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Rick Dacey: Fashion Victims


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Interesting article from rick in the new Poker Player mag investigating 6 of the "hippest strategies" at the moment.... 1) The re-steal 2) Mini Raise 3) Shoving light post flop 4) Inducing the Squeeze 5) The min check raise 6) Overbetting with monsters We've all got these in our arsenal, right? :tongue2

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Re: Rick Dacey: Fashion Victims "Shoving Light Post Slop What is it? There was once a time when a raise, a re-raise and an all-in meant you were almost certain to see premium hands locking horns. But times, and more importantly raising hand ranges, have changed, meaning these days you're just as likely to be looking at middle pair against a flush draw. Why has it become so popular? Shoving light is a direct result of the increasing number of players entering posts with far from premium hands. Because of this, the extent to which you must connect with a board reduces, particularly when facing the obligatory continuation bet. It is becoming far more common for a successful aggressive player to slam their chips in with a flopped draw, a pocket pair or even overcards to the board if either they or their opponents are approaching a short stack. When the stacks are a little deeper, shoving back into a position raiser when you've caught a fraction of the board also has the advantage of making hands that you're currently behind to buckle under the pressure of your all in. How to defend against it Players making a quick check on the flop might be doing so to make surew that you don't have time to change your mind about making a standard continuation bet, which they're waiting for before they hit the all in button. Flush draw and straight draw shoves tend to lose their attraction if you check to the turn as there's only one card to come. Weigh up whether a continuation bet or checking behind is the right thing to do in the given situation."

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Re: Rick Dacey: Fashion Victims Thats ok then I allready do that, thought it was some new short stack strategy I hadnt seen before. Would think the resteal is more tourney talk. Inducing a squeeze would require accurate reads on just about everyone at the table, way beyond my level.

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Re: Rick Dacey: Fashion Victims

And i don't know how to induce a squeeze :unsure
Not read the article - but I would imagine 'inducing a squeeze' is calling an early limp/weak raise with a monster, in the belief (hope) that the button is going to think your calling for value and the button sees this as as two mediocre hands so comes over the top (squeeze play) - then when the initial early position player folds you can play your massive hand and take down his 'squeeze hand' (which is probably garbage) :unsure Don't think its anything new, just fancy terminology for something most players would try if (as glceud says) you have good reads on the tables style of play. From there terminology most of these 'new' moves seem to have been brought (mutated) into the game to fight back at the aggressive online styles that have developed into the normal style of play. Nice quote from one of the Blogs I read in respect of the way that the 'optimal' way of play is now shifting away from the aggressive pre-flop style (GaF take note;) - The last paargraph is sort of what I was trying to explain in my comment on your image thread)
Barry Tanenbaum, in Card Player magazine column, available here. What is the biggest strategic change in the past few years? By far the biggest change in the games that I play is increased aggression. Many more players now play aggressively, and many play too aggressively. Coaches have been promoting selective, aggressive play for a long time, and increasingly, players are catching on to the aggressive part. Most still need a lot of work on the selective part. Interestingly, there is a lot to be said for passive play now, which was not true in the past. This strategy works only when your opponents will do your betting for you, often on substandard hands or even hopeless bluffs, if you let them. Far more players now bet virtually every time you check to them, eliminating the fear of giving them free cards. Since betting now represents some sort of badge of courage to many players, you need to give them more opportunities to make this sort of error.
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Re: Rick Dacey: Fashion Victims I see, thanks VoJ :ok I have tried it a few times where i'm expecting the button to raise, but from memory don't think it's come off once and instead i was left in a multi-way pot facing annoying problems post flop so from my experience definitely not a +EV move as the situations where it will come off perfectly out way all the other times you pick up a smaller pot and also face more difficult post flop problems. That quote sums up cash play for me nicely, i've said it numerous times over the last few weeks - A lot of people are aggressive just for aggressions sake leaving easy pickings post flop for people like me who stay tighter and pick our spots. Had this hand just a bit ago: Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $1 BB (6 handed) Full-Tilt Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver) MP ($111.70) CO ($100) Button ($228.05) SB ($185.50) Hero ($148.95) UTG ($100) Preflop: Hero is BB with 7diamond.gif, Aheart.gif. 4 folds, SB raises to $3.5, Hero raises to $10, SB calls $6. Flop: ($19.50) Tspade.gif, 2heart.gif, 6heart.gif (2 players) SB checks, Hero bets $8, SB raises to $23, Hero calls $15. Turn: ($65.50) 7heart.gif (2 players) SB checks, Hero bets $39, SB folds. Final Pot: $65.50 Results in white below: No showdown. Hero wins $65.50. Pre flop standard raise against LAG, know i've got position post flop. Post flop LAG insta checks, sooooooo obvious what his plan is so i dangle the juice with a cont. bet. There's no hand great he's check-raising with on this board. Turn actual good card for me and turns into a semi-bluff but LAG isn't interested at all, insta folds. Thankyou LAG, see yas laters, he left 2 hands later as he couldn't get going at all.

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