he will try to deny this!) Still getting lost trying to find our room in the hotel so we eventually get back about an hour after we left the party! Not yet midnight. :tongue2 Today we didn't wake up properly til after 1pm so we've had a pretty leisurely day. We filled up on pizza then wandered around the shops abit, starting to get my bearings now. Been watching some of the poker. Duncan is getting in the zone I think so I'm just waiting for the signal that we are heading back for the night. This is the latest we've managed to stay awake so far (just after 11.00)! Aiming to catch the shuttle back over here around 10 in the morning so will be an early start for us too. More later.....

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Re: Runadrum and Avon's Vegas Thread

Although you did miss the last part of doctor who so there is a downside. :lol
I KNOW - one of the reasons I nearly didn't come. :lol Hopefully I have it recorded so will be something to look forward to coming home. Not sure I can wait a week without peeping at one of the sites to see what happened though.:spank
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Re: Runadrum and Avon's Vegas Thread Don't think we're getting the full Vegas experience as not a great deal to report after going out of the ME with five minutes left of day one. Spent a bit of time roasting by the pool and went to the hard rock cafe last night but that's about it. Hoping to play one of the games in the Imperial Palace and see a few of the 'sights' to give Helen something to write about in the next enthralling instalment ! Flipping hot here !!!!! :ok

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Re: Runadrum and Avon's Vegas Thread

Don't think we're getting the full Vegas experience as not a great deal to report after going out of the ME with five minutes left of day one.
Shame about your exit .... how does the tournament compare to the Aussie Millions ? (You did play in that right ... or is my memory letting me down again !?!) Come across any "notable" players (as the WSOP website calls them) ?
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Re: Runadrum and Avon's Vegas Thread

just been watching the aussie millions on tv and duncan's getting a fair bit of air time:)
I hope our mate is Sky+'ing this for us then. Duncan says, has he played a hand yet? We were assuming this was the same coverage as previously been online but maybe not. We both played the Planet Hollywood tourney last night for $80, along with Gaz and Keith I got KK 2nd hand and lost half my stack betting against an A on the flop. Got KK again just before the break and managed to double up this time to just less than starting stack, but didn't last long after the break when JJ got beat by another A. Went off to play slots for the first time since getting here and made $8 so that cheered me up! Duncan managed to bubble in the tourney. The final table made some sort of deal to pay the 9th, but apparently the non-English speaking winner hadn't understood so he didn't get paid. :eyes We all went off to Blondies for something to eat, which seemed to be the only place open for food at midnight. 24hr Vegas, pah. :unsure Duncan's idea of having a drink at Bill's Gambling Hall as it was cheap, unfortunately didn't work out so cheap for Gaz as his audience didn't bring him any luck at the BlackJack table. Back at the Rio at the moment with Phil, Ed, and Keith. We managed to miss Phil's starring role with Phil Hellmuth. :( They are closing the Everest lounge today so we won't have any more internet access (or free food and drink!) Dunno if that means all the Everest qualifiers are out. Did a little sightseeing yesterday, went to see the flamingos (surprisingly at Flamingo hotel!) and up the Eiffel Tower (guess which hotel ;)) for a fantastic view. Just realising we have only a few days left and we've done hardly anything! And apparently rain's a coming. :eek Duncan and Keith have just decided to play the $80 game again tonight so I think I might do some retail therapy. Not sure if that will be cheaper than if I play. :tongue2
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Re: Runadrum and Avon's Vegas Thread

Shame about your exit .... how does the tournament compare to the Aussie Millions ? (You did play in that right ... or is my memory letting me down again !?!) Come across any "notable" players (as the WSOP website calls them) ?
All that comes to mind immediately is the sheer difference in size (ten times as many players here). I'll give a more thought out answer when back home next week. One other immediate difference in my personal experience is that I played poorly here - more obvious in my mind the more I think about it - and didn't deserve to make day 2. Bubbling in the one tournament I've played here since (last night) was disappointing but bucked me up no end in terms of being happy with how I played. No recognisable pros on my table in the ME (same table all day) although a few on tables around me - notably Jerry Yang whose every move (and he made many) was captured by a TV camera. :ok
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Re: Runadrum and Avon's Vegas Thread

i missed the first 35 mins and although he didn't play a hand he was on screen for quite a while.i dont think its the same coverage as the online one' date='i might be wrong tho:unsure[/quote'] The cash game coverage looked the same but if the ME is different I'd be happy to be seen playing even one hand - win or lose ! :ok
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Re: Runadrum and Avon's Vegas Thread

The cash game coverage looked the same but if the ME is different I'd be happy to be seen playing even one hand - win or lose ! :ok
I thnik it was the same coverage, as you didn't play a hand in the coverage, but you heard Andy Black saying 'I don't want to double you up again'. Which if i remember correctly was aimed at you.
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